EE381K-14 Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing -
Fall 1996 Projects
The student term projects for the Fall 1996 semester are given below.
If any of the student projects led to published papers, I give the
citations of the paper below the project.
- Terry Bowness,
"Three-Dimensional Analysis and Visualization of Audio Signals".
Terry finished an MSEE degree at UT Austin and is
currently with Silicon Labs.
- Yu-Wen Chen,
"Multidimensional Adaptive Filtering"
- Biao Lu,
"Automatic Target Recognition in Forward-Looking Infrared Images".
Biao finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision
of Prof. Brian L. Evans) and is currently with Schlumberger.
- Michael Riccard,
"Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images".
Michael finished an MSEE degree.
- Rubeena Shahnaz,
"Restoration of Degraded Natural Images".
- Kartick Suriamoorthy,
"Shape Change Analysis in Multidimensional Image Sequences"
- K. Suriamoorthy and A. C. Bovik,
"Modeling of Growth via Active Contour Models,"
Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and
Interpretation, April 1998.
Kartick finished an MSEE degree.
- Selim Tasiran,
"AM-FM Image Models"
Selim finished an MSEE degree.
- Alexandros Theodropoulos and Marios Pattichis,
"AM-FM Transforms"
- M. S. Pattichis and A. C. Bovik,
"Fingerprint Analysis Using Multidimensional Frequency Modulation,"
Pattern Recognition,
Alexandros finished an MSEE degree.
Marios finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision
of Prof. Alan C. Bovik) and is currently at the University of
New Mexico.
- Murat Torlak,
"Two-Dimensional RAKE Receiver"
- M. Torlak, B. L. Evans, and G. Xu,
"Blind Estimation of FIR Channels in CDMA Systems with Aperiodic Spreading
Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
vol. 1, pp. 495-499, Nov. 3-5, 1997, Pacific Grove, CA.
Murat finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision
of Prof. Guanghan Xu and Prof. Brian L. Evans) and is currently
with The University of Texas at Dallas.
- Dong Wei,
"Two-Dimensional Non-Separable Wavelet Design"
- D. Wei, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik,
"Biorthogonal Quincunx Coifman Wavelets,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing,
Santa Barbara, CA, Oct. 1997, vol. II, pp. 246-249.
- D. Wei, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik,
"Loss of Perfect Reconstruction in Multidimensional Filterbanks and
Wavelets Designed via Extended McClellan Transformations,"
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 295-297, Oct. 1997.
Dong finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision
of Prof. Alan C. Bovik and Prof. Brian L. Evans) and is currently
with SBC.
- Brian Winkelman,
"Comparison of Image Restoration Methods for Schematic Designs"
- Weidong Yang,
"Efficient Multidimensional Resampling Structures".
Weidong finished a PhDEE degree at UT Austin (under the supervision
of Prof. Guanghan Xu) and is currently with Navini Networks.
Last updated 01/11/05.