These are the research projects that the students completed during the Fall 1998 semester.
Published as
G. Arslan, M. Valliappan, and B. L. Evans,
``Quality Assessment of Compression Techniques for Synthetic
Aperture Radar Images'',
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing,
Oct. 25-28, 1999, vol. III, pp. 857-861, Kobe, Japan.
Dr. Guner Arslan currently works for Silicon Labs in Austin, Texas, and Mr. Magesh Valliappan currently works for Vitesse Semiconductor in Austin, Texas.
Dr. Clint Slatton is currently an Assistant Professor at The University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida.
Mr. Frank Fu was initially employed as a DSP Engineer at AeroAstro in Ashburn, Virginia, and currently works as a Software Engineer at the US Naval Research Labs.
Dr. Zhou Wang is currently a post-doctoral researcher at The City University of New York.
Dr. Milos Milosevic is currently at Schlumberger in Sugar Land, Texas, and Dr. Wade Schwartzkopf is currently at Integrity Applications in Chantilly, Virginia.