39mW Low Noise Amplifier 17mW Mixer 5mW Local Oscillator 14mW Lowpass Filter 5mW Baseband AmplifierThe remaining power consumption budget can be put into the data converters [2]. nalog-to-digital converter (ADC) power consumption increases linearly or quadratically with the sampling rate and exponentially in the number of bits [3].
Here are two example standalone IC chips:
[1] W. B. Abbas, F. Gomez-Cuba, and M. Zorzi,
"Millimeter Wave Receiver Efficiency:
A Comprehensive Comparison of Beamforming Schemes With Low Resolution",
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 8131-8146.
[2] O. Orhan, E. Erkip, and S. Rangan,
"Low Power Analog-to-Digital Conversion in Millimeter Wave Systems: Impact of Resolution and Bandwidth on Performance",
Proc. IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 2015.
[3] B. Murmann,
A/D Converter Figures of Merit and Performance Trends,
April 28, 2017.
[4] Texas Instruments,
ADC32RF45 Data Sheet,
Dec. 2016, p. 116.
[5] Analog Devices,
AD9691 Data Sheet,
Last updated 06/07/22.
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