Research Team Facilitated by Prof. Brian L. Evans
Overview -
Research -
Students -
PhD Dissertations -
Student & Alumni Awards -
Group Alumni -
More Information
| Faraz Barati (PhD student)
cellular communication systems
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
| Alice Liu (PhD student)
cellular communication systems
beamforming, massive MIMO,
signal processing
| Vignesh Nandakumar (PhD student)
cellular communication systems
Internet of Things and signal processing
| Pooja Nuti (PhD student)
cellular communication systems
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
A multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication system uses multiple antenna elements at the
transmitter and receiver.
Signal processing methods process the inputs to the transmitter and outputs
from the receiver to improve cellular communication performance, such as bit rate.
Prof. Evans supervised the following students for their PhD dissertations.
The link for each PhD alum's name leads to their PhD dissertation.
The following PhD graduates were co-advised:
Dogu Arifler (Prof. Gustavo de Veciana),
Thomas Kite (Prof. Alan C. Bovik),
Yousof Mortazavi (Prof. Arjang Hassibi),
Wade Schwartzkopf (Prof. Alan C. Bovik),
Zukang Shen (Prof. Jeffrey G. Andrews),
Clint Slatton (Prof. Melba Crawford),
Murat Torlak (Prof. Guanghan Xu),
Dong Wei (Prof. Alan C. Bovik) and
Kyle Wesson (Prof. Todd E. Humphreys).
Here's the breakdown of the most recent placements of the above PhD graduates:
- 5 in academia (Eastern Med. Univ., KAIST, Penn State Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Texas at Dallas)
- 8 in corporate R&D labs (2 x AT&T Labs, Ericsson Research, Nokia Bell Labs, Qualcomm R&D, 2 x Samsung Research America, Toyota InfoTech Labs)
- 1 in a university R&D lab (UT Austin Applied Research Labs)
- 13 in business units at large companies (Amazon Project Kuiper, Broadcom, Halliburton, HP, Huawei, Intel, 3 x Qualcomm, Silicon Labs, SpaceX, VIAVI Solutions, Waymo)
- 3 in small companies (Audio Precision, Integrity Applications, OpenSpirit)
- 2 in startup companies (Ambiq Micro, Avvasi)
The above PhD alumni took an average of 3.31 years of full-time graduate
studies (including internships in industry) from the time that
they first enrolled as a full-time post-Master's student to the time
that they officially graduated with their PhDEE degree.
Several PhD students and alumni have recently received local, national and international recognition:
- 2022:
The journal article published in March 2020 by lead author
Dr. Faris Mismar with Prof. Brian L. Evans and Prof. Ahmed Alkhateeb entitled
"Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G Networks: Joint Beamforming, Power Control, and Interference Coordination" was
one of the top 50 most accessed articles in March through May among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
This follows 8 months in 2021 and 12 months in 2020 with the same distinction.
- 2022:
Prof. Vishal Monga
was elevated to
Senior Member in the US National Academy of Inventors.
- 2021:
Prof. Vishal Monga's
lab's collaborative work at Pennsylvania State University with Amazon was runner up at the 2021 NTIRE
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Relighting challenge.
- 2021:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University)
has been elected to three different IEEE Signal Processing Society technical committees--
Computational Imaging; Bio-imaging & Signal Processing; and Sensor, Array & Multichannel Signal Processing--
each for a three-year term starting Jan. 2022.
- 2021:
The magazine article published in March 2021 by
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University)
and Dr. Yuelong Li and Prof. Yonina Eldar entitled
"Algorithm Unrolling: Interpretable, Efficient Deep Learning for Signal and Image Processing"
in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine has been among the
top 50 most downloaded articles each month from March to November 2021
among all articles published in the magazine.
- 2021:
The magazine article published by
Prof. Murat Torlak (UT Dallas)
in March 2017 with Dr. Sujeet Patole, Dr. Dan Wang and Dr. Murtaza Ali entitled
"Automotive radars: A review of signal processing techniques"
in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine has been among the
top 50 most downloaded articles each month from January to November 2021
among all articles published in the magazine.
- 2021:
The journal article published in March 2020 by lead author
Dr. Faris Mismar with Prof. Brian L. Evans and Prof. Ahmed Alkhateeb entitled
"Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G Networks: Joint Beamforming, Power Control, and Interference Coordination" was
one of the top 50 most accessed articles in January and February and from May to September and in November and December of 2021 among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
This follows 12 months in 2020 with the same distinction.
- 2021:
Dr. Faris Mismar was awarded a
Nokia Fearless Award for leadership and business impact in 2021.
- 2021:
Dr. Faris Mismar was awarded a
Nokia STAR Award in appreciation and recognition for a spectral efficiency improvement contribution.
- 2020:
Journal article by lead author
Dr. Jinseok Choi with
Dr. Gilwon Lee, Prof. Ahmed Alkhateeb, Dr. Alan Gatherer, Prof. Naofal Al-Dhahir, and Prof. Brian L. Evans entitled
"Advanced Receiver Architectures for Millimeter-Wave Communications with Low-Resolution ADCs"
one of the top 50 most accessed articles in September of 2020
among all articles published in the IEEE Communications Magazine.
- 2020:
Dr. Jinseok Choi joined the
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
in Ulsan, South Korea, as an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering.
- 2020:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University)
was promoted to Professor effective July 1st.
- 2020:
Mr. Yunseong Cho
won a Spring 2020 Top Graduate Teaching Assistant Award from the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
for being a graduate teaching assistant for the Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
in spring 2019 and fall 2019.
- 2020:
Journal article by lead author
Dr. Faris Mismar with Prof. Brian L. Evans and Prof. Ahmed Alkhateeb entitled
"Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G Networks: Joint Beamforming, Power Control, and Interference Coordination" was
one of the top 50 most accessed articles every month in 2020 among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- 2020:
Dr. Faris Mismar was awarded a
Nokia STAR Award in appreciation and recognition for an automatic intelligent root cause analysis contribution.
- 2019:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University) received the
Penn State Engineering Alumni Society Outstanding Research Award.
The award recognizes "outstanding engineering researchers for accomplishments
in advancing the frontiers of knowledge" who "by their contributions to knowledge,
have brought recognition to themselves, the College and Penn State."
- 2019:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University) led teams that won first and second place at the
New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement (NTIRE)
Challenge in Image Dehazing out of 275 teams.
Image dehazing has important applications in autonomous driving and navigation.
The competition was held at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) in June 2019,
and the winning team received $20,000.
News Release.
- 2019:
Journal article by
Dr. Jinseok Choi with Dr. Gilwon Lee and Prof. Brian L. Evans entitled
"Two-Stage Analog Combining in Hybrid Beamforming Systems with Low-Resolution ADCs" was
one of the top 50 most accessed articles in April 2019 among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
- 2018: Dr. Aditya Chopra was elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
- 2018: Dr. Ian Wong was appointed to the Board of Governors for the
IEEE Communication Society as the
Director of Industry Communities
- 2017:
Journal article by
Mr. Jinseok Choi with Prof. Brian L. Evans and Dr. Alan Gatherer entitled
"Resolution-Adaptive Hybrid MIMO Architectures for Millimeter Wave Communications" was
one of the top 50 most accessed articles in October 2017 among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
- 2017: Mr. Faris Mismar
received a $60,000 Marcus Wallenberg Foundation
Fellowship to support his graduate studies.
- 2017:
Mr. Faris Mismar was elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
- 2017:
Journal article by
Dr. Debarati Kundu with
Dr. Deepti Ghadiyaram, Prof. Alan C. Bovik and Prof. Brian L. Evans entitled
"No-Reference Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures" was
one of the top 50 most accessed articles in May and June 2017 among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
- 2016:
Mr. Jinseok Choi
won a Top Teaching Assistant Award twice from the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
for being a teaching assistant for the Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
in spring 2016 and fall 2016.
- 2016:
Dr. Aditya Chopra
received the Engineering Excellence Award at the National Instruments (R&D)
Conference in April 2016.
- 2016:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University) received the
Joel and Ruth Spira Excellence in Teaching Award
at the Pennsylvania State University.
The award "recognizes individuals who excel in the classroom by helping
students learn, understand and apply the fundamentals of engineering".
- 2016:
Dr. Kyle Wesson received the
2016-2017 Institute of
Navigation Congressional Science & Technology Fellowship and
served as a Science & Technology Advisor to US Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-CT.
- 2015:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University)
received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor.
- 2015:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University) won a prestigious
US National Science Foundation CAREER Award.
The award recognizes the very top researchers in science, engineering
and mathematics among Assistant Professors in the US.
The award is based on a thorough peer review of a full-length
NSF proposal.
- 2015:
Ms. Debarati Kundu
Prof. Brian L. Evans won a Top 10% Paper Award at the
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
for the paper entitled
"Full-Reference Visual
Quality Assessment for Synthetic Images: A Subjective Study".
- 2015:
Prof. Dogu Arifler was promoted to the rank of Professor at
Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta, Cyprus.
- 2014:
Prof. Murat Torlak
(The University of Texas at Dallas)
was promoted to the rank of Professor.
- 2014:
Ms.Debarati Kundu
won the
2014 Roberto Padovani Fellowship
from Qualcomm.
Qualcomm gives this award to the top 1% of their Corporate R&D interns
each year.
- 2014:
Dr. Chao Jia's paper with Prof. Brian L. Evans entitled
"Constrained 3D Rotation Smoothing via Global Manifold Regression for Video Stabilization" was
one of the top 25 most accessed articles in July 2014 among all articles published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
- 2013:
Mr. Karl F. Nieman, Ms. Jing Lin, Mr. Marcel Nassar and Prof. Brian L. Evans won
The Best Student Paper Award for the Architecture and Implementation Track
and Second Place in the Overall Student Best Paper Award Contest at the
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers for the paper
"FPGA Implementation of a
Message-Passing OFDM Receiver for Impulsive Noise Channels".
- 2013:
Mr. Karl F. Nieman, Ms. Jing Lin, Mr. Marcel Nassar, and Prof. Brian L. Evans won
Best Paper Award at the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line
Communications and Its Applications.
Our paper was entitled
"Cyclic Spectral Analysis of
Power Line Noise in the 3-200 kHz Band".
The fifth author was Dr. Khurram Waheed (Freescale Semiconductor).
ECE News release.
- 2013:
The following model for noise and interference for powerline communications in
the 3-500 kHz band was adopted by the
1901.2 powerline communications standard:
M. Nassar, A. Dabak, I. H. Kim, T. Pande and B. L. Evans,
"Cyclostationary Noise Modeling In
Narrowband Powerline Communication For Smart Grid Applications",
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Mar. 25-30, 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
- 2013:
Dr. Greg Allen was elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
- 2013:
Prof. Vishal Monga
was elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
- 2012:
Mr. Chao Jia and Prof. Brian L. Evans won a
Top 10% Paper Award
at the 2012 IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop.
Our paper was entitled
"Probabilistic 3D Motion Estimation
for Rolling Shutter Video Rectification from Visual and Inertial Measurements".
News release.
- 2012:
A paper by Mr. Marcel Nassar, Ms. Jing Lin, and Mr. Yousof Mortazavi with
co-authors Dr. Anand Dabak, Dr. Il Han Kim and Prof. Brian L. Evans entitled
"Local Utility Powerline Communications in the 3-500 kHz Band: Channel Impairments, Noise, and Standards" was
one of the top 25 most accessed articles in September 2012 among all articles published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
- 2012:
Dr. Kyungtae Han won the 2012 Intel Achievement Award
"For Developing the Converged Platform Power Management Framework".
This is the highest technical award at Intel.
At the awards ceremony in San Francisco on May 5th, Dr. Han
officially received the award from Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini.
- 2011:
Dr. Greg Allen won the 2011 UT Austin Applied Research Laboratories
Excellence Award "for outstanding research recognized by his fellow
- 2011:
Dr. Ian Wong was elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
- 2011:
Dr. Niranjan Damera-Venkata (HP Research Labs) won the 2011 ACM SIGWEB
Best Paper Award.
- 2011:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University) received a Top 10% Paper Award
at the 2011 IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop.
- 2010:
Mr. Kyle Wesson won a 2010 National Defense Science and Engineering
Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship from the Army Research Office.
- 2009:
Prof. Brian L. Evans' paper with Prof. Lina J. Karam, Mr. Ismail AlKamal, Dr. Alan Gatherer, Mr. Gene A. Frantz, and
Prof. David V. Anderson entitled "Trends in Multicore DSP Platforms" was
one of the top 10 most accessed articles in December 2009 and January 2010 among all articles published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
- 2009:
Prof. Vishal Monga
(Pennsylvania State University) received a Top 10% Paper Award
at the 2009 IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop.
- 2009:
Prof. Dogu Arifler was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at
Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta, Cyprus.
- 2009:
Dr. Kapil Gulati won a Best Paper Award at the
2009 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI held in May.
- 2009:
Prof. K. Clint Slatton was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor
at the University of Florida.
- 2008:
Dr. Vishal Monga
received the 2008 Rochester Engineering Society
Young Engineer of the Year Award
for his work in perceptual image hashing and document image processing
when he worked at Xerox Research Labs.
The Rochester Engineering Society, founded in 1897, involves all
engineering disciplines.
- 2007:
Dr. Niranjan Damera-Venkata (HP Research Labs)
received two awards for his development of a super-resolution
projection system using lower-cost less-capable projectors:
- Best Paper award at the 2007 Projector-Camera Systems
- PC Magazine's list of "five ideas that will re-invent modern
- 2007:
Prof. Clint Slatton
(University of Florida) won two awards for his proposal to combine
physics-based models of signal propagation with pattern recognition
for terrain mapping by airborne laser scanners:
To be eligible for PECASE, the researcher must first win a young
investigator award from the US government.
PECASE "is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government
on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent
Clint Slatton received tenure and promotion to Associate
Professor at The University of Florida effective fall 2009.
Sadly, Clint Slatton died on March 30, 2010, from cancer.
Ph.D. students -
Master's students -
Undergraduate students -
Alumni -
Volunteer duties
Last updated 02/12/25.
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