EE313 Linear Systems and Signals - Midterm #2

Each midterm exam will be an open book, open notes, open laptop exam that is scheduled to last the entire lecture period (11:00am-12:15pm). The laptop must have all external networking connections disabled. Because each midterm is an open book, notes and laptop exam, you'll likely need to move quickly through the exam but also need to think deeply about possible ways to solve the problems. To this end, having a week of regular sleep, eating, and exercise will be very helpful.

Please download in advance of the midterm exam a zip archive of the course Canvas site (930 MB) which includes the lecture slides, marker board pictures, handouts, homework assignments and solutions, and previous tests and their solutions. By placing the files on your laptop in advance, you can search the files for keywords when taking practice tests and the actual midterm exam.

Midterm #2 for the Fall 2024 semester will be on Thursday, Nov. 14th, during lecture time (11:00am to 12:15pm) in UTC 1.102 and UTC 1.130. Each room seats 74 students, and there are 70 students in the class. Please leave one empty seat or an aisle on either side of you. The extra space will help you be more comfortable to arrange your books, notes, and laptop for the midterm exam.

You might consider bringing pens or pencils of different colors to help you in drawing different cases in graphical "flip-and-slide" convolution.


For midterm #2 in EE 313, you will be responsible for the following sections of Signal Processing First book by McClellan, Schafer and Yoder: You will also be responsible for the material in

There will likely be four questions on midterm #2. There will be no questions about Matlab.

A review of midterm #2 material is available from a previous offering of the course. We haven't yet covered continuous-time convolution or the Laplace transform yet.

Worked Problems from Signal Processing First

The companion Web site for the Signal Processing First book has dozens of worked problems on FIR filters, z-transforms and IIR filters. Here is the correspondence between chapters in the two books:

Previous Tests

Here are several example midterm #2 exams: Here are the questions from the previous exams that are related to the material to be covered on midterm #2 this semester.

Last updated 11/30/24. Send comments to