h14147 s 00001/00001/00241 d D 1.17 04/04/04 14:56:49 bevans 17 16 c Updated e s 00003/00005/00239 d D 1.16 02/02/27 00:49:17 bevans 16 15 c Corrected pointer to Evans' dissertation e s 00002/00002/00242 d D 1.15 01/01/23 00:08:36 bevans 15 14 c Updated for 2001 (again) e s 00012/00010/00232 d D 1.14 01/01/23 00:07:50 bevans 14 13 c Updated for 2001 e s 00022/00021/00220 d D 1.13 97/01/05 20:47:46 bevans 13 12 c Updated HTTP addresses e s 00001/00001/00240 d D 1.12 95/09/29 15:00:26 ble 12 11 c SPP 3.0 is not compatible with Mma 3.0 (yet) e s 00001/00001/00240 d D 1.11 95/09/21 22:30:58 ble 11 10 c Updated release of 3.0.1 to Oct. 2nd e s 00008/00001/00233 d D 1.10 95/09/21 22:28:55 ble 10 9 c Added pointers back to the Ptolemy Project WWW page, and my mailing address for comments e s 00003/00003/00231 d D 1.9 95/09/21 22:21:23 ble 9 8 c Added release date of SPPs 3.0.1 e s 00002/00002/00232 d D 1.8 95/09/21 22:09:17 ble 8 7 c Corrected a typo, and added information about the documentation e s 00061/00047/00173 d D 1.7 95/09/20 19:25:27 ble 7 6 c Corrected formatting and expanded introductory paragraph e s 00041/00020/00179 d D 1.6 95/09/12 23:08:46 ble 6 5 c Typed in the last round of changes from WRI e s 00014/00010/00185 d D 1.5 95/09/10 21:20:28 ble 5 4 c Corrected copyright marker and added more links (WRI, UCB, etc.) e s 00004/00001/00191 d D 1.4 95/09/05 15:54:19 ble 4 3 c Added software copyright information e s 00012/00005/00180 d D 1.3 95/09/05 15:17:00 ble 3 2 c Added more information about the development of the pack e s 00003/00001/00182 d D 1.2 95/09/04 20:34:16 ble 2 1 c Minor formatting e s 00183/00000/00000 d D 1.1 95/09/04 19:23:25 ble 1 0 c date and time created 95/09/04 19:23:25 by ble e u U f i f e 0 t T I 1 Signals and Systems Pack

Signals and Systems Pack

D 7 Wolfram Research Inc. has released the Signals and Systems Pack that extends the symbolic mathematics environment Mathematica in the following areas: E 7 I 7 D 13 On October 2, 1995, Wolfram Research Inc. E 13 I 13 On October 2, 1995, Wolfram Research Inc. E 13 D 14 (1-800-441-MATH) will release the Signals and Systems Pack. The Signals and Systems Pack contains version 3.0.1 of the D 9 Signal Processing Packages which are compatible with versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0 of Mathematica. E 9 I 9 Signal Processing Packages (released D 11 September 1, 1995) which are compatible with versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0 E 11 I 11 D 12 October 2, 1995) which are compatible with versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0 E 12 I 12 October 2, 1995) which are compatible with versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 E 12 E 11 D 13 of Mathematica. E 13 I 13 of Mathematica. E 14 I 14 (1-800-441-MATH) released the Signals and Systems Pack. The initial release of the Signals and Systems Pack contained version 3.0.1 of the Signal Processing Packages (released October 2, 1995) which are compatible with versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 of Mathematica. The most recent release of the Signals and Systems Pack D 17 is for Mathematica 4.0. E 17 I 17 is for Mathematica 5.0. E 17

E 14 E 13 E 9 The Signals and Systems Pack extends the symbolic mathematics D 13 environment Mathematica in the following E 13 I 13 environment Mathematica in the following E 13 areas: E 7

D 6

Mathematica and Symbolic Signals and Systems

E 6 I 6

Mathematica in Signal Processing

E 6 D 6 Symbolic techniques are fundamental to the understanding of signals and systems, and thus important to the understanding of many concepts of signal processing. However, traditional software for signal analysis and system manipulation has not taken advantage of these techniques. E 6 I 6 The foundation of signal processing lies in calculus, matrix algebra, linear operator theory, vector spaces, and number theory. With signal processing tasks relying so heavily on mathematics, D 7 Mathematica is a natural environment for work in this area. E 7 I 7 D 13 Mathematica is a natural E 13 I 13 Mathematica is a natural E 13 environment for work in this area. E 7 Integrated seamlessly with its high-powered numeric and graphical capabilities are an outstanding collection of robust symbolic functions for algebraic equation solving, integration, and differentiation. A core component of signals and systems curricula, symbolic techniques are fundamental to the understanding of signal processing concepts. And while traditional software has not taken full advantage of symbolic techniques, engineers are finding them increasingly useful. E 6 D 7 The Mathematica Signals and Systems Pack brings powerful symbolic E 7 I 7

D 13 The Mathematica E 13 I 13 The Mathematica E 13 Signals and Systems Pack brings powerful symbolic E 7 computation capabilities to engineers and educators working in these fields. These essential tools for working with signals and systems from the signal processing perspective extend the domain of signal processing software to a wide variety of techniques not traditionally open to the engineer. For instance, you can use the pack to express and manipulate of signals of infinite extent, work with analog signals, perform operations on some nonseparable multidimensional signals, and conduct other system D 7 manipulation tasks. In addition, having the full power of Mathematica behind the pack enables you to extend the functionality to cover your particular application. E 7 I 7 manipulation tasks. In addition, having the full power of D 13 Mathematica behind the pack enables E 13 I 13 Mathematica behind the pack enables E 13 you to extend the functionality to cover your particular application. E 7

Essential Functions for Linear Signals and Systems

With the Signals and Systems Pack, you can begin immediately to analyze signals, design filters, and perform other routine signal processing D 6 tasks. Or, you can use the pack as an extensible core for handling a wide variety of advanced signal processing problems. E 6 I 6 operations. Tasks that involve linear transforms, standard signal representations, and visualization become greatly simplified. You can also perform algebraic manipulation on signals and systems to improve, develop, and implement new algorithms. D 7 And Mathematica's high-level programming language allows you to use the pack as an extensible core for handling a wide variety of advanced signal processing problems. E 6 E 7 I 7 D 13 And Mathematica's high-level E 13 I 13 And Mathematica's high-level E 13 programming language allows you to use the pack as an extensible core for handling a wide variety of advanced signal processing problems.

E 7 Tools in the pack enable engineers to extend their analysis to symbolic D 6 domains. Standard tools such as pole-zero and magnitude-phase plots will make your job easier. Sophisticated code is also provided for some special purpose design tasks, such as working with two-dimensional resampling systems. E 6 I 6 domains. Standard tools such as pole-zero and magnitude-phase plots will make your job easier. Sophisticated code is also provided for some special purpose design tasks, such as the graphical design of two-dimensional resampling systems. Working with the pack gives you access to the full capabilities D 7 of Mathematica, so you can work with its unlimited range of numeric and symbolic computation techniques, and create sophisticated graphics to visualize your ideas and results. E 6 E 7 I 7 D 13 of Mathematica, so you can work with E 13 I 13 of Mathematica, so you can work with E 13 its unlimited range of numeric and symbolic computation techniques, and create sophisticated graphics to visualize your ideas and results.

E 7 Educators will find the pack particularly useful in designing signals and systems courseware, as it provides all the standard signal representations. It enhances these by allowing the user to track the steps taken by most important routines (such as the transforms) to help students better D 6 understand the techniques used. In fact, a prototype of the Signals and Systems Pack has been used successfully to teach college courses around the world. Working with the pack gives you access to the full capabilities of Mathematica, so you can work with an unlimited range of numeric and symbolic computation techniques, and create sophisticated graphics to visualize your ideas and results. E 6 I 6 understand the techniques used. You can present interactive lessons--- containing problems and explanations--- D 7 in a Mathematica notebook, and have students derive, explain, and submit their solutions in the same notebook. E 7 I 7 D 13 in a Mathematica notebook, and E 13 I 13 in a Mathematica notebook, and E 13 have students derive, explain, and submit their solutions in the same notebook. E 7 In fact, a prototype of the Signals and Systems Pack has been used successfully to teach college courses around the world. Engineering students at the Georgia Institute of Technology, D 8 the Rose-Hulaman Institute of Technology, E 8 I 8 the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, E 8 Washington State University, University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, and many other institutions have all benefited from this technology. E 6


Technical Facts

D 3 The Signals and Systems Pack is available for all platforms that run E 3 I 3 The Signals and Systems Pack is available for all platforms that run E 3 D 7 Mathematica 2.2 or later. (Versions that support the notebook front end are required in order to use on-line documentation.) The pack is distributed on D 3 3.5" high-density diskettes and includes complete documentation. Signals and Systems Pack diskettes for Unix systems are provided in Sun SPARC E 3 I 3 3.5" high-density diskettes and includes complete documentation. Signals and Systems Pack diskettes for Unix systems are provided in Sun SPARC E 3 format. Alternative media are available by special order. E 7 I 7 D 13 Mathematica 2.2 or later. E 13 I 13 Mathematica 2.2 or later. E 13 (Versions that support the notebook front end are required in order to use on-line documentation.) The pack is distributed on 3.5" high-density diskettes and includes complete D 8 documentation. E 8 I 8 documentation in the form of a 200-page report. E 8 Signals and Systems Pack diskettes for Unix systems are provided in Sun SPARC format. Alternative media are available by special order. E 7

Mathematica Applications Library Developer Series

D 3 The Signals and Systems Pack is published by Wolfram Research as part of the Mathematica Applications Library Developer Series. This series features E 3 I 3 D 5 The Signals and Systems Pack is published by Wolfram Research as part E 5 I 5 The Signals and Systems Pack is published by D 7 Wolfram Research Inc. as part E 5 of the Mathematica Applications Library Developer Series. This series features E 3 specialized application packages created by independent developers with extensive experience in their fields. E 7 I 7 D 13 Wolfram Research Inc. as part of the Mathematica Applications Library Developer E 13 I 13 Wolfram Research Inc. as part of the Mathematica Applications Library Developer E 13 Series. This series features specialized application packages created by independent developers with extensive experience in their fields. E 7

About Mathematica

Engineers, researchers, scientists, and analysts around the world use D 7 Mathematica every day to do numerical and symbolic computations, analyze data, and create graphics and animations. Hundreds of built-in functions for operations like matrix manipulation, equation solving, differentiation and integration, data analysis, and two- and three-dimensional graphics make Mathematica a comprehensive and efficient productivity tool for a wide range of technical projects. Mathematica's high-level programming language makes it easy to extend the system for your own customized solutions. E 7 I 7 D 13 Mathematica every day to do numerical E 13 I 13 Mathematica every day to do numerical E 13 and symbolic computations, analyze data, and create graphics and animations. Hundreds of built-in functions for operations like matrix manipulation, equation solving, differentiation and integration, data analysis, and two- and three-dimensional graphics make Mathematica a comprehensive and efficient productivity tool for a wide range of technical projects. Mathematica's high-level programming language makes it easy to extend the system for your own customized solutions. E 7 Furthermore, using MathLink you can communicate with your existing C and D 7 Fortran routines. The notebook interface makes Mathematica easy to use and ideal for recording ideas, writing technical reports, putting together technical presentations, and sharing work electronically with colleagues and clients across multiple platforms. Mathematica runs on over 20 computer platforms. E 7 I 7 Fortran routines. The notebook interface makes Mathematica easy to use and ideal for recording ideas, writing technical reports, putting together technical presentations, and sharing work electronically with colleagues and clients across multiple platforms. Mathematica runs on over 20 computer platforms. E 7

About the Signals and Systems Pack

D 5 The Signals and Systems Pack has been developed by Wolfram Research, Inc., in cooperation with Dr. E 5 I 5 The Signals and Systems Pack has been developed by D 7 Wolfram Research Inc., in cooperation with Dr. E 5 Brian L. Evans. It is based on a prototype developed from 1989-1993 by E 7 I 7 D 13 Wolfram Research Inc., in cooperation with Dr. Brian L. Evans. E 13 I 13 Wolfram Research Inc., in cooperation with Dr. Brian L. Evans. E 13 It is based on a prototype developed from 1989-1993 by E 7 D 13 Brian L. Evans and E 13 I 13 Brian L. Evans and E 13 Prof. James H. McClellan D 5 at the Georgia Institute of Technology. E 5 I 5 at the Georgia Institute of Technology E 5 I 3 for Brian Evans' Ph.D. dissertation entitled D 16 "A D 7 Knowledge-Based Environment for the Design and Analysis of Multidimensional Multirate Signal Processing Algorithms". E 7 I 7 Knowledge-Based Environment for the Design and Analysis of Multidimensional Multirate Signal Processing Algorithms". E 16 I 16 A Knowledge-Based Environment for the Design and Analysis of Multidimensional Multirate Signal Processing Algorithms. E 16 E 7 D 5 Dr. Evans is now a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California at Berkeley where he works in system-level design methodologies and tools for signal processing and communication systems. E 5 I 5 D 14 Dr. Evans is now a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California at Berkeley where he works in system-level design methodologies and tools for signal processing and communication systems, as a member of the Ptolemy Project. E 14 I 14 Dr. Evans is presently a tenured Associate Professor at The University of Texas at Austin. E 14 E 5 E 3 D 4 E 4 I 4

D 5 The packages are copyright &169; 1989-1995 Georgia Tech Research Corporation. All other components of the Signals and Systems Pack are copyright &169; 1994-1995 Wolfram Research Inc. E 5 I 5 D 15 The packages are copyright © 1989-1995 Georgia Tech Research Corporation. E 15 I 15 The packages are copyright © 1989-2001 Georgia Tech Research Corporation. E 15 All other components of the Signals and Systems Pack are D 13 copyright © 1994-1995 Wolfram Research Inc. E 13 I 13 D 15 copyright © 1994-1995 Wolfram E 15 I 15 copyright © 1994-2001 Wolfram E 15 Research Inc. E 13 E 5 E 4 D 2
E 2 I 2

D 10

E 10 E 2 D 13 This fact sheet was written by Katherine E 13 I 13 This fact sheet was written by Katherine E 13 D 7 Csizmadia of Wolfram Research Inc. and modified by Brian L. Evans of the E 7 I 7 Csizmadia of Wolfram Research Inc., and modified and converted to D 13 HTML by Brian L. Evans of the E 13 I 13 D 16 HTML by Brian L. Evans of the E 13 E 7 University of California at Berkeley. E 16 I 16 HTML by Brian L. Evans. E 16 I 10

D 13 Signal Processing Packages - E 13 I 13 Signal Processing Packages - E 13 Ptolemy Project
E 10 E 1