Title: Addressing False Causality while Detecting Predicates in Distributed Programs Authors: Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg Abstract: Partial-order models of distributed computation, based on the "happened before" relation, have been criticized for allowing "false causality" between events in distributed programs. We, therefore, extend this model to "dependency diagrams", which allow independent local events, and capture the semantics of multiple local threads of control. We address the "predicate detection problem" in the dependency diagram model of a distributed computation. We focus on the useful class of "weak conjunctive predicates". We show that, in general, the problem is NP-complete. However, we demonstrate an efficient solution for a useful class of dependency diagrams. We further show how this solution can be used to achieve an exponential reduction in the time taken to solve the general problem. The main application of predicate detection is in debugging and testing distributed programs. Our predicate detection algorithms in the extended model can be applied to distributed debugging and testing when the processes have independent events, as in the case of multi-threaded processes. Subject Areas: Distributed Software Engineering and Languages Distributed Algorithms and Verification Techniques