EE381K-14 Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing - Lecture Schedule

Prof. Brian L. Evans, Spring 2008, ENS 116, TTH 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, Course Id 16580

Week Tuesday Lecture Source Thursday Lecture Source Assignments Due
1/14 2-D Signals D&M 1.1 2-D Systems D&M 1.2
1/21 2-D Frequency Domain D&M 1.3 Rectangular Sampling D&M 1.4 Homework #1
1/28 General M-D Sampling D&M 1.4 Processing Sampled Signals D&M 1.5 Homework #2
2/4 Resampling Notes Resampling Notes Project Abstract; Homework #3
2/11 Resampling Notes M-D Discrete Fourier Transform D&M 2.2 & 2.3 Project Outline
2/18 M-D Discrete Cosine Transform Notes TBA TBA Project Extended Summary; Homework #4
2/25 Video Coding Dr. Michael Horowitz Midterm #1 Open books/notes
3/3 Student Presentations Students Student Presentations Students
3/10 Spring Break Spring Break
3/17 2-D FIR Filter Design D&M 3.1-3.3 2-D FIR Filter Design D&M 3.4 Literature Survey
3/24 2-D FIR Filter Design D&M 3.5 IIR Filtering D&M 4.1 & 4.2
3/31 Color Image Halftoning Notes Introduction to Wavelets Mr. Hamood Rehman Homework #5
4/7 Space-Time Signals D&M 6.1 Beamforming D&M 6.2 & 6.3 Homework #6
4/14 Seismic Wave Migration D&M 7.2 Spatial Array Processing Notes Homework #7
4/21 Reconstruction from Projections D&M 7.3-7.4 Midterm #2 Open books/notes
4/28 Student Presentations Students Student Presentations Students

The shaded boxes indicate the dates that Prof. Evans will be out of town.

There are currently two scheduled guest lectures:

There are supplemental lectures on

Lectures can be downloaded as a single zip file.

This course is a three-credit course that meets for three hours of lecture each week. The lecture will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 2:00 PM beginning January 18th and ending May 5th. The lecture will meet in ENS 116. This course does not have a final exam. Final grades will consist of the project, homework, and midterms.

All homework assignments may be submitted by the deadline in one of the following ways: (a) hardcopy, (b) fax to 512-471-5907, or (c) e-mail to Late homework assignments will not be accepted.

Project assignments are due as follows:

The late penalty for project assignments is 10 points (out of 100 points) per business day late.

The Project Abstract consists of the tentative project title and a short paragraph on the proposed project, with at least one reference other than a textbook. It may be handwritten or typed.

The Project Outline is a typed, one-page, double-spaced, 12-point font description of your proposed project, with references. It should describe the issues in the area in which you are working and list the issue(s) you are going to research.

The Project Extended Summary is a typed, three-page, double-spaced, 12-point font description of your proposed project, with references. You can think of the Project Extended Summary as a summary you might submit to a conference. If the conference were to accept the summary, then you would write the full paper. For example, this is the way that the IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers works.

The Literature Survey is a survey of the field you have chosen for your project. The title page should include the abstract. Its length should be eight double-spaced typed pages or less (not counting the title page). There is no table of contents in the literature survey. Here is information about grading of the literature survey.

The Project Report describes your completed project, and its format should conform to the same guidelines as the Literature Survey. If you were to reformat the final project report using a 10-point font and two columns per page, then the paper would be about four pages, i.e. the length of an IEEE conference paper or a correspondence item for an IEEE transactions. Here is information about grading of the final report.

Supplemental Lectures

Guest Speakers for Fall 2000

Guest Speakers for Fall 1998

Guest Speakers for Fall 1996

The talks above with links are in PDF or HTML format, except for the FOVEA talk. For the FOVEA talk, the Acrobat Distiller would not convert it to PDF format. However, the FOVEA talk will print from a Postscript previewer even if it does not render properly.

Updated 04/17/08.