EE313 Linear Systems and Signals - Midterm #2


For midterm #2 in EE 313, you will be responsible for the following sections of Roberts' book: You will also be responsible for the material covered in homework assignments 6-10 and the solution sets for those homework assignments.

In the reader, you will be responsible for

You are responsible for what we said during lecture and what is on the course Blackboard site (e.g. homework hints).

There will probably be five questions on Midterm #2. There will be no questions about either Matlab or Mathematica on the midterm.

If you have decided to buy the optional text DSP First, then chapters 1-6 would be relevant to what we have studied so far in EE 313.

Other Questions

Is the region of convergence affected when there is a time shift?

The region of convergence is not affected by a time shift. A time shift simply causes the Laplace transform to have a multiplication term in the form on exp(-s t0) where t0 is the time shift.

Also, if it is a unilateral Laplace transform, do we need to worry about how to find the region of convergence (in lecture slide 11-10 it states that there is no need to specify a region of convergence)?

The region of convergence is not necessary if one is computing the inverse Laplace transform and the time-domain signal that will result is causal. However, for other reasons, such as BIBO stability checking for transfer functions and converting transfer functions to frequency responses, knowing the region of convergence is critical.

Problem 2 on Fall 1999 Midterm #2
This problem gives the step response of an LTI system, which we'll call ystep(t). It then asks you to find the response to a new signal x(t). Here are two different approaches for solving this problem:

Last updated 07/28/16. Send comments to (Mailbox)