Instructor: Nur Touba
Unique No.: 14960
Prerequisite: Basic logic design course
Area: Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS)
VLSI Test Principles and Architectures: Design for Testability
(Systems on Silicon) (ISBN: 0-1237-0597-5)
This course covers VLSI testing and design-for-testability. The
following topics are covered:
Fault Models - Stuck-at, Bridging, Delay, etc.
Test Pattern Generation - ATPG algorithms and issues,
Psuedo-exhaustive test, Functional testing
Design-for-Testability - Ad-hoc, Scan, Boundary Scan
Built-in Self-Test (BIST) - Techniques and architectures
Diagnosis - Techniques and algorithms
System-on-a-Chip (SOC) Testing - Techniques for core based designs
The course focuses on both current industrial practice as well as
cutting edge research in VLSI testing. There are two design projects.