EE 322C: Data Structures
Fall 2005

The People

Instructor for this course
Name E-mail Phone number Office hours Office
Vijay K. Garg 471-9424 MW 2:00 - 3:30 ACES 5.436

TA: Selma Ikiz

TA's email address:

TA's office hours: T Th 1:30 - 3:30

Course Syllabus

This is a second course in programming, data structures and algorithms. The prerequisite is EE 312. All the assignments will require programming in C++. However, please note that the emphasis of the course will be on design of data structures and algorithms and not on esoteric features of C++.

Texts : The textbook required for this course is
1. Data Structures with C++ Using STL by William Ford and William Topp, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
web site for the book

Computer Assignments: Computer programs will be graded for correctness, algorithm design (where applicable), coding, comments, test thoroughness, error messages, and error recovery. Your submission must include the program source code.

Grading Policy: Grading will be relative. The course will have five assignments and determine 40% of the course grade. There will be two tests each with weight of 15% and a final exam with weight of 30%.

Late Assignment Policy: The penalty for late assignments is 10% per day (24 hours, weekends included). Late assignments may not be submitted for credit after the assigments are returned.

Test Policy: Tests and the final exam will be closed book and notes unless announced otherwise. The tests will be given in class. The final exam date and time will be as announced by the University schedule.

Important Dates