ECE 313 Linear Systems and Signals

Prof. Brian L. Evans

Fall 2024

Welcome - Approach - Lectures - Handouts - Homework - Tuneups - Canvas - Playlist

ECE 313 builds a mathematical foundation for analyzing signals and systems in a wide variety of applications, including speech, audio, image and video processing as well as communications and control systems.

Topics include representation of signals and systems, system properties, sampling, Laplace and z-transforms, transfer functions, frequency responses, convolution, stability, Fourier transform, feedback, and control applications, as well as computer analysis using MATLAB.

ECE 313 feeds into several ECE specializations, including machine learning, energy systems, communication systems, and signal/image processing systems. Here's a slide showing the 15 undergraduate ECE courses at UT Austin that build on ECE 313.

The Web site for Prof. Evans' ECE 313 course in fall 2010 is available here.

Advice to get the most out of this course:

Items 1, 3, and 4 came from students.

Last updated 01/12/25. Send comments to