EE381K-14 Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing - Fall 1996 Projects

Brian L. Evans

The student term projects for the Fall 1996 semester are given below. If any of the student projects led to published papers, I give the citations of the paper below the project.

  1. Terry Bowness, "Three-Dimensional Analysis and Visualization of Audio Signals".
    Terry finished an MSEE degree at UT Austin and is currently with Silicon Labs.
  2. Yu-Wen Chen, "Multidimensional Adaptive Filtering"
  3. Biao Lu, "Automatic Target Recognition in Forward-Looking Infrared Images".
    Biao finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision of Prof. Brian L. Evans) and is currently with Schlumberger.
  4. Michael Riccard, "Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images".
    Michael finished an MSEE degree.
  5. Rubeena Shahnaz, "Restoration of Degraded Natural Images".
  6. Kartick Suriamoorthy, "Shape Change Analysis in Multidimensional Image Sequences" Kartick finished an MSEE degree.
  7. Selim Tasiran, "AM-FM Image Models" Selim finished an MSEE degree.
  8. Alexandros Theodropoulos and Marios Pattichis, "AM-FM Transforms" Alexandros finished an MSEE degree.
    Marios finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision of Prof. Alan C. Bovik) and is currently at the University of New Mexico.
  9. Murat Torlak, "Two-Dimensional RAKE Receiver" Murat finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision of Prof. Guanghan Xu and Prof. Brian L. Evans) and is currently with The University of Texas at Dallas.
  10. Dong Wei, "Two-Dimensional Non-Separable Wavelet Design"
    Dong finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision of Prof. Alan C. Bovik and Prof. Brian L. Evans) and is currently with SBC.
  11. Brian Winkelman, "Comparison of Image Restoration Methods for Schematic Designs"
  12. Weidong Yang, "Efficient Multidimensional Resampling Structures". Weidong finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision of Prof. Guanghan Xu) and is currently with Navini Networks.

Last updated 01/11/05.