EE382M.2 - Dependable Computing

Instructor: Nur Touba
Unique No.:

Prerequisite: Basic logic design course, (VLSI Testing not necessary)

Area: Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS)

VLSI Testing is not a prerequisite for this course. This course covers design and analysis of dependable computing systems. The following topics will be covered:

Failure Mechanisms in IC's - What causes circuits and systems to fail? What limits yield and reliability?
Early Failure Screening - Burn in, stress testing, accelerated life screening
Faults Models - Permanent, transient, and intermittent faults
Reliability - How to model and evaluate reliability and availability, failure rates, combinatorial methods
Redundancy - How to use hardware, software, and temporal redundancy to increase reliability
Error Detection and Correction - Error detecting codes and techniques, self-checking circuits
Fault Tolerant System Design