EE382C Embedded Software Systems - Spring 1997 Projects
The research projects completed during the Spring 1997 semester are
listed below.
After the course was over, the students had great success in
refining and publishing their work, which has resulted in
1 IEEE letter, 1 IEEE correspondence item, 4 invited conference
papers, and 1 patent.
- Gregory Allen and
David Schanbacher,
"Beamforming with Process Networks and Pthreads"
This paper explores the possibility of implementing digital
interpolation beamforming algorithms in real-time using POSIX threads
and process networks on a single- and multi-processor Sparc workstation
under the Solaris operating system.
- Modeling: Process Networks
- Implementation: POSIX Threads
- Final Project Presentation
- Literature Survey
- Final Report
- Publication:
- G. E. Allen, D. C. Schanbacher, and B. L. Evans,
Sonar Beamforming on a Unix Workstation Using Process
Networks and POSIX Threads",
Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and
Nov. 1-4, 1998, Pacific Grove, CA, vol. 2, pp. 1725-1729.
- G. E. Allen and B. L. Evans,
Sonar Beamforming on a Unix Workstation Using
Process Networks and POSIX Threads",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 921-926, Mar. 2000.
- Note: This work was conducted in collaboration with
the Applied Research Laboratories at The University of Texas
in Austin, Texas, where Greg Allen is employed.
David continues to work for the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission.
- Mike Kuei-Che Cheng,
"Active Noise Cancellation in a
Wireline Telemetry System"
This paper discusses a noise cancellation algorithm that reduces
periodic in-band noise by crosstalk between the power and data
cable of a multiconductor channel in a wireline telemetry system.
- Modeling: Synchronous Dataflow
- Implementation: Analog Devices SHARC processor
- Abstract
- Literature Survey
- Publication:
- Mike Kuei-che Cheng, Improving the Performance of a
Wireline Telemetry Receiver,
MSEE Thesis, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-1084,
Aug. 1997.
- Note: This work was conducted in collaboration with
Schlumberger in Austin, Texas, where Mike worked as
Summer Intern. Mike currently works at National
Semiconductor in San Francisco, CA.
- Aditya Dube and Ashutosh Kulkarni,
"Benchmarking Code Generation Methodologies for
Programmable Digital Signal Processors"
Our paper presents a quantitative analysis of the performance
of compilers and automated tools as code generation methodologies,
- Modeling: Synchronous Dataflow
- Implementation: KCCA C compiler and Ptolemy
- Literature
- Final Project Report:
Revised and reformatted
- Acknowledgement:
Motorola freely distributable 56000 assemblers, C compilers,
and simulators on CD ROM.
- Note: Ashutosh Kulkarni was awarded a summer internship at
Lucent Bell Labs because of his work in this course, Margarida
Jacome's hardware/software course, and Lizy John's superscalar
architecture course.
Ashu finished his MS degree in May of 1998 and works full-time
in the Sun Microsystems CAD research group.
- David Harding and Selim Tasiran,
"Visual Design Tool Interfaces for AM-FM Image Modeling"
We integrate existing amplitude modulated-frequency modulated (AM-FM)
libraries into Ptolemy and Khoros to provide natural, visual interfaces
to the routines with formal semantics coordinating the interaction
between the routines for efficient simulation and synthesis.
- Modeling:
Synchronous Dataflow and
Multidimensional Synchronous Dataflow
- Implementation: Ptolemy and Khoros
- Report:
Part 1,
Part 2, and
Part 3.
- Note: Selim Tasiran was hired into a full-time position
by a firm in Dallas to work in embedded telecommunications
systems as a result of this course.
David Harding works full-time in Austin and is a part-time
MS student under Prof. Alan Bovik.
- Biao Lu,
"Implementation of Artificial Neural
Networks by Using Synchronous Dataflow Models"
Artificial Neural Networks can be modeled using Synchronous Dataflow,
which allows them to be mixed naturally with signal processing and
communications to form heterogeneous systems that can be simulated
and synthesized.
- Modeling: Synchronous Dataflow
- Implementation: Ptolemy and C
- Publication:
- Biao Lu finished her Ph.D. in Fall 2000 under Prof. Brian L. Evans,
and currently works at Schlumberger in Sugarland, TX.
- Guy Maor,
Karp and Miller Processes in Java"
We develop a Web-based simulator for Karp and Miller processes, which
are a determinate model of distributed computation in which nodes
communicate over queues.
- Modeling: Process Networks
- Implementation: Java and Threads
- Note: As a direct consequence of his work in this course,
Guy Maor was hired in CAD Research and Development at
EEsof in Westlake Village, CA, to develop cosimulation technologies
for the
Advanced Design System.
The Advanced Design System enables the cosimulation and codesign of
wireless communication systems, including the RF, analog, and digital
The Advanced Design System includes two key technologies from
the Ptolemy software environment: Synchronous Dataflow and
cosimulation of heterogeneous subsystems.
- Matthew Felder and
Jimmy Mason,
"Efficient Dual-Tone Multiple-Frequency Detection
Using the Non-Uniform Discrete Fourier Transform"
- Modeling:
Synchronous Dataflow and Cyclo-Static Dataflow
- Implementation: Ptolemy and Motorola 56000
- Publication:
- M. D. Felder, J. C. Mason, and B. L. Evans,
"Efficient ITU-Compliant Dual-Tone Multiple-Frequency
Detection Using the Non-Uniform Discrete Fourier Transform,"
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 160-163, Jul. 1998.
- Provisional Patent Application filed in April 1998 and issued
in April 2002:
Efficient Digital ITU-Compliant, Zero-Buffering,
DTMF Detection Algorithm Using the Non-Uniform Discrete Fourier
Non-Confidential Specification Sheet
- For resources on DTMF detection:
- Matt Felder currently works at SigmaTel in Austin, TX, and
can be reached at
Jimmy Mason currently works at Intel in Austin, TX, and
can be reached at
Projects were reported on the following days.
March 3
| March 5
| April 28th
| April 30th
Team #6
| Team #1
| Team #1
| Team #6
| Team #4
| Team #4
Team #2
| Team #7
| Team #7
| Team #2
Team #5
| Team #3
| Team #3
| Team #5
Last updated 02/04/04.