Next: 2-D Signals
Up: EE381K Multidimensional Digital Signal
Previous: EE381K Multidimensional Digital Signal
- Course descriptor
- Other handouts: also available on the course Web page
- Problem sets
- Problems are useful only if you work them.
- MATLAB and MATHEMATICA will be required sometimes.
- Textbooks
- Theory: Dan Dudgeon and Russell Mersereau,
Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing,
Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Book is out of print.
- Applications: Alan C. Bovik, ed.,
Handbook on Image and Video Processing,
2nd ed., Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-119792-1, 2006.
- Project
- 50% of the grade
- Half of the project (grade) is a literature survey
submitted in both written and oral form
- Half of the project (grade) is a final project
that includes an implementations and is
submitted in both written and oral form
- Get started as soon as possible
- Develop insight to solve problems.
- Filling in the details is easy once you know
what the answer is.
- Explore similarities and differences with 1-D
- Learn specific techniques
- These will be forgotten, but insight should remain.
- Reinforce what has already been learned for 1-D.
- Explore some applications.
- Many things are the same.
- Concepts generalized, details change.
- Some mathematics does not generalize.
- Polynomials do not factor.
- Application assumptions different
- Not causal
- Inputs finite extent
- Problems are bigger
- 1-D example CD audio:
44.1 kHz
2 channels
2 bytes/sample =
176.4 kbytes/sec.
M-D example high-definition TV (1080p):
124.4 million color samples/sec
373.2 Mbytes/sec
- Processor speed? Memory? Addressing capability?
Next: 2-D Signals
Up: EE381K Multidimensional Digital Signal
Previous: EE381K Multidimensional Digital Signal
Brian L. Evans