EE382C Embedded Software Systems - Midterm #1

Prof. Brian L. Evans, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin,

I have put a copy of the Spring 2002 Midterm #1 online for reference. No solutions are provided.

For Midterm #1, you will be responsible for the material in

  1. Languages for Embedded Systems, chapters 1 and 5-12
  2. In-class lectures, including the guest lecture
  3. Homework assignments 1 and 2
  4. Reading assignments from the course reader: sections J-K, M-N, S-V, and Y-Z
  5. Pocket Guide to DSP Processors by Berkeley Design Technology Inc.
For Midterm #1, you will be responsible for the following topics:
  1. Languages
  2. Digital signal processor instruction set architecture
  3. C programming language
  4. C++ programming language
  5. Concurrency in Java
  6. Block diagram languages
  7. Dataflow modeling
  8. Synchronous dataflow modeling and scheduling
  9. Real-time operating systems
  10. Process networks modeling and scheduling
  11. Turing machine
Slides for review of the material for midterms in the Columbia University version of this course (by Prof. Stephen Edwards) are available Note that some of the material for Midterm #1 in the UT Austin version of the class falls under Midterm #2 in the Columbia University version.

Updated 03/10/04.