EE382C Embedded Software Systems
Lecture 22: Mixing FSM and Dataflow Models
Mixing Finite State Machines with Dataflow
Bilung Lee and Edward A. Lee,
"Interaction of Finite State Machines and Concurrency Models"
Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers
, Nov. 1998.
Signal language
Declarative (applicative) vs. imperative languages
Deterministic merge:
U default V
Fair Merge and Parallel Or
Mixing discrete-event and dataflow models of computation
, slides by Dr. Wan-Teh Chang (Netscape)
Wormholes in Discrete Event Domain
, mixing SDF (untimed) and DE (timed) models and mixing DE with other timed models, from section 12.2.5 of the Ptolemy 0.7 User's Manual
Mixing Control and Dataflow Models of Computation
, slides by Dr. Wan-Teh Chang (Netscape)
Updated 01/12/00.