Lab Assignment 1 Regrade Instructions

As Dr Patt mentioned in his email to the class, the regrades will be processed in two phases: first the unfairly penalized cases (a few careless simple mistakes), and then general resubmissions.

In both cases, only you and your original partner may modify your originally submitted files!

Unfairly Penalized Cases (a Few Careless Simple Mistakes)

Deadline: Tuesday, February 24th at 11:59pm

We consider an assembler.c submission unfairly penalized if one or more small errors in it were caught by a large number of test cases (ten or more). The typical errors are:

  1. Hard coded input/output file name(s)
  2. Invalid output file format
  3. Wrong assumptions about the input file format
  4. No return 0 or exit(0) at the end of main() function

If you think your assembler.c program was unfairly penalized, please send an email to Khubaib at with a list of the bugs and the corrected version of the program. Do not fix any bugs that do not fall into the “unfairly penalized” category as defined above! (if you think that you had a simple mistake and that is not listed above, please email Khubaib). You will be able to fix any other bugs in a general resubmission. The deadline for this email is Tuesday, February 24th at 11:59pm.

We will not consider any mul.asm files unfairly penalized.

Your grade for Lab 1 will be replaced with the grade earned by the corrected version. This grade will count as the original grade for the purposes of general resubmission described below.

General Resubmissions

Deadline: Tuesday, February 24th at 11:59pm

You may resubmit your solution to Lab 1 for a regrade under the following conditions:

  1. You are eligible to receive one half of the points you lost, i.e. your final grade will be the arithmetic mean of the original grade and the regrade score.

    Thus, if your original grade was 50, and your resubmission is perfect, you will receive an additional 25 points for a total grade of 75.

  2. You must follow the same submission instructions provided with the original Lab 1. You should submit your files using the submit-ee360n script.

    Note that you will have to submit both files (assembler.c and mul.asm) for a regrade. So even if only your assembly language program is changed, you will have to resubmit your assembler also.

  3. You may submit your new files anytime starting Friday, February 20th 12:00pm (noon) until Tuesday, February 24th 11:59pm.

    Under no circumstances will files submitted after the deadline be considered for a regrade!

  4. Please compile and test your program before submitting, on any ECE linux machine (sunfire machines are not linux machines). This is the platform we will be using to test your program. If your new files generate compile errors or segmentation faults, your regrade score will be 0 (for that part).

  5. Many people have lost points in mul.asm. Please make sure that your mul.asm assembles correctly with the assembler we provided. At this point you can also test the program in your Lab 2 simulator to make sure it also produces the correct results.