EE382C Embedded Software Systems - Wang Project

Chuanjun Wang, "Web-Enabled DSP/Microcontroller Simulator"

Web-Enabled Electronic Design (WELD) at the University of California at Berkeley aims to construct the first operational prototype of a national-scale CAD design environment enabling Internet-wide IC design for the U.S. electronics industry. The Web-Enabled Simulation (WEDS) framework from The University of Texas at Austin complements WELD by adding support for the simulation, debugging, and design of software for embedded processors. WEDS is a client/server framework that current offers interfaces to one microcontroller simulator, two digital signal processor (DSP) simulators, and one DSP board. WEDS consists of GUI Java applets running on the client side, a multi-threaded TCP/IP communication server (Java application) running on the server, and a group of simulators and debuggers for DSPs and microcontrollers. WEDS relies on sockets, multiple threads, and Unix interprocess communication, but does not offer Internet privacy and security. In this project, we will expand WEDS by adding another DSP simulator, abstracting the protocol between Java clients and server, enhancing security and privacy, and exploring its integration into WELD.

Last updated 03/10/98.