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Stabilization and Stability Testing of Multidimensional Recursive Digital Filters

Lecture by Prof. Brian L. Evans
Slides by Niranjan Damera-Venkata
Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1084


The Transfer Function


Stability of 2-D LSI Systems

Effect of Numerator Polynomial on Stability: [Goodman]

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability

The O'Connor-Huang Mapping Theorem

Root-Locus Techniques

Cepstrum/2-D cepstral stability tests

Stabilization of unstable recursive digital filters

  • In the 1-D case this is very simple
  • tex2html_wrap_inline480 , a reflection of the root did not change the magnitude spectrum.
  • Factor denominator polynomial and reflect the roots inside the unit circle.
  • Fundamental curse of multidimensional digital signal processing: no polynomial factorization algorithm
  • Proposed methods
    • Double Planar Least Squares Inversion [Shanks, Treitel and Reddy]
    • Discrete Hilbert Transform [Read, Treitel, Reddy]

Double Planar Least Squares Inversion

  • PLSI of a coefficient array C is an array P such that
    1. tex2html_wrap_inline446 , U is the unit pulse array (of all ones)
    2. C * P = G such that U-G is minimized in least squares sense.
  • Shank's conjecture: Given an arbitrary real, finite array C, any PLSI of C is minimum phase, and the applying PLSI twice to C yields minimum phase with the same magnitude spectrum as C.
  • Proof of ``modified'' Shank's conjecture [Reddy]

Stabilization and Stability Testing Unified: The Multidimensional DHT

  • Continuous Hilbert Transform theory involves theory of singular integrals and m-D extensions are very complicated [ Besikovitch, Calderon and Zygmund]
  • DHT is the relation between the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier Transform of a causal sequence.


  • If we assume that the complex cepstrum is causal,


  • Expression for tex2html_wrap_inline454 very complicated [ Damera-Venkata, Venkataraman, Hrishikesh and Reddy] and reduces to tex2html_wrap_inline456 in the 1-D case.

Stabilization via DHT

  • To stabilize tex2html_wrap_inline458
    1. Find tex2html_wrap_inline460 , the minimum phase response
    2. Evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline502
    3. Take multidimensional inverse FFT
    4. Truncate tex2html_wrap_inline464 coefficients to same support as tex2html_wrap_inline458
    5. Use a large size FFT for higher coefficient accuracy

Stabilization via DHT: Example Example: Consider tex2html_wrap_inline468 given by:




Useful Theorems: \ [Damera-Venkata, Venkataraman, Hrishikesh and Reddy]

  • Multidimensional minimum phase if it exists is unique
  • If the given m-D polynomial tex2html_wrap_inline472 is factorizable, then the transformed polynomial tex2html_wrap_inline474 is also factorizable, and the factors of the transformed polynomial are transformed versions of the factors of the given m-D polynomial.
  • The m-D polynomial tex2html_wrap_inline474 of any causal m-D polynomial tex2html_wrap_inline472 , not having zeros on the unit hypercircle is stable.
  • Minimum phase polynomials are fixed points of the multidimensional DHT

Stability Testing using the DHT

  • It is required to ascertain whether array B is stable or not.
    1. Apply the DHT to obtain array A.
    2. Compare arrays B and A.
      • If tex2html_wrap_inline480 ,then B is a stable array.
      • If tex2html_wrap_inline482 , then B is unstable.

Stability Testing Example






tex2html_wrap_inline468 is unstable, while tex2html_wrap_inline490 is stable.

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Brian L. Evans