Rectangular M-D Discrete Fourier Transform
Lecture by Prof. Brian L. Evans (UT Austin)
Scribe: Milos Milosevic (UT Austin)
Rectangular Fourier Series
Any rectangularly periodic array with horizontal and vertical periods N1 and N2 can be expressed as a finite sum of harmonically related complex sinusoids.
Each sum involves only a finite number of samples
If the second sum is used to define , that second sequence is seen to be rectangularly periodic with horizontal and vertical periods N1 and N2, respectively.
Rectangular DFT
There is a one-to-one relationship between a sequence with periods N1 and N2, and a finite extent sequence with support on [0, N1-1]x[0, N2-1].
The outside sequences are of finite extent. The direct relationship between them is the DFT.
The DFT corresponds to (rectangular) samples of the discrete-time Fourier transform
At location n2 = 0 and n3 = 1, this function is a line impulse in 3-D that varies over integer values of n1. Recall that d(n2, n3-1) = 1 d(n2) d(n3-1).
First evaluate the sum with respect to n3
Now evaluate with respect to n2
Properties of the DFT