General information: | Overview | Syllabus | Textbooks | Prerequisites | Related courses | |||||
Course resources: | Lecture | Handouts | Homework | Laboratory | Reader | |||||
Other information: | Alumni | Canvas | Thanks | Playlist | ||||||
CommSys@UT: | Faculty | Undergrad study | Graduate study | Research | ||||||
Download the course reader, which includes all lecture slides, all handouts, and recent midterm exams.
In this course, students derive algorithms from signal processing theory and map the algorithms to embedded software. They learn design flows from application theory to algorithm design to simulation in MATLAB and embedded software implementation in C. At various stages in the design flow, students explore and quantify design tradeoffs in signal quality vs. implementation for various algorithms. Applications include audio, image processing, biomedical instrumentation and communication systems.
The teaching assistants are Mr. Faraz Barati and Mr. Yongjin Eun. Lab sections will meet meet in person at the following times: Mondays 6:30pm-9:30pm (Barati), Tuesdays 3:30pm-6:30pm (Barati), Wednesdays 6:30pm-9:30pm (Eun) and Fridays 1:00pm-4:00pm (Eun). Students work in teams of two in the lab. A maximum of 12 students are in each lab section. The TAs will also hold weekly office hours in the lab room and by Zoom on Wednesdays 4:30-6:00pm (Barati), Thursdays 2:00-3:30pm (Barati), Thursdays 3:30-5:00pm (Eun), and Fridays 4:00-5:30pm (Eun).
In the graduate curriculum, this course may be applied to an MSECE degree provided that it is taken for letter grade and a grade of at least B- is received. Up to two undergraduate courses may be applied toward an MSECE degree, subject to the approval of the curriculum track academic advisor. Undergraduate courses do not apply to the coursework requirements for a PhDECE degree.
The video recordings of lectures
from spring 2014 are available on
These recordings along with the notes that you have taken in lecture
would be helpful in reviewing lecture material.
Student advice to get the most out of this course:
Last updated 01/11/25.
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