TTh 12:30 - 2:00
ENS 116
Unique No. 17160
Instructor: Prof. Vijay K. Garg ; Office: ACE 5.436; Phone: 471-9424 ;
e-mail: garg AT;
Office Hours: T Th 3:00-4:30 (or by appointment);
Prerequisites: Programming experience, Graduate standing
Textbook :
Elements of Distributed Computing by Vijay K. Garg,
Wiley & Sons, 2002. The textbook will be supplemented with
a set of papers .
Course Contents: This will be an introductory graduate level course in
distributed systems. It will expose students to theoretical
as well as practical aspects of designing such systems.
The course assumes that the student has some familiarity with
programming. There is no final exam but there will be
two exams during the course.
The following topics will be covered in the course:
Week | Topics | Course Material |
1 | Introduction, posets, Happened-Before, lattices, Clocks (physial, logical, vector, chain) | C1-5, [L78] |
2 | Mutex Algorithms: Lamport, Ricart-Agrawala, Drinking Philosophers, Quorums | C6-8 |
3 | Snapshot algorithms, Leader election, Spanning tree, | C9, C10, C18, [CL], [GG], [GHS] |
4 | Randomization, Chernoff's bound, Distributed Trigger Counting, Maximal Independent Set | [CCGS11], [Luby86] |
5 | Global Predicates (linear, relational), Birkhoff's Theorem, Slicer, termination detection | [IG06], [MG02], C11-14, C21 |
6 | Test 1, Causal and Total Message Order, Synchronizers, Self-stabilization | C16, C17, C21, C23 |
7 | Common Knowledge, FLP, Consensus in synchronous systems, Paxos, Byzantine Agreement | C24-26 |
8 | Weighted Byzantine, Accurate Byzantine, Approximate Agreement, Practical Byzantine | [GB11], [GBB11] |
9 | Basic Linear Codes, Reed-Solomon, Fusion based Fault-Tolerance | [G10], [GB11] |
10 | Failure Detectors, Publish-Subscription Systems | C28, [PubSub03] |
11 | Map-Reduce, Google File System, P2P Systems | [DG04], [GGL03], [Chord03] |
12 | Social Networking, Applications of Game theory to Distributed Computing |
13 | Trace Analysis, Controlling Distributed Computations | C15, [SG04], [OG07] |
14 | Term Project Presentations |
15 | Term Project Presentations, Survey |
Grading: 25 % Assignments, 25 % Exam 1 (in-class),
15% Term paper, 5% Class presentation,
30 % Exam 2.
Scribe Notes from Spring 2011
Course Evaluation: Standard ; Add/Drop Policy: Standard.
Disabilities statement:
"The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate
academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For
more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at
471-6259, 471-4641 TTY."