Appendix 2. Metrowerks  TechArts 9S12C32 Setup

What's in Appendix 2?

What you need to get started
Installing Metrowerks
Instructions for handling the Technological Arts 9S12C32 board
Development Procedure
Interrupt vectors for the 9S12C32
Web sites for more information.


What you need to get started

Software You will need to install Metrowerks CodeWarrior for the 6812.

NC12C32SP Development Board Go to the web site and click the University of Texas at Austin link (order NC12C32SP). The 2005 cost is $49.95 plus shipping. This kit includes a 9 VDC unregulated power source, a 9S12C32 CPU module, a docking module with 0.3in male pins, and a standard 9 pin null modem serial cable (TX RX and GND).

Protoboard You will need a standard breadboard into which the 9S12C32 docking module plugs. This breadboard will contain your external circuits.


Installing Metrowerks

Installing Metrowerks
2) select "CodeWarrior Development Studio for HC12 Microcontrollers"
3) fill in name information
   email must be correct
   decide whether or not you want email from Metrowerks
4) Wait for email, should contain these links
To download your software, please use the following link:
To use your software you must have a license key, please use the following link to download one:
5) Download HC(S)12 v3.1, install
6) Download license, unzip
7) Copy license.bat overwriting existing limited version license
   This license is available to all educational users
8) Download starter projects from


Interrupt vectors for the 9S12C32

Some of the interrupt vectors of the 9S12C32 are
0xFFD6     interrupt 20 SCI
0xFFDE     interrupt 16 timer overflow
0xFFE0     interrupt 15 timer channel 7
0xFFE2     interrupt 14 timer channel 6
0xFFE4     interrupt 13 timer channel 5
0xFFE6     interrupt 12 timer channel 4
0xFFE8     interrupt 11 timer channel 3
0xFFEA     interrupt 10 timer channel 2
0xFFEC     interrupt 9  timer channel 1
0xFFEE     interrupt 8  timer channel 0
0xFFF0     interrupt 7  real time interrupt
0xFFF6     interrupt 4  SWI software int
0xFFF8     interrupt 3  trap software int
0xFFFE     interrupt 0  reset


Board handling instructions

1) Do not insert or remove the board while power is applied.
2) Touch a grounded object before handling CMOS electronics. Try not to touch any exposed wires.
3) To push the docking module into the protoboard, push straight down.
4) Never remove the CPU module from the docking module. THE PINS ON THE CPU MODULE ARE VERY FRAGILE. On the other hand, the male pins on the docking module have been very robust as long as you limit the twisting forces. To remove the docking module from the protoboard pull straight up (or at least pull up a little at a time on each end.)
5) Use and store the system with the docking module plugged into a protoboard (this will reduce the chances of contacting the metal pins tied directly to the 6812 with either your fingers or stray electrical pulses).
6) Do not use the 9S12C32 with any external power sources, other than the supplied wall-wart. In particular, avoid connecting signals to the 6812 that are not within the 0 to +5V range. In particular, voltages less than 0V or greater than +5V will damage the ADC.
7) Do not connect any wires to the pins labeled Vin, DTR, TX, or RX. These pins contain voltages outside the safe 0 to +5V range. Also do not connect to the Reset pin.
8) Label all your pieces (CPU module, docking module, cable, wall wart, and protoboard) with your name.
9) Test the CPU/docking module combination by running some of the example programs found at . Good programs to test the system are the Moore FSM and the Simple SCI.



Development Procedure

 A) To open an existing Metrowerks project
1) Start Metrowerks CW12 3.1
2) Execute File->Open, navigate to an existing *.mcp file, and click "OK"

B) How to configure create a new Metrowerks project
1) Start Metrowerks CW12 3.1
2) Execute File->New, click "Project" Tab
    select "HC(S)12 New Project Wizard"
    specify the "Project name"
    verify its "Location",  click "OK"

 3) Select the derivative you want to use
    "MC9S12C32",    click "next"       
4) Choose the set of languages supported
    select "C",    click "next"


 5) Do you want to create a setup for PC-lint
    select "no",     click "next"  
6) Select the floating point format supported
    select "None",    click "next"

7) Which memory model should be used?
    select "Small"
    click "next" 
8) Please choose the connections you want
    select "Serial Monitor Hardware Debugging"
    click "Finish"

9) Create or copy program files *.c and *.h
      place them into the "
Sources" directory of your project
10) Add the necessary C files to project
    click on Sources in the "
mcp" window
    right click and execute "
Add Files..."
    “click dot on” in the field associated all C source files under the "bug" icon


13) Change compiler/linker options
    click the right-most toolbar ICON called "
Simulator settings"
    click "
Compiler for HC12" choice
    click "
    click "
Output" tab
      select "
Allocate CONST objects in ROM"   and "Generate Listing File"


    click "
Linker for HC12" choice
    click "
    click "
Output" tab
      select "
Generate S-Record"    and "Generate a map file"


C) How to run Metrowerks on the Real 9S12C32 board

Do this once
1) Connect PC-COM1 to the 9S12C32 docking station,
2) Place the Run/Boot switch on the 9S12C32 board in Boot mode
3) Connect power to 9S12C32 docking station.
4) Touch the reset switch on the docking station

For each edit/compile/run cycle for software that does not use SCI
1) In Metrowerks, perform editing to source code
2) In Metrowerks, compile/Link/Load
  Execute Project->Debug
3) Click the green arrow in the debugger to start. Runs at 24 MHz.

For each edit/compile/run cycle for software that does use SCI
1) set the Run/Boot switch to Boot mode, push the reset button on the 9S12C32 docking station
2) execute Project->Debug (compiles and downloads code to 9S12C32)
3) quit MW debugger once programming complete. Quitting the debugger will release the COM port.
4) start a terminal program (like HyperTerminal)
    specify proper COM port, 19200 bits/sec, no flow control
5) set the Run/Boot switch to Run mode and push the reset button on the 9S12C32 docking station. Runs at 4 MHz.
6) when done, quit terminal program. Quitting the terminal program will release the COM port.


Web sites for more information

Technological Arts:
electronic parts at:
robot parts at:
electronics parts at:


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