Interconnection Networks
Lecture Notes
- Course Descriptor
- Unit 1 Course Overview
- Unit 2 Switching vs. Routing
- Unit 3 Router Architecture
- Unit 4 Software based IP forwarding
- Unit 5 Hardware based IP forwarding
- Unit 6 Packet classification
- Unit 7 Network processors (Guest lecture, delivered by Michael Hathaway of Austin Ventures)
- Unit 8 Scheduling
- Unit 9 Fabrics
- Unit 10 Array routing
- Unit 10 Butterfly routing
- Unit 11 What is a Venture Capitalist? (Guest lecture, delivered by Venu Shamapant of Austin Ventures)
- Midterm on 3.26.02 - here are some sample questions
- Unit 12 Matching theory
- Unit 13 SLIP - Here is some C code simulating max size matching on a 2x2 switch
- Unit 14 Stability
- Unit 15 Digital systems engineering
pdf, ps
Here is a partial list of papers we will be covering.
- Homework 0: Biodata
- Miniproject 1: Heuristics for fast packet classification
- Miniproject 2: Measuring the performance of hierarchical unbuffered fabrics
- Miniproject 3: Approximate Birkhoff - von Neumann decompositions
- Here is the project definition Note: I fixed
a small problem with the description, posted the update 12:30pm, 4/3/02.
- Here is some code that may be of help.
Note: I've added a fair bit of documentation to the code (as of 12:30pm, 4/3/02) should
be easier to understand now.
- Miniproject 4: Scheduling for packet-switched cellular networks
- Here is the project definition
- Here is some code you should build on
- ADDED MAY 7, 2002: I've updated the code, the new file is here.
You are to turn in results on the three cell models I have in this file; you are
welcome to tinker around with others.
- IMPORTANT: Please read this for details about the final project.