EE382N-10 –
Parallel Computer Architecture (16355)
Fall 2005
Syllabus and
Course Description
Prof. Derek Chiou
MW 3:30PM-5:00PM
ENS 126
Office Hours:
M 5:00PM-7:00PM (after class) or by
Unique numbers:
Course Home Page:
On Blackboard. You can try to get there from the following link
but will have to login.
Course Objective:
This course is intended to be a first graduate course in parallel
architecture. The course will focus primarily on parallel
architecture, their evaluation and the tradeoffs made in their design,
but will
also touch on how the machines are used.
Prerequisites: Students
must know
the principles of computer architecture.
You should have done well in EE360N or an equivalent class. What I have been finding talking to students
is that many have not taken a 360N equivalent class; it’s really much
similar to a graduate class in computer architecture than an
Students are strongly encouraged to have some
of concurrency and synchronization – i.e., CS372, EE345M or EE360P or
equivalent. Other knowledge that is
helpful includes algorithms (e.g., EE360C) and compilers (CS375). If you have any doubts of whether you
the appropriate knowledge, come talk to me.
Text: Parallel Computer Architecture,
Culler, Singh and Gupta.
Evaluation: Your
grade will be determined by the following:
- Four problem sets, some of which
include a programming component worth a total of 45% of your grade. I strongly encourage teams of two (or one team
of three if we have an odd number of students). You
are not allowed to use the same partner more than once throughout the
class. Only one writeup
per group is required and all students in the group will receive the
same grade. The problem set solutions
should be a joint effort; both parties should both contribute to and
understand the solutions. It should be
noted on the problem set who did what.
- A single exam on or around the 21st
of November worth 15% of your grade. This
exam is likely to be an oral exam
- A class project worth 35% of your
grade (5% on the proposal due Oct 15th and 30% on the writeup and presentation). The
project will be fairly open-ended but will essentially start with a
question such as “How can parallelism be used to help
debugging/performance monitoring” or “How can a directory-based cache
coherency algorithm be modified to improve reliability” and a set of
papers that are a starting point in that topic area.
Such questions could very well be the start of one or more
Ph.D. theses, but I want you to get as far as you can in the topic area. The result should be an 8 to 10 page paper and
a presentation to be held either the last week of class or on the day
that our final would otherwise be scheduled. You
may find that you need to run experiments to test/confirm results, etc. You should group into teams of two or three
for the project. You are not allowed to
team up with anyone more than once, either for a problem set or a class
I will be grading
using a +, √,
-, 0 grading scheme. I don’t need 1 part
out of 100 resolution to determine your grade, so I figure I won’t
waste time
getting to that resolution.
Meetings: All
students are required to meet with me at least once during the first
weeks of class. This meeting is intended
for me to get to know you and for you to get to know me at little
better. You are, of course, welcome to
come anytime
during office hours and can make appointments to see me outside of
College of Engineering
Drop/Add Policy: The Dean must approve adding or
courses after the fourth class day of the semester.
Cheating: The problem
sets should only
be done within your dynamic group.
Discussion of the problem set with anyone outside of your group
will be
considered cheating. The problem sets are,
in some sense, group take home exams.
The requirement of always switching partners helps me to better
your ability, rather than the combination of you and your partner. It is ok to discuss your class project with
others outside of your group, but only to gather information (for
example, you
can write to the author of a paper for clarification) and not to bounce
off of each other. For the oral exam,
you will be required to sign a document stating that you did not
receive any
help with the exam nor would you give any help for the exam.
you cheat, you violate the soul of the University, which we take very
seriously, and will deal with in the harshest possible way. If you have
question as to what is permitted and what is not, ask the instructor
you don't ask first, and you do something that is not allowed, the
"I thought it was okay" is not an acceptable justification.
Allegations of Scholastic Dishonesty will be dealt with according to
procedures outlined in Appendix C, Chapter 11, of the General
with Disabilities: The University
of Texas at Austin
provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified
students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of
Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY or the College of
Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4382.
I intend to cover, in no particular order:
Notable event
Monday, Aug 31
Problem Set 1 Issued
Monday, Sep 5
Labor Day, no class
Tuesday, Sep 6
Last day of the
official add/drop period.
Wednesday, Sep 7
Monday, Sep 12
Wednesday, Sep 14
Monday, Sep 19
Problem Set 1 Due,
Problem Set 2 Issued
Wednesday, Sep 21
Monday, Sep 2 26
Wednesday, Sep 28
Last day to drop a
course without academic penalty
Monday, Oct 3
Wednesday, Oct 5
Project proposal due
Monday, Oct 10
Problem Set 2 Due,
Problem Set 3 Issued
Wednesday, Oct 12
Monday, Oct 17
Last day to apply
for a graduate degree
Wednesday, Oct 19
Monday, Oct 24
Wednesday, Oct 26
Problem Set 3 Due,
Problem Set 4 Issued
Monday, Oct 31
Wednesday, Nov 2
Monday, Nov 7
Wednesday, Nov 9
Monday, Nov 14
Problem Set 4 Due
Wednesday, Nov 16
Monday, Nov 21
Wednesday, Nov 23
Monday, Nov 28
Wednesday, Nov 30
Project Paper Due
Monday, Dec 5
Wednesday, Dec 7
Presentations on Finals Day
Classes are normally scheduled for Mondays
and Wednesdays. We are likely to have
guest lecturers during the semester. In
addition, the Computer Architecture seminar series is held during class
time on
Mondays. If there is an especially
interesting seminar, we will attend the seminar in place of class.