EE382C-9 Embedded Software Systems - Homework Assignments

For the programming parts of the homework assignments, please e-mail the source code and a makefile (since there will be multiple source code files) to the grader. The grader is Mr. Ming Ding, who can be reached at The C++ source code for Ptolemy Classic needs to compile using version 2.95.2 of the GNU C++ compiler (g++), which is installed on the Sun Solaris 2.8 machines sunfire1 and sunfire2 in the Learning Resource Center. The Java source code for Ptolemy II should compile under version 1.3 of the Java Developer's Kit (JDK). JDK 1.3 is installed on the Sun Solaris 2.8 machines sunfire1 and sunfire2 in the Learning Resource Center in /usr/local/packages/jdk1.3.

Homeworks assigned

Getting Started with the Agilent Advanced Design System

If you are using my login scripts, then the environment settings are already correct for running the Agilent Advanced Design System. Otherwise, you will have to define the following settings: Then, ssh to sunapp1, sunapp2, or sunapp3 and run

Updated 05/09/05.