ECE 445S Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Laboratory - Lecture 0
Lecture by Prof. Brian L. Evans
- Lecture slides on Introduction in
PowerPoint format.
- Your goals for learning and growth (Spring 2025)
- Be good at signals and systems again
- Learn more about image processing techniques
- Expand horizons from the embedded work
- Work on passive and active digital filters
- Work more on software receiver design
- Audio processing
- Skills for senior design project
- Adaptive systems
- Discussed throughout the second half of the course
- Consider a system with a tunable parameter that is producing output x vector
- We would like the system to produce output y vector
- We can adapt the tunable parameter so that the system output x vector moves closer in Euclidean distance to y vector
- Board: Audio equalization (lecture slide 0-9)
- Signal quality vs. run-time implementation complexity
- Signal quality measures
- Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
- Frequency weighted SNR (WSNR)
- Communication systems -- bit rate, bit error rate, received signal strength
- Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
- Application-independent signal quality measure (larger value is better)
- SNR = Signal Power / Noise Power
- SNR is unitless
- SNRdB = 10 log10 SNR
- SNR does not appear in any pre-requisite courses except possibly ECE 319K Intro to Embedded Systems
- Frequency weighted SNR (WSNR)
- use a filter to represent frequency distortion in observing the signal,
e.g. lowpass filter for the LTI model of the human auditory and visual systems
- filter the signal and compute the power of the filtered signal
- filter the noise and compute the power of the filtered noise
- divide the two
- Run-time implementation complexity measures
- Economic cost for the materials
- Power consumption
- Delay
- Storage (memory)
- Memory input/output rates
- Computational complexity
- Run time
- Robustness (error resilence)
- Courses using Python include M 340L Matrices & Matrix Comp., ECE 351M Digital Signal Processing,
ECE 460J Data Science Lab, ECE 461L Software Eng. Lab, and ECE 461P Data Science Principles.
- Comparison of ECE 445S with ECE 351M and other related courses
- Common Signals in Matlab handout (slides)
- Continuous-time Fourier transforms
- Spring 2014 lecture on
video: Part 1 and
Part 2
Supplemental Material
Last updated 03/09/25.
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