EE382C Embedded Software Systems - Ahmed-Benavides-Islam Project

Sultan Ahmed, George Benavides, and Khalid Islam, "HDSL2 Implementation in Ptolemy"

For our literature survey, we will disscuss the different proposed standards for HDSL2. As for the project report, we will choose one standard to implement in Ptolemy.

The three focus areas in our HDSL 2 project are as follows in chronological order:

  1. Modem specification
  2. Modem modeling using SDF graphs in Ptolemy.
  3. Standalone C implementation produced by Ptolemy from the SDF graph model.
The major modules will be an HDSL transmitter, and line model and an HDSL receiver. Very likely, all three of us will be involved in each of these modules and we will come up with a unanimous scheme of how to divide the work within a module.

If time permits and if differences between different HDSL2 standards are minimal, we may be able to implement additional standards in Ptolemy and perform simulations to compare between the proposals.

Last updated 03/10/98.