Ramesh Yerraballi



Teaching Evaluations


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Contact:  ramesh@mail.utexas.edu
Office Hrs (EER 5.824):
 TTh: 9:30-11:00am and

“It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin barefoot irreverence to their studies, they are here not to worship the known but to question it”

 -Jacob Bronowski 

Current Courses: 

(Fall 2024)

EE 306 : Introduction to Computing
- Syllabus

Course Summary: This is the first course in computing for students of computer engineering, electrical engineering. The objective is to provide a strong foundation that a serious student can build on in later courses across the spectrum of computer science and engineering. The idea is that a more complete understanding of the fundamentals will help a student acquire a deeper understanding of more advanced topics, whether that topic is in computer architecture, operating systems, data base, net-works, algorithm design, software engineering, or whatever. The approach is "motivated" bottom-up. Starting with the transistor as a switch, we build logic gates, then more complex logic structures, then gated latches, culminating in an implementation of memory. From there, we study the computer's instruction cycle, and then a particular computer, the LC-3 (for Little Computer 3). The LC-3 captures the important structures of a modern computer, while keeping it simple enough to allow full understanding. (Yale Patt's wording)
Class Times: MW 12:00-1:30pm; MW 3:00-4:30pm

EE461S: Operating Systems - Syllabus

Course Summary: This is an introductory course on Operating Systems with focus on learning by doing. The format of the course is project driven, where each component of the operating system is covered in detail in the lectures and the student will implement the component in a real operating system. The fundamental topics covered are in four parts. (a)  Boot Process, Pro-cess and Thread Management with Scheduling, Concurrency and Synchronization. (b) Ad-dress Translation, Memory Management, Caching and Virtual Memory. (c) File Systems and I/O Management. (d) Advanced topics like, Virtual Machines, Networking and Security. 
Class Times:  MW 9:00-10:30pm