Signal Processing: Image Communication,
vol. 61, Feb. 2018, pp. 54-72.
Perceptual Quality Evaluation of Synthetic Pictures Distorted by
Compression and Transmission
Debarati Kundu (1),
Lark Kwon Choi (2),
Alan C. Bovik (2) and
Brian L. Evans (1)
Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory,
Wireless Networking and Communications Group,
The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712 USA -
Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering,
Wireless Networking and Communications Group,
The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712 USA -
ESPL Synthetic Image Database
Measuring visual quality, as perceived by human observers, is becoming increasingly
important in a large number of applications where humans are the ultimate consumers
of visual information.
Many natural image databases have been developed that contain human subjective
ratings of the images.
Subjective quality evaluation data is less available for synthetic images, such as
those commonly encountered in graphics novels, online games or internet ads.
A wide variety of powerful full-reference, reduced-reference and no-reference
Image Quality Assessment (IQA) algorithms have been proposed for natural images,
but their performance has not been evaluated on synthetic images.
In this paper we
- conduct a series of subjective tests on a new publicly available
Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory (ESPL) Synthetic Image Database, which
contains 500 distorted images (20 distorted images for each of the 25 original images)
in 1920 × 1080 resolution, and
- evaluate the performance of more than 50 publicly available IQA algorithms on
the new database.
The synthetic images in the database were processed by post acquisition distortions,
including those arising from compression and transmission.
We collected 26,000 individual ratings from 64 human subjects which can be used to
evaluate full-reference, reduced-reference, and no-reference IQA algorithm performance.
We find that IQA models based on scene statistics models can successfully predict the
perceptual quality of synthetic scenes.
The database is available at
Expected Contributions
What is the contribution of this paper to the image processing
community (a couple of sentences)?
In this paper, the authors have developed a synthetic image
database containing different distortions and conducted subjective
tests to gauge the perceptual quality of the images.
More than 50 state-of-the-art full-reference, reduced-reference
and no-reference image quality assessment algorithms have been
evaluated on this database and correlated against the subjective
test scores.
Why is this contribution significant
(What impact will it have)?
The number of synthetic image databases with subjective ratings is
relatively less compared to those available for natural images.
This works aims to fill in that gap and will enable researchers to
evaluate the performance of image quality assessment algorithms on
synthetic images.
What are the three papers in the published literature most closely
related to this paper?
- H. R. Sheikh, M. F. Sabir, and A. C. Bovik, "A statistical evaluation
of recent full reference image quality assessment algorithms,"
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 3440-3451, Nov 2006.
- N. Ponomarenko, L. Jin, O. Ieremeiev, V. Lukin, K. Egiazarian,
J. Astola, B. Vozel, K. Chehdi, M. Carli, F. Battisti, and C.-C. J. Kuo,
"Image database TID2013: Peculiarities, results and perspectives",
Signal Processing: Image Communication,
vol. 30, pp. 57-77. 2015.
- M. Cadik, R. Herzog, R. Mantiuk, K. Myszkowski, and H.-P. Seidel,
"New measurements reveal weaknesses of image quality metrics in
evaluating graphics artifacts", ACM Transactions on Graphics,
vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1-10, Nov. 2012.
What is distinctive/new about the current paper relative to these
previously published works?
The first and the second references are popular natural image quality
assessment databases, but our work emphasizes how users perceive
distortions in synthetic images. The third reference is a paper on
synthetic image quality assessment, but compared to the database used
in this paper, our database deals with a wider class of distortions,
especially transmission artifacts such as those arising from JPEG
compression and transmission over an wireless channel, which has not
been studied before for computer graphics generated images.
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Last Updated 11/29/17.