EE445L Embedded Systems Design Lab Fall 2018 (11/15/2018 version)
Course Catalog Description Design of microcontroller-based embedded systems; interfacing from both a hardware and software perspective; and applications, including audio, data acquisition, and communication systems.

Class: EER 1.516, Tuesday, Thursday 3:30-4:45pm 

Office Hours: Tue 11-12, Tue 2-3, Thur 11-12, Thur 2-3, Fri 10-12, Fri 1-2 You may schedule additional office hours by appointment or drop in if you see my door open 

Instructor: Jonathan W. Valvano, EER 5.820 

email:      (put "EE445L" in the email title, send no ZIP files) 
Web page:    
Required Text: Embedded Systems: Real-Time Interfacing to ARM Cortex M Microcontrollers, Fifth edition 2017, ISBN: 978-1463590154 (fourth edition is ok)
Lecture Videos:
Lecture Powerpoints:

Download software example projects

Equipment to buy:

1) Board. Every student will be required to have a Texas Instruments TM4C123 LaunchPad by Friday 9/6. Since we will be using the TM4C123 kit in EE319K and EE445L for a few years, you will have the option of selling it at the end of the semester.  If you can find an EK-LM4F120XL board, it could also be used. Since it is only $13, we suggest each student purchase a board and a breadboard. Buying options for the board can be found by searching However, one option is to purchase it directly from . We have been using the TM4C123 board in EE319K since Fall 2013, so you might be able to find one used. If you do purchase a used microcontroller board, ask a TA or me to run the board tester to make sure all the pins work. If it still works at the end of the semester, you will be able to sell this board to students in the next semester.

2) LCD. Each group of two students will need to a LCD graphics display. We will be using Sitronix ST7735R 18-bit color 1.8" TFT LCD display for $20 plus shipping,   If you want a lower cost version you could order it from China (search ST7735R on Amazon or  ebay). EE445L has a design competition where students build embedded system. Using the same LCD for labs and for the project will save you time. Just like the microcontroller board, you will have the option of selling the Sitronix LCD to students next semester.
3) Breadboard. You will need a solderless breadboard. We strongly recommend you do not buy used or borrow a breadboard, because as the breadboards get old they fail in mysterious and extremely annoying ways (shorts and opens).  The Twin Industries TW-E40-1020 is a breadboard that is easy to find. You can find it for sale on the internet by searching :   Any breadboard, any size will be OK. Another approach is to search "solderless breadboard" on or
4) Wirestrippers and voltmeter. You will need own your own pair of wire-strippers and a digital multimeter. You will be stripping a lot of 22 or 24 gauge wire as you build the interface circuits. Your meter must be able to measure voltage and resistance, so a meter costing around $20 will suffice.  Since you will be making hundreds of solder joints this semester, we suggest you use the high-quality irons available on the second floor.  The NI MyDAC you bought in EE302 can be used for as the voltmeter.

Lab: EER1.806  (shared with EE445M/EE380L.12)

Unique Numbers:
Unique: 16515 TTh 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Unique: 16520 MW 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Unique: 16525 TTh 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Unique: 16530 TTh 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Unique: 16535 TTh 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

Great TAs:   email all TAs professors and staff               
    William Glanton   

    Sam Harper
    Ze Lyu

Reference materials on the web:  Data sheets for devices used in EE445L Starter files for EE445L and EE345M   C programming reference manual  Old exams
Put this DLL LaunchPadDLL.dll into your Keil/ARM/bin folder so you can simulate some of the TM4C123 LaunchPad devices used in EE319K.

Other references: For programming in C see the EE312 materials or the second half of the EE306 text.
Prerequisites: EE312 and EE319K with a grade of at least C- in each; EE411 and EE313, or BME311 and BME343, with a grade of at least C- in each; and credit with a grade of at least C- or registration for BME333T, or EE333T.
Specific EE319K topics needed for EE445L: LED interface, switch interface, busy-wait synchronization, serial communication concepts (start bit, data bits, stop bit, baud rate, bandwidth), UART programming, analog to digital conversion (range, resolution, precision, accuracy), ADC programming, digital to analog conversion (range, resolution, precision, accuracy), interrupt concepts (arm, enable, acknowledge, vector), Output compare interrupt programming
Specific EE312 topics needed for EE445L: Modular programming, differences between pointers and numbers, when to use permanent allocation and when to use temporary allocation, definitions of char, short and long, understanding and use of static, const and volatile,  understanding call by value versus call by reference, stack frames, structures, linked lists, fifo queues, verification. The most important component students must be able to accomplish is the translation of a problem statement into software code. The second most important skill we expect students to have is the ability to debug software. 
Specific EE302/EE411/EE313/EE438 topics needed for EE445L: RLC circuits, NPN and PNP transistors, input impedance, output impedance, linear amplifiers using op amps, oscilloscopes, sampling, frequency response, Bode Plots, Fourier Transform, spectrum measurements.
Teaching philosophy:  I strongly encourage students to take an active role in this class.  Questions are welcome before, during and after class. Please feel free to email, visit or call me if you have questions.
Specific Objectives of EE445L   The primary objective of EE445L is for the students to develop the ability to design microcomputer-based embedded systems. This class allows students to learn microcomputer interfacing from both a hardware and software perspective.
Microcomputer Architecture (EE319K review)
     An introduction to the microcomputer, architecture, The Cortex M4 Instruction Set, Cortex M4 Addressing Modes, I/O and Memory Organization, The memory map of the TM4C123  
Programming Microprocessors (EE312, EE322C review)
    Data Structures in C (arrays, tables, linked lists, stacks, and fifo queues), Writing Quality Programs in C, Passing Parameters (Conceptual and Implementation Levels), Modular Programming, Verification and Testing, Documentation
Microcomputer Bus Interfaces
    Digital Hardware, Modules and Signals, Drivers, Registers, Timing equations, Timing diagrams,
Parallel and Serial Input-Output
    TM4C Parallel I/O Devices,  Device Driver Software, Buffered Input and Output,  Table and Linked List Interpreters, TM4C Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Input-Output, Synchronization in I/O devices, Blind-Cycle Synchronization, Busy-Wait Synchronization, Interrupt Synchronization, Polled Interrupts, Vectored Interrupts, Interrupt Priority
Parallel Port Interfaces
    Keyboards, Key Debouncing, Keyboard Scanning Techniques, LED Scanning Techniques and LCD Interfacing
Data Acquisition Systems
    Bridge circuits, op amps, low pass filters, instrumentation amplifiers, DAC, ADC, audio amplifiers
Motor interfacing
    Stepper motors, DC motors, pulse-width modulation, integral control
Outcomes: After the successful conclusion of EE445L students should be able to design embedded systems including hardware/software interfaces for devices like LCD displays, motors, keyboards, analog sensors and speakers. Furthermore, students will be able to deploy these systems into the IoT environment.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend lectures. The book covers more information than the class and we will use lectures to map our way through the book. If you miss class you may find it difficult to catch up.
Grading :    
        50% Laboratory assignment with a large weight applied to Labs 7, 8 and 11
        15% Quiz 1, closed book (1-page crib notes), Thursday, October 11, 3:30-4:45pm, in class
        15% Quiz 2, open book, Tuesday, November 20, 3:30-4:45pm, in class
        20% Final, closed (no crib notes)/open book, Tuesday, December 18, 9:00am-12:00 noon, regularly scheduled time and place
When studying, focus on the topics that apply to the ARM Cortex M and the lab assignments.  You will find old quizzes and finals with solutions on the class web site. I have no expected grade cutoffs or expected GPA for this class. You can view the previous GPAs for most of your classes at UT (MyEdu reports I give a GPA in this class of about 3.3).  All professors want a 5 on their teaching evaluation, and all students want an A. However, I feel both should only be awarded for excellence.  

Safety warnings: Due to the lead in most solder, please wash your hands after soldering, before eating or drinking. If you drop the soldering iron, let it fall to the ground. Do not try and catch it. If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant, have someone else do the soldering.

Lab Partners: All labs should be performed with a partner. You and your lab partner must be registered for the same lab section. The lab partnership must be registered with your TA (a simple hand written note signed by both students will suffice) during the week of 9/3 to 9/5. Once registered, the partnership will continue. A partnership can be dissolved only after discussion with the TA. Both partners must be present during the demonstration. It is expected that both partners will contribute to all aspects of each lab, and both partners are expected to be present during the check out. The point values are the same for all labs. Lab partners will be selected in your lab the week of 9/3 to 9/5. If you want to switch sections, there will be a googleDoc link on canvas, on which you can request a section swap. Basically, you will need another student (not your lab partner) with whom you will switch sections. 
  Lab 1. ASCII to fixed-point output to LCD, group of 2
  Lab 2.
Debugging, oscilloscope fundamentals, logic analyzer, dump profile, group of 2
  Lab 3. Alarm clock, LCD, edge-triggered input interrupts, and SysTick periodic interrupts, group of 2
  Lab 4D. IEE802.11Wi-Fi communication, TCP, client-server, IoT, group of 2
  Lab 5. 12-bit DAC, SPI, Music player, audio amp, group of 2 
  Lab 6. Introduction to PCB Layout, PCB Artist, done individually, (paper design only)
  Lab 7.
Design and Layout of an Embedded System, group of 4
  Lab 8.
Software Drivers for an Embedded System, group of 4
  Lab 9. Temperature measurement, ADC, LCD, group of 2
  Lab 10. DC motor control, timer interrupts, PWM output, input capture, integral control, group of 2
  Lab 11. Final Design and Evaluation of Embedded System, group of 4

EE445L Laboratory Schedule (see your TA for the latest). Each week there are two 90 minute lab sessions, which are scheduled Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. You will show the preparation to your TA at the beginning of the second session. During the first session demonstrations will be made. The TA will sign your software listing when you demonstrate your system. The report (hardware/software/data plots) is due Friday uploaded to Blackboard according to the directions posted on Canvas. Any EE445L TA is authorized to checkout your lab.  Please consult with your TA for specific due dates for your lab section.

Texas Instruments Design Competition. All of the Lab 7,8,11 projects will automatically quality for the TI design competition. We will encourage submission to this competition. 


Lab Schedule This is an approximate schedule, please check with your TA for the latest version.


First session

Second session

Friday Canvas)






no lab activities, buy your TM4C123 board, Lab starts 9/4


Meet the TA**

partners chosen, 1 Prep


Keil uVision demonstration, PCB Artist (SCH) demonstration  (**no Labs on Labor Day)


1 Demo

2 Prep

1 Report

Oscilloscope demonstration


2 Demo

3 Prep

2 Report

Logic analyzer demonstration


3 Demo

4 Prep

3 Report

Spectrum analyzer demo


4 Demo

5 Prep

4 Report

PCB Artist (PCB) demonstration


5 Demo

6 Prep


Quiz 1 is 10/11


6 Demo, 5 Report


6 Report



7 Prep


Rough draft

Upload to Canvas SCH/PCB files to TA by 10am Friday 10/26


7 Demo

8 Prep

7 Report

final SCH/PCB files due on Canvas at 10am Thursday 11/1


8 Demo

9 Prep

8 Report

Lab 8 report is just the software 

  11/12   9 Demo   10 Prep   9 Report



no lab Wed, Thur


Quiz 2 is 11/20 *week of thanksgiving 


10 Demo

11 Prep 

10 Report 



11 Demo

11 Report

Turn in equipment by 12/5    

  12/6   Expo   Expo Thursday 12/6, 3:30-4:45 in EER lobby

"8 Demo" means your PCB Artist files are delivered to the TA

Prep = you turn in your lab preparation
Demo = you demonstrate your lab to the TA
Partial = you demonstrate first part of a two-week lab to the TA
Report = you turn in your complete lab report to the TA


PCB production schedule

- Rough draft due to TA Friday 10am  10/26 on Canvas

- PCB files due Thursday 11/1 10am on Canvas

- TA downloads files from Canvas and creates an XLS sheet

- PCB ordered on Thursday 11/1 by 12 noon

- Boards received Monday 11/12 or Tuesday 11/12.

- Lab 11 prep 11/26 or 11/27 all parts soldered and microcontroller can be programmed.

    During the week of 9/3, please go to your scheduled EE445L lab sessions in  EER1.806 to get a demonstration of the lab equipment.  If you do not already own a TM4C123 board, you must purchase one.  Each student should have their own board.  The lab preparations (hardware diagrams and syntax-free software source code printouts) must be uploaded to Canvas prior to the beginning of your lab period. PLEASE SEE YOUR TA ON EXACT REQUIREMENTS FOR TURNING IN LAB ASSIGNMENTS. In other words, please type your software into the PC before lab. Attendance in lab is required. All software for lab, and tests must include comments. All hardware must include R&C values specifying tolerance and type (e.g., 5% carbon), and chip numbers (be very specific e.g., INA122P). Pin numbers are required only for lab, not for the exams.
    Students are encouraged to go to the last 1 hour of the other lab periods, but the first priority will be to the regular students. The uploading of preparations will close once Lab has begun. For the first 15 minutes of lab, the TA will lead a lab discussion session. The remaining lab time is available for debugging and lab checkout. At the end of the semester please verify with the checkout counter that your record is clear. All reports must be given to the TA by Friday December 7, 2pm.

This is an approximate schedule, please check the website for the latest version.

Week Chapter Lecture Topic  YouTube Playlist   Link to Powerpoints 
8/30 1, 2 aLec01
Introduction to EE445L,
Embedded Systems
9/3 2, 3 aLec03
Graphics, Lab1 project, call graphs
Arm Cortex M architecture, features of the TM4C123, data flow graphs,
Introduction to interfacing, hardware software synchronization
Interrupts, Lab2 project
9/10 2,3,4, 5 aLec08
Critical sections,
Debugging  debugging techniques, and programming style, dumps, monitor
Edge-triggered interrupts
BJT transistor interface
9/17 3
Specifications and software style
Introduction to communication systems
Wifi, Wireless communication, client server, IoT (Lab 4 material)
Demonstration of CC3100 Weather monitor, and Lab 4
9/24 11.4
Demonstration of ESP8266
DAC fundamentals, Nyquist Theorem (Lab 5 material)
SPI and DAC interface, timing analysis
Sound and Music Generation
10/1 9.2.2
TPA731 audio amplifiers, see Example 10.4
DAC performance measures
PCB Layout, Lab 6 material
System level design, clock, power, packaging
10/8 9 aLec24
Lab 6 demo
Quiz 1 review
Quiz 1 (10/11)
10/15 9
Low power design, regulators, PCB layout
Power supplies, batteries, regulators
10/22 8.1
Vol 3
Enclosures, connectors
Resistors, capacitors
File system using FAT16
Input capture, period measurement
10/29 10.2
Op amps
Threshold detection
Resistance bridge, instrumentation amplifier
11/5 8.3
Analog filters: HPF, LPF, 2-pole Butterworth LPF
Introduction to Sampling
Nyquist Theorem, Aliasing, DFT
Data Acquisition Systems
11/12 8.5.2
ADC Conversion Techniques
DC  Motors, PWM,  interface electronics (TIP120, snubber diodes)
BLDC, Servos, Stepper Motors
Input capture, tachometer interface
Control Systems,
Lab 10 demonstration
11/19 6,8,10

Quiz 2 review 

Quiz 2, 11/20
11/26 11

Finite State Machines, Stepper Motors
 Lab 11 programming demo
Real-time operating systems
Communication Theory
12/3 1.6
Keyboard Interfacing, Scanned LED Display
Open house, final class competition, outside Lab

Legal Stuff: The 12th class day is Sept 14. The drop policy is extremely complicated. See your academic advisor or the Dean of Students for more information. Course evaluation is conducted on the last class day in accordance with the Measurement and Evaluation Center form. The final exam is at the time and place stated in the course schedule. The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students with Disabilities at 471-6259, 471-4241 TDD. 

Religious Holy Days By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, I will give you an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence. 

Scholastic dishonesty: "Faculty in the ECE Department are committed to detecting and responding to all instances of scholastic dishonesty and will pursue cases of scholastic dishonesty in accordance with university policy. Scholastic dishonesty, in all its forms, is a blight on our entire academic community. All parties in our community -- faculty, staff, and students -- are responsible for creating an environment that educates outstanding engineers, and this goal entails excellence in technical skills, self-giving citizenry, an ethical integrity. Industry wants engineers who are competent and fully trustworthy, and both qualities must be developed day by day throughout an entire lifetime. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, or any act designed to give an unfair academic advantage to the student. The fact that you are in this class as an engineering student is testament to your abilities. Penalties for scholastic dishonesty are severe and can include, but are not limited to, a written reprimand, a zero on the assignment/exam, re-taking the exam in question, an F in the course, or expulsion from the University. Don't jeopardize your career by an act of scholastic dishonesty. Details about academic integrity and what constitutes scholastic dishonesty can be found at the website for the UT Dean of Students Office and the General Information Catalog, Section 11-802." 
You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts with other students. You can give "consulting" help to or receive "consulting" help from such students in oral form. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an email, an email attachment file, a portable storage device, or a hard copy. Copying of any part of a program is cheating without explicit reference to its source. We do enter lab assignments turned in by EE445L students through a plagiarism checker, comparing them to assignments of this and previous semesters. If we find two programs that are copied, there will be a substantial penalty to both students, e.g., failure in the course. Students who cheat on tests or in lab will fail. Prosecution of cases is very traumatic to both the student and instructor. It is appropriate to use software out of the book, class website as long as all copy-pasted software is explicitly referenced. Copy-pasting software from current or past students is scholastic dishonesty. Policies concerning the use of other people's software in this class:
    · I strongly encourage you to study existing software.
    · All applications and libraries must be legally obtained. E.g.,
        You may use libraries that came when you bought a compiler.
        You may use software obtained from the web.
        You may copy and paste from the existing source code.
    · You may use any existing source code that is clearly referenced and categorized:
        original: completely written by you,
        derived: fundamental approach is copied but it is your implementation,
        modified: source code significantly edited to serve your purpose,
        copied: source code includes minor modifications.
The University Honor Code is "The core values of the University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community."

The Digilent Analog Discovery is a low-cost but wonderful tool for this class. It is not required, but very handy, especially if you need to work at home this semester.

Software applications

To complete EE445L labs it will take time outside of the 3 scheduled lab hours. With the crowding we expect in ECJ, it will be important for you to configure a development system on your laptop (Keil version 4.7x, PuTTy, and PCB artist). This way you will be mobile and flexible about where and when you work on lab. For Keil 4.7x installation see . For PuTTY see . For PCB artist see 

Request samples (DIP or PDIP package) The parts labeled 1) 2) 3) 4) will be requested for you. In other words, we will make one request for the entire class. However, keep these web sites in mind as you design your Labs 7, 8, 11. You will order something as part of Lab 6.  Please order 2,3,4,5 now. Then wait until you design Lab 7, and then order what you need. You will need to register with an official University email address (e.g., rather than a junk email address (e.g., or For general information on getting free samples, see   Analog Devices
AD8032ANZ  rail-to-rail op amp Maxim IC
MAX5353ACPA+ or MAX5353BCPA+  single 3.3V-powered, 12-bit SPI interface DAC (ACPA or BCPA)
MAX552BCPA 12-bit multiplying DAC
MAX1246ACPE+ 3.3V-powered, 12-bit ADC, such as the  (A or B, with or without +)
MAX5155ACPE dual 12-bit SPI interface DAC (ACPE or BCPE)  Texas Instruments (we have ordered these for you)
1) INA122P rail-to-rail instrumentation amp
2) OPA2350PA rail-to-rail dual op amp
3) LM4041CILPR adjustable shunt reference for Lab 5.
4) TLV5618ACP dual 12-bit DAC  for Lab 5.
5) TPA731D audio amplifier for Lab 5.   SamTec connectors
10-pin LCD connector, BCS-110-L-S-TE (need 1 for the ST7735 LCD to connect to PCB)  

Search engine for parts
Game engine
Hobby parts
Full line

Put your embedded system in a box (not free, but a good source for choices) OKW Enclosures Ltd Teko Enclosures Solutions PacTec Enclosures

Curious about my research?

ABET Relationship of the Course to Student Outcomes: Bold apply to EE445L
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communicate effectively.
h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
For more information see

Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Plan Instructions
Please review
    Every member of the university community must take appropriate and deliberate action when an emergency
strikes a building, a portion of the campus, or entire campus community. Emergency preparedness means we
are all ready to act for our own safety and the safety of others during a crisis. It takes an effort by all of us to
create and sustain an effective emergency preparedness system. Your support is important to achieving the
best possible outcomes during a crisis event.
    As a University faculty member, you are responsible for pointing out your classrooms' building emergency
evacuation routes and for reviewing emergency procedures with students at the beginning of each semester.
This review should include a mention of the monthly emergency communications test (every first Wednesday
at 11:50 a.m.) and the list of communications channels the university uses during emergencies. It should also
include a review of the attached document outlining emergency terms (e.g., the difference between “shelter-inplace”
and “lockdown”) and instructions for faculty and students to follow during emergencies. As a matter of
convenience, we recommend including this information in your syllabus along with the phone number for the
Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL: 512-232-5050). This is the number to call if you have concerns
regarding the attitude or actions of students, staff, or other faculty.
    Finally, at the end of your emergency preparedness review, request that students requiring assistance in
evacuation inform you in writing of their needs during the first week of class. This information must then be
provided to the Fire Prevention Services office by fax (512-232-2759), with "Attn. Mr. Roosevelt Easley" written
in the subject line.
    Thank you in advance for taking the time to ensure the safety of your classroom. I assure you this small effort
can yield much greater rewards should the unthinkable happen. If you would like more information regarding
emergency preparedness, visit
 Emergency Communications
Emergencies may range from inclement weather, to building evacuations, to campus closures, and the
university has a variety of tools to communicate with the public in the event of these and other possible
emergencies. Depending on the type of emergency, we may use some or all of the following tools to
communicate with faculty, staff and students:
Siren System
This system is tested around noon on the first Wednesday of every month, and delivers a siren warning
and public address in the event of certain outdoor emergencies. Read more about the siren system.
Emergency Web Site
You may want to bookmark the emergency Web site because it is updated with information during
actual emergencies or campus closures.
Local Press and Social Media
University Communications staff send emergency information to the press and update social media with
public safety messages. Because of the transient nature of our population, the university depends a great
deal on the press and social media to keep students, faculty, and staff informed during campus
Pager System
Our campus first responders, resident advisors, and some building managers are part of the AWACS
paging system. The pagers send text messages about emergencies on campus and alert city responders
(APD, AFD, EMS, Office of Emergency Management, etc.) to campus crisis situations.
Fire Panel Systems
Residence halls are equipped with fire panel systems that have a public address capability. Resident
advisors are trained to use these systems in emergencies in order to make announcements to the entire
building regarding evacuation, shelter in place, etc.
Text Alerts
The university collects cell phone numbers from members of the campus community for emergency text
messages. Sign up for campus text alerts online.
University Group E-mail
During emergencies, UT Safety Alert sends an “urgent” group e-mail to every student, faculty and staff
member. The e-mail directs individuals to the emergency Web site for additional information and
Voicemail to Office Telephones
This tool leaves a voice message on every faculty and staff member’s office phone on campus.
Cable TV
Residence halls and several of our public gathering places have cable televisions where emergency
announcements get posted.
Public Safety Patrol Car Announcements
UTPD patrol cars are equipped with PA systems, which officers can use to provide instructions to
pedestrians during emergencies.
University Emergency Information Line — 512-232-9999
Students, faculty, and staff can call this main number for information about campus closures.
The implementation of each tool described above is assigned to an individual who has at least two backups who can also
carry out the communications task. Individuals with electronic communication tools assigned to them have remote access
(from their homes, etc.) to those tools. The police department and the associate vice president for Campus Safety and
Security are typically the ones who deliver emergency information to university administration. Upon considering this
information, administration develops the messages and activates campus-wide communications. The only exceptions to
this are the sirens and pager system, which are activated directly by UTPD in extremely urgent situations where
immediate action is required.