Steps for Obtaining a Ph.D. in Integrated Circuits and
Systems (ICS) area (if admitted before Fall 2018)
If you were admitted in Fall 2018 or later, please follow the ECE
department unified qualifying procedure.
For students admitted before Fall 2018. There are two parts to the qualifying exam. After passing both parts,
then the student offically becomes a Ph.D. candidate. After a student
completes the Ph.D. research, then the last step is to do the defense.
Qualifying Exam Part I
The purpose of this exam is to determine if the student has the
necessary academic preparation to pursue a Ph.D. degree. In the
ICS area, this will involve getting a letter from the advisor and
verifying grades in
ICS major area classes.
- Students must fill out this
form and
submit it to the ICS area coordinator (currently Nur Touba).
- Student must also submit a letter from their advisor (which may
also be emailed directly to the ICS area coordinator).
- ICS area coordinator will verify that GPA in
ICS major area classes
satisfies requirements.
- Students petitioning for consideration must submit a resume,
copies of papers published, and optionally letters of recommendation.
All faculty in the ICS area will be invited to a meeting to review and
discuss each petitioning student. Pass/Fail will be determined by a
majority vote of faculty present at the meeting. Faculty that are not
able to attend the meeting may assign a proxy vote by sending an email
to the ICS graduate coordinator.
- If the ICS area denies a student's petition, the student may
appeal the decision to the ECE Graduate Studies Committee by filing a
written petition to the ECE GSC Chair.
Qualifying Exam Part II
Only students that have passed Part I can move on to Part II. The
student needs to form a committee and get the committee approved. The
proposal for the committee should be submitted to the circuits area
coordinator (currently Nur Touba) at least 3 weeks before the exam.
Forming Ph.D. Committee
- The committee must consist of at least 5 members.
- The supervisor (or co-supervisor) must be a member of the ECE GSC
(Graduate Studies Committee).
- At least one other faculty member (other than the supervisor or
co-supervisor) must be from the circuits area.
- There must be at least 3 ECE GSC members on the committee.
- There must be at least one outside faculty member either from
another department (not ECE) or from industry on the committee. The
outside member must not be on the ECE GSC. Note
that some CS faculty and faculty in other departments are on the ECE
GSC, so make sure the outside member is not on the ECE GSC.
- The co-supervisor cannot be counted as the outside member of the
qualifying exam committee .
- Including someone from industry on the committee is encouraged
(they must have a Ph.D. and need to fill out this
to serve on the committee). It is also
okay to have 6 members (but not more than that). In some
circumstances, it is possible to have a non-Ph.D. serve on the
committee, but they must have unquestioned qualifications to judge a
UT Ph.D. (be research active with many publications).
- The chair of the committee must be someone from the ECE
department and cannot be the supervisor (or co-supervisor).
- Once the committee is formed, please send the following to the
circuits area coordinator: title of proposed dissertation, list of
members, name of supervisor, name of chair, name of external
member. This should be sent at least 3 weeks before
the exam.
Note that you don't need to know the exact date of the exam. All that
is needed is the title and committee members so that an announcement
can be sent out to the ECE faculty. This is to provide the faculty an
opportunity to object if they have any concerns about the composition
of the committee.
Format of Exam
- Student must submit a written proposal to the committee at least
14 days before the exam. It should be concise, preferably not more
than 20 pages. It should include a list of courses the student has
taken at UT as well as graduate courses taken elsewhere with the
following information: number and name of course, name of instructor,
semester the course was taken, and the grade received.
- The student should make sure the room is reserved and should send a
reminder to the committee members the day before the exam.
- The exam consists of two parts. In the open room part, the
student gives a 45-55 minute presentation attended by the committee
members and may also be attended by others who are not on the
committee. In the closed room part, only the committee members can be
present and ask questions of the student.
- The student should bring a copy of the
Report of the Qualifying Exam
form to the exam to give to the chair to fill out, and then it
should be submitted to the graduate office. Also, the student should fill out
Ph.D Program of Work form and give it to the chair as well.
This form also needs to be signed by the chair and submitted to the
graduate office.
When the dissertation is ready, and the supervisor gives approval,
the defense can be scheduled.
Format of Defense
- Student must schedule a time when the committee members can meet
and arrange for a room.
- Student must submit a copy of the final draft of the dissertation
to each member of the committee at least 4 weeks before the defense.
- At least two weeks before the defense, a form must be submitted
to the graduate school.
- The format of the exam is similar to Part II of the Qualifying
Exam. Anyone can attend the open room part which consists of a 45-55
minute presentation, but only the committee members are present for
the closed room part.
- The supervisor serves as chair for the defense.
Attendance Rules for Defense
Physical or virtual attendance by committee members is required
including the supervisor. Only one committee member may be absent.
The absent member must provide assurance that the dissertation will be
read, and if approved, signed. There is no distinction between
physical and virtual attendance. The student may even attend
If the student is not able to find a date where all but one committee
member can attend (if more than one committee member cannot attend), Dean
Neikirk will review a petition from the GSC Chair & the student's supervisor.
The petition should explain the extraordinary circumstances that would
cause more than one committee member to be absent. The absent committee
member should also endorse such a petition.
ECE Homepage,
UT Homepage