ECE 445S Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Laboratory - Laboratory Facilties
In the laboratory component of the course, students will be using
several different hardware and software platforms.
Students will
- run the
transmitter reference design
in labs 1-6 in LabVIEW;
- simulate signal processing algorithms in Matlab,
- translate signal processing algorithms in C code
on Texas Instruments digital signal processing boards; and
- validate the implementation on the digital signal processing boards
using rack equipment.
The laboratory sections for the real-time DSP laboratory course meet
in room 1.810 of the Engineering Education and Research Center (EERC) Building.
The STM ARM development kits are
- Available from the first-floor checkout counter in the EERC Bldg.
- 10 kits are reserved for real-time DSP laboratory students.
On your laptop, please install the following software:
- Matlab and relevant toolboxes for algorithm development
- STM ARM integrated development enviroment
Please see the lab #1 Web page
for specific directions on what software packages to install and
for supplemental information.
Last updated 06/07/22.
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