Web-Enabled DSP/Microcontroller Simulator
Project Literature Survey
Chuanjun Wang
Embedded Software Systems
Dr. Brian Evans


Web-Enabled Electronic Design (WELD) at the University of California at Berkeley aims to construct the first operational prototype of a national-scale CAD design environment enabling Internet-wide IC design for the U.S. electronics industry.  The Web-Enabled Simulation (WEDS) framework from the University of Texas at Austin complements WELD by adding support for the simulation, debugging, and design of software for embedded processors.  WEDS is a client/server framework that current offers interfaces to one microcontroller simulator, two digital signal processor (DSP) simulators, and one DSP board. WEDS consists of GUI Java applets running on the client side, a multi-threaded TCP/IP communication server (Java application) running on the server, and a group of simulators and debuggers for DSPs and microcontrollers.  WEDS relies on sockets, multiple threads, and Unix interprocess communication, but does not offer Internet privacy and security.  In this project, we will expand WEDS by adding another DSP simulator, abstracting the protocol between Java clients and server, enhancing security and privacy, and exploring its integration into WELD.

1 Introduction

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools are essential for designing integrated circuits and their importance is increasing as circuit designs become more and more complex. With the development of microelectronics technology like deep sub-micron technology, new Electronical Design Automation(EDA) tools and methodologies to reduce product development time and cost are emerging all the time. Most of these tools are currently very loosely coupled.

However, increased chip densities and the design of higher performance systems have outgrown the current era of loose collections of EDA tools. Designs across the next decade will demand integrated and highly inter operable systems that allow the designer to traverse back and forth among sophisticated CAD tools at all levels of design from architecture through implementation. Keeping pace with this advancement and the required designer productivity improvements will necessitate cooperative work across the industry toward creating a highly scalable and robust environment in order to meet EDA system needs in the area of designer productivity and design complexity management.

Distributed computing, Client/Server technology, Object Oriented paradigm, and the tremendous growth of Internet bring us opportunities to solve this problem. Now the World Wide Web(WWW) has changed and is continuing changing many aspects of our life. The natural features of the web like scalability, platform independence, portability, timely distribution, robustness, and flexibility are perfect fits for the new needs of EDA. The great advantages of putting system level design tools on the web has already been realized by some CAD tools vendors and researchers.

For the system level design, there are basically three tasks:

1.1 WELD

Web-Enabled Electronic Design (WELD) project at the University of California at Berkeley was born in 1996 to solve this great challenge. It is the first web based circuit design tools environment. The WELD project aims to construct the first operational prototype of a national-scale CAD design environment enabling Internet-wide IC design for the U.S. electronics industry. WELD's goals are dual. In the small, WELD will empower individual American electronics designers by affording them efficient desktop access to, and seamless interoperability of, the numerous, heterogeneous resources forming a national scale electronics design system built upon the National Information Infrastructure. In the large, WELD will reduce electronics industry market entry barriers to new entrepreneurs by providing a streamlined pay-per-use design development environment and a robust software distribution infrastructure. In reducing
the costs, and shortening the time-to-market of new intellectual capital, WELD is expected to stimulate the whole U.S. electronics industry to dramatic new growth.

We can see WELD is an extremely ambitious project. Simply speaking, they want to set up an WWW based design environment which can

By doing the above, WELD will The system of WELD consists of three parts: remote servers, network services, clients. The architecture of WELD is illustrated in the following picture. The clients communicate with communication server which provides network services. And the communication server dispatches the requests of clients to remote servers over the the distributed environment or on the same machine.
There are five major fields the WELD project is putting effort in. The design driver, the user interface, the services, the server technology, and the decision support are major technologies WELD is based on.

As far as the client end, WELD currently can provide the following Java tools library functions, including Java Tools for Design and Building Blocks.

  1. Java Tools for Design
  1. Building Blocks
There are three big challenges for WELD to reach its goals. They are:

 1.2 PPP

PPP is part of Distributed Tools for Collaborative Research projects co-sponsored by ARPA as part of a multi-university project, including Stanford University, called Vela.

PPP is a Web-based environment for Low-Power Design. It is a paradigm for integrating EDA tools running on distributed platforms under a common user interface. Its Graphic User Interface is a set of dynamically generated HTML pages that can be accessed through any Web browser. Three sets of tools are available: Synthesis for low-power, Power Optimization and Power Simulation. File Transfer utilities are also available to upload input files and download results.

Minimum support is required on the user side to access the features offered by a large and diverse set of tools: the user's WWW browser is the interface for all interactions. Integrating new tools in the environment is a straightforward process that do not require any effort from the end users. So it is quite scalable. The learning curve is extremely short, no time is required to familiarize with new graphical user interfaces because the well-known user interface provided by the WWW browser is exploited. PPP is a prototype implemented to show the feasibility of WWW-based tool integration.

PPP consists of tools for Synthesis for Low Power, Power Optimization, and Power Simulation. Its user interface is a set of dynamically generated HTML pages that can be accessed through any Web browser. File transfer utilities allow users to upload the input files on the server and download the final results or the status logs.

The Low Power Synthesis tool in PPP performs automatic Gated-Clock generation, using the algorithms presented by Benini. Starting with a FSM specification in the kiss2 format, the tool finds idle conditions for which the clock can be stopped, thus saving power, without sacrificing functionality. The output after synthesis is a mapped verilog netlist using the gate level simulator in PPP.

The Power Optimization tool starts with a circuit specified in the slif format, and targets the minimization of the peak current for sequential circuits based on edge triggered flip flops (with a single clock). This minimization is based on the algorithms presented by
Vuillod et. al. A mapped circuit and the clock skew values are the outputs of the tool.

The Power Simulation tool embeds an accurate simulator for power and current estimation that operates at the gate level, based on the symbolic model of CMOS gates proposed by A. Bogliolo et. al. The outputs of the simulator are power statistics, current waverforms and average/instantaneous power/energy dissipation data.

 Design Flow of PPP

The design flow of PPP is represented in the diagram below.

 Description of The Main Tools

Four major tools are integrated in PPP: File Transfer, Synthesis, Optimization and Simulation. The file transfer in PPP is based on the FTP protocol. The user can upload the input files on the server and download the final results or the status logs. Recent browsers (such as Netscape v.2 and above) fully support upload and download based on anonymous FTP. If the browser does not support bi-directional FTP connection, the traditional Unix' ftp command can be used to perform file transfer. Notice that each user in PPP has a disk quota. If the quota is exceeded on the server the user session will be terminated. This is a form of protection against excessive usage of servers' disk space. The default user quota is 20Mb. The synthesis tool in PPP performs automatic Gated-Clock generation, using the algorithms presented by Benini et. al. The starting point for synthesis is the FSM specification in kiss2 format. The tool finds idle conditions where the clock can be safely stopped without compromising the functionality (while saving power). If the FSM is a Mealy machine, it is automatically transformed in a functionally equivalent FSM for which self-loop extraction is more profitable. A complete path from synthesis to accurate
power estimation is implemented in PPP. The power dissipation of the gated clock implementations is automatically estimated, and the best solution is chosen. The output provided by synthesis is a mapped verilog netlist that implements the specification with reduced power consumption. The user can simulate the netlist using the gate-level simulator in PPP. The optimization embedded in PPP targets the minimization of the peak current for sequential circuits based on edge-triggered flip-flop (with a single clock). The circuit is initially specified in slif. The peak current minimization is based on the algorithms presented by Vuillod et al.: clock skew is constructively exploited to reduce the number of events (and dynamic current) synchronized with the clock. It is possible to specify the number of clock drivers allowed in the circuit and generate a clustered solution (only NP
different skews are allowed, where NP is the number of clock drivers). A mapped circuit and the clock skew values are the final outputs of the optimization phase. The quality of the results is estimated and validated exploiting the accurate current estimation capabilities of the gate-level power simulator within PPP. PPP embeds an accurate simulator for power and current estimation that operates at the gate level. It is based on the symbolic model of CMOS gates proposed by A. Bogliolo et. al.. The simulator has accuracy close to electrical simulation and speed similar to traditional gate-level simulators. The input of PPP is a mapped verilog netlist. Hierarchical verilog descriptions are supported as long as the leaf cells are pre-characterized library elements. The output of the simulator are power statistics, current waverforms and average/instantaneous power/energy dissipation data. Currently only one library has been fully characterized and can be used for power estimation. The simulator is used for estimation and validation during gated-clock synthesis and clock skew optimization, the other two main features embedded in PPP.

 1.3 Chipwise Tutor

Chipwise Tutor is an integrated, network based, Computer Based Learning (CBL) system for Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design. This system is based around the bi-directional interface of the WWW browser, to the Chipwise VLSI design system. Chipwise Tutor provides the user with interactive, hypermedia based courseware from which the design tools can be controlled and with context sensitive help pages integrated with the courseware and application. The University of Kents CHIPWISE Web Pages are at the URL:http://eleceng.ukc.ac.uk/chipwise/index.html.

 1.4 CyberCut

CyberCut is a web based design-to-prototype or design-to-fabrication project in University of California at Berkeley. Cybercut allows users to quickly design and manufacture prototypes for mechanical parts. A series of interactive web pages act as an on-line CAD tool linked to a 'computer machinist', which restricts the user to the sign of manufacturable parts. When the design is completed, the part specifications are sent directly to a computer controlled three axis milling machine, and fabrication can begin immediately.

1.5 Tech-On-Line DSP Debuggers

Tech-On-Line provides DSP debuggers for two C30 and two C50 boards. In order to use this services, you need to reserve time slots first. Then you telnet to their server at reserved tim. The connection is quite slow. It's basically for demonstration purpose only. They provide now clean way to transfer files.

2 Objectives

In our proposed project,  Web-Enabled Simulation(WEDS), we aim to establish a scalable and secure client/server framework on the web that can offer interfaces to some microcontroller simulators, digital signal processor (DSP) simulators, and DSP board simulators. First of all, why we need standalone DSP/microcontroller simulators?

2.1 DSP/microcontroller Simulator

The DSP/microcontroller Simulator is a software tool for developing programs and algorithms for DSP/microcontrollers. The simulator exactly duplicates the functions of supported DSP/microcontroller chips, usually including all on-chip peripheral operations, all memory and register updates associated with program code execution, and all exception processing activity. The device's pipelined bus activity is exactly simulated. This enables the Simulator to provide the user an accurate measurement of code execution time, which is so critical in DSP applications.

The Simulator executes object code which can be generated using either the device Macro Assembler program or the Simulator's internal single-line assembler. The object code is loaded into the simulated device's memory map. The entire internal and external memory space of the DSP/microcontroller is simulated. During program debug the user can display and change any of the device's registers or memory locations. Instruction execution can proceed until a user-defined breakpoint is encountered, or in single-step mode, stopping after a specified number of instructions or cycles have executed.

From what a DSP/microcontroller simulator can do we can see the advantages of why we need Standalone DSP Simulators.

First, it supports system level design tools.

Second, it supports control by a parent process.

2.2 Web-Based DSP/microcontroller Simulators/Debuggers

Web-Based DSP/microcontroller Simulator/Debuggers provides web access to DSP/microcontroller simulators/debuggers. It has the following advantages: In order to make the Web-Based DSP/microcontroller Simulators/Debuggers system to be scalable, portable, secure and efficient, we need to provide portability, authentication, privacy, security to both the client users and the server.

The Web-Based DSP/microcontroller Simulators/Debuggers system consists of GUI Java applets running on the client side, a multithreaded TCP/IP communication server(Java application) running on the server, and a group of simulators and debuggers for DSPs, microcontrollers and/or other boards.

For the consideration of portability and user friendliness, we choose Java for most the programming. As long as the users have Java-enabled web browser, the client side program can be executed. For the server side, it is also very easy to port the server program to other platforms as long as they support Java Virtual Machine. So by choosing Java, the code itself will be quite portable.

For scalability, first, on the server side, it is easy to expand the set of DSP/microcontroller simulators/debuggers being supported since all the simulators/debuggers are standalone and separate from the communication server. Second, on the client side, since we will develop a protocol to configure the services available on the server and communicate this information the client side at the beginning, the client program doesn't need to do anything. It will be automatically configured.

For security and privacy, we will need authentication for client connection requests, encryption for user files, protection of user files and setting up quota/limitation for users.

2.3 Challenges

Web-Based DSP/microcontroller Simulator/Debuggers system has the following challenges:

3. Implementation Proposal and Innovation

To enhance the current system, I plan to do the following things.
  1. Clients dynamically configure themselves by communicating with the server what kind of services available. This is done every beginning by a protocol between the client and the server.
  2. Subscription of server service. Authenticated user can add/drop the services they want by sending the subscription/unsubscription requests. This will be useful for auditing or charging by usage.
  3. Add another DSP simulators in the system.
  4. Provide authentication for usage, data encryption for user files. Since all the files are stored on and owned by the server, we need to enhance the file system to provide protection among our clients. All these files should be protected from web browser or FTP. Only the owner can retrieve them. So, the following tasks need to be done:
  5. More functionalities for the DSP simulator(Unix process), say to generate the binary code.
  6. Possibility of integrating into WELD.


[1] Richard A. Newton, "Web-Based Electronic Design (WELD) Project,'' http://www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/Respep/Research/weld/, Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Comp. Sciences, The University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720.

[2] C. S. Smith and P.K. Wright, ``Cybercut: a World Wide Web based design-to-fabrication tool,'' Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, pp.432--442, 1996.

[3] L. T. Walczowski, W. A. J. Waller, and D. Nalbantis, ``VLSI design training with the help of the World Wide Web,'' in IEE Colloquium on Learning at a Distance: Developments in Media Technologies, (London, UK), June 1996.

[4] L. Benini and A. B. G. D. Micheli, ``Distributed EDA tool integration: the PPP paradigm,'' in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Design, (Austin, Texas), pp.448--453, Oct. 1996.

[5] B. L. Evans, "Web-based Simulators of Embedded Software for Programmable Digital Signal Processors," http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~bevans/talks/WebSimulatorTools/, March 14, 1997.

[6] Tech-On-Line, http://www.techonline.com, March, 1998.