
  TITLE = {Predicate Detection on Infinite Computations},
  AUTHOR = {Anurag Agarwal and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2006},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  PDF = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/cav06.pdf}

  TITLE = {Scalable Algorithms for Global Snapshots in Distributed Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Rahul Garg and Vijay K. Garg and Yogish Sabharwal},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {ACM} Conference on 
		 Supercomputing, 2006},
  YEAR = {2006},
  PDF = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/snapshot.pdf},
  URL = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/ics06.ppt}

  TITLE = {Efficient Dependency Tracking for Relevant Events in Concurrent Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Anurag Agarwal and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Distributed Computing},
  YEAR = {2006},
  PDF = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/agarwal-garg-DC.pdf},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00446-006-0004-y},
  NOTE = {to appear}

  TITLE = {Adaptive general perfectly periodic scheduling},
  AUTHOR = {Shailesh Patil and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Inf. Process. Lett},
  YEAR = {2006},
  NUMBER = {3},
  VOLUME = {98},
  BIBDATE = {2006-04-27},
  PAGES = {107--114},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2005.12.009},
  PDF = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/adaptivegeneralPPS.pdf}

  TITLE = {Algorithmic Combinatorics based on Slicing Posets},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
  YEAR = {2006},
  PDF = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/tcs06.pdf},
  NOTE = {to appear}

  TITLE = {Using Order in Distributed Computing},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Neeraj Mittal and Alper Sen},
  BOOKTITLE = {American Mathematical Society National Meeting},
  YEAR = {2006},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  PDF = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/ams06.pdf},
  URL = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/ams06-short.pdf},
  NOTE = {invited}

  TITLE = {Efficient dependency tracking for relevant events in
		 shared-memory systems},
  AUTHOR = {Anurag Agarwal and Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2006-02-15},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual {ACM}
		 Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing,
		 {PODC} 2005, Las Vegas, {NV}, {USA}, July 17-20, 2005},
  YEAR = {2005},
  EDITOR = {Marcos Kawazoe Aguilera and James Aspnes},
  PAGES = {19--28},
  URL = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1073814.1073818}

  TITLE = {Exploiting predicate structure for efficient
		 reachability detection},
  AUTHOR = {Sujatha Kashyap and Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2006-02-13},
  BOOKTITLE = {20th {IEEE}/{ACM} International Conference on
		 Automated Software Engineering ({ASE} 2005), November
		 7-11, 2005, Long Beach, {CA}, {USA}},
  YEAR = {2005},
  EDITOR = {David F. Redmiles and Thomas Ellman and Andrea
  PAGES = {4--13},
  URL = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1101908.1101913}

  TITLE = {Distributed Maintenance of a Spanning Tree Using
		 Labeled Tree Encoding},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Anurag Agarwal},
  BIBDATE = {2005-09-13},
  BOOKTITLE = {Euro-Par},
  BOOKTITLE = {Euro-Par 2005, Parallel Processing, 11th International
		 Euro-Par Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, August 30 -
		 September 2, 2005, Proceedings},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {2005},
  VOLUME = {3648},
  EDITOR = {Jos{\'e} C. Cunha and Pedro D. Medeiros},
  ISBN = {3-540-28700-0},
  PAGES = {606--616},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11549468_68}

  TITLE = {A Critique of Java for Concurrent Programming},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Neeraj Mittal},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Distributed Systems Online},
  YEAR = {2005},
  NUMBER = {9},
  VOLUME = {6},
  BIBDATE = {2006-05-04},
  URL = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MDSO.2005.43}

  TITLE = {Intractability results in predicate detection},
  AUTHOR = {Sujatha Kashyap and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Inf. Process. Lett},
  YEAR = {2005},
  NUMBER = {6},
  VOLUME = {94},
  BIBDATE = {2006-04-26},
  PAGES = {277--282},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2005.02.008}

  TITLE = {Techniques and applications of computation slicing},
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Distributed Computing},
  YEAR = {2005},
  NUMBER = {3},
  VOLUME = {17},
  BIBDATE = {2005-04-25},
  PAGES = {251--277},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00446-004-0117-0}

  TITLE = {Finding Satisfying Global States: All for One and One
		 for All},
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg and
		 Ranganath Atreya},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  YEAR = {2004},
  BIBDATE = {2004-07-01},
  ISBN = {0-7695-2132-0},
  URL = {http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/ipdps/2004/2132/01/213210066babs.htm}

  TITLE = {Finding missing synchronization in a distributed
		 computation using controlled re-execution},
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Distributed Computing},
  YEAR = {2004},
  NUMBER = {2},
  VOLUME = {17},
  BIBDATE = {2005-03-14},
  PAGES = {107--130},
  URL = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s00446-003-0104-x}

  TITLE = {Predicate control: synchronization in distributed
		 computations with look-ahead},
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {J. Parallel Distrib. Comput},
  YEAR = {2004},
  NUMBER = {2},
  VOLUME = {64},
  BIBDATE = {2004-07-05},
  PAGES = {219--237},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2003.11.004}

  TITLE = {{ACM} {SIGACT} News Distributed Computing Column 12},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Neeraj Mittal and Alper Sen},
  YEAR = {2004},
  MONTH = MAY # {~10},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:563530;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:419813; oai:CiteSeerPSU:444044;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:503358; oai:CiteSeerPSU:453289;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:451880;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:491537; oai:CiteSeerPSU:624514;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (ECE Department; University of Texas);
		 Neeraj Mittal (CS Department; University of Texas ,
		 Dallas; Richardson , TX , USA); Alper Sen (ECE
		 Department; University of Texas);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  DESCRIPTION = {this paper do},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:636849},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/636849.html;

  TITLE = {Detecting Locally Stable Predicates without Modifying
		 Application Messages},
  AUTHOR = {Ranganath Atreya and Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2004},
  MONTH = JAN # {~19},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:27551; oai:CiteSeerPSU:533432;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:18234; oai:CiteSeerPSU:9383;
  ANNOTE = {Ranganath Atreya (2?; Department of Computer Science ,
		 The University of Texas at Dallas , Richardson; TX
		 75083 , USA); Vijay K. Garg (2; Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering , The University of
		 Texas at; Austin , Austin , TX 78712 , USA);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  DESCRIPTION = {In this paper, we give an ecient algorithm to
		 determine whether a locally stable predicate has become
		 true in an underlying computation.},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:639065},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/639065.html;

  TITLE = {Detecting Temporal Logic Predicates in Distributed
		 Programs Using},
  AUTHOR = {Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2004},
  MONTH = JAN # {~15},
  ABSTRACT = {Detecting whether a finite execution trace (or a
		 computation) of a distributed program satisfies a given
		 predicate, called predicate detection, is a fundamental
		 problem in distributed systems. It finds applications
		 in many domains such as testing, debugging, and
		 monitoring of distributed programs. However predicate
		 detection suffers from the state explosion problem --
		 the number of possible global states of the program
		 increases exponentially with the number of processes.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:418597; oai:CiteSeerPSU:473928;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:419813; oai:CiteSeerPSU:549841},
  ANNOTE = {Alper Sen (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin
		 , TX , 78712 , USA); Vijay K. Garg (Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering; The University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , TX , 78712 , USA);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:688936},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/688936.html;

  TITLE = {Formal Verification of a System-on-Chip Using
		 Computation Slicing},
  AUTHOR = {Alper Sen and Jayanta Bhadra and Vijay K. Garg and
		 Jacob A. Abraham},
  YEAR = {2004},
  MONTH = JUL # {~12},
  ABSTRACT = {Formal verification of Systems-on-Chips (SoCs) is an
		 immense challenge to current industrial practice. Most
		 existent formal verification techniques are extremely
		 computation intensive and produce good results only
		 when used on individual sub-components of SoCs. Without
		 major modifications they are of little e#ectiveness in
		 the SoC world. We attack the problem of SoC
		 verification using an elegant abstraction mechanism,
		 called computation slicing, and show that it enables
		 e#ective temporal property verification on large
		 designs. The technique targets a set of execution
		 sequences, that is exhaustive with respect to an
		 intended subset of system level properties, and
		 automatically finds counter-example execution sequences
		 in case of errors in the design. We have obtained
		 exponential gains in reducing the global state space
		 using a polynomial-time algorithm, and also applied a
		 polynomial-time algorithm for checking global liveness
		 and safety properties. We have successfully applied the
		 technique to verify properties on two high level
		 transaction based designs -- the MSI cache coherence
		 protocol and an admittedly academic SoC having a bus
		 arbiter and a parameterizable number of devices
		 connected to a PCI bus backbone.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:367316; oai:CiteSeerPSU:252243;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:563530; oai:CiteSeerPSU:419813;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:206738; oai:CiteSeerPSU:503358;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:453289; oai:CiteSeerPSU:494336;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:491537; oai:CiteSeerPSU:634737;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:570082; oai:CiteSeerPSU:709173},
  ANNOTE = {Alper Sen (1 The University of Texas at Austin 2
		 Motorola Inc); Jayanta Bhadra (1 The University of
		 Texas at Austin 2 Motorola Inc); Vijay K. Garg (1 The
		 University of Texas at Austin 2 Motorola Inc); Jacob A.
		 Abraham (1 The University of Texas at Austin 2 Motorola
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:698159},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/698159.html;

  TITLE = {Detecting Temporal Logic Predicates in Distributed
		 Programs Using Computation Slicing},
  AUTHOR = {Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {2003},
  VOLUME = {3144},
  BIBDATE = {2004-07-29},
  EDITOR = {Marina Papatriantafilou and Philippe Hunel},
  ISBN = {3-540-22667-2},
  PAGES = {171--183},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=0302-9743&volume=3144&spage=171}

  TITLE = {On Checking Whether a Predicate Definitely Holds},
  AUTHOR = {Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {2003},
  VOLUME = {2931},
  BIBDATE = {2004-01-27},
  EDITOR = {Alexandre Petrenko and Andreas Ulrich},
  ISBN = {3-540-20894-1},
  PAGES = {15--29},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=0302-9743&volume=2931&spage=15}

  TITLE = {Software Fault Tolerance of Distributed Programs Using
		 Computation Slicing},
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  YEAR = {2003},
  BIBDATE = {2003-06-26},
  ISBN = {0-7695-1920-2},
  PAGES = {105},
  URL = {http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icdcs/2003/1920/00/19200105abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Partial Order Trace Analyzer ({POTA}) for Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci},
  YEAR = {2003},
  NUMBER = {2},
  VOLUME = {89},
  BIBDATE = {2004-07-28},
  URL = {http://www.elsevier.com/gej-ng/31/29/23/141/48/show/Products/notes/index.htt#004}

  TITLE = {Distributed recovery with {K} -optimistic logging},
  AUTHOR = {Om P. Damani and Yi-Min Wang and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {J. Parallel Distrib. Comput},
  YEAR = {2003},
  NUMBER = {12},
  VOLUME = {63},
  BIBDATE = {2004-01-15},
  PAGES = {1193--1218},
  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2003.07.003}

  TITLE = {Predicate Control: Synchronization in Distributed},
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2003},
  MONTH = OCT # {~09},
  ABSTRACT = {The predicate control problem involves synchronizing a
		 distributed computation to maintain a given global
		 predicate. In contrast with many popular distributed
		 synchronization problems such as mutual exclusion,
		 readers writers, and dining philosophers, predicate
		 control assumes a look-ahead, so that the computation
		 is an o#-line rather than an on-line input. Predicate
		 control is targeted towards applications such as
		 rollback recovery, debugging, and optimistic computing,
		 in which such computation look-ahead is natural.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:433123; oai:CiteSeerPSU:147576;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:48319; oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:451880; oai:CiteSeerPSU:79749;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:148916; oai:CiteSeerPSU:148916;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:39645; oai:CiteSeerPSU:319202;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:448922; oai:CiteSeerPSU:142554},
  ANNOTE = {Ashis Tarafdar (Akamai Technologies , Inc . + Dept .
		 of Electrical and Computer Engg.; 8 Cambridge Center
		 University of Texas at Austin; Cambridge , MA 02142
		 Austin , TX 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Akamai Technologies
		 , Inc . + Dept . of Electrical and Computer Engg.; 8
		 Cambridge Center University of Texas at Austin;
		 Cambridge , MA 02142 Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:675978},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/675978.html;

  TITLE = {Applications of Lattice Theory to Distributed},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Neeraj Mittal and Alper Sen},
  YEAR = {2003},
  MONTH = JUL # {~28},
  ABSTRACT = {In this note, we discuss the applications of lattice
		 theory to solving problems in distributed systems. The
		 rst problem we consider is that of detecting a
		 predicate in a computation, i.e., determining whether
		 there exists a consistent cut of the computation
		 satisfying the given predicate. The second problem
		 involves computing the slice of a computation with
		 respect to a predicate. A slice is a concise
		 representation of all those global states of the
		 computation that satisfy the given predicate. The third
		 problem we consider is that of analyzing a partial
		 order trace of a distributed program to determine
		 whether it satis es the given temporal logic formula.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:563530;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:419813; oai:CiteSeerPSU:444044;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:503358; oai:CiteSeerPSU:453289;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:451880;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:491537; oai:CiteSeerPSU:624514;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (ECE Department; University of Texas);
		 Neeraj Mittal (CS Department; University of Texas ,
		 Dallas; Richardson , TX , USA); Alper Sen (ECE
		 Department; University of Texas);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:656367},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/656367.html},
  PS = {http://www.ece.utexas.edu/%7Egarg/dist/sigact03.ps}

  TITLE = {Enumerating Global States of a Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2003},
  MONTH = SEP # {~15},
  ABSTRACT = {Global predicate detection is a fundamental problem in
		 distributed computing in the areas of distributed
		 debugging and software fault-tolerance. It requires
		 searching the global state lattice of a computation to
		 determine if any consistent global state satisfies the
		 given predicate. We give an efficient algorithm that
		 perform the lex traversal of the lattice. We also give
		 a space efficient algorithm for the
		 breadth-first-search (BFS) traversal.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:451158;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:563530; oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin
		 , TX 78712-1084 , USA);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:669327},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/669327.html;

  TITLE = {An Efficient Deterministic Algorithm for the},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Adnan Aziz},
  YEAR = {2003},
  MONTH = MAY # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {We address the problem of how best to get a group of
		 machines on a network to learn of each others
		 existence; this is referred to as the Resource
		 Discovery Problem (RDP). Straightforward algorithms for
		 RDP are slow or have high communication cost. Harchol
		 et al. [3] recently presented name-dropper, a
		 randomized distributed algorithm for RDP which has low
		 time and communication complexity. However,
		 name-dropper has significant limitations --- (1.) the
		 use of randomization precludes it from providing a
		 guaranteed bound on runtime, and, more significantly,
		 (2.) it has no mechanism by which convergence can be
		 detected; in order to provide a high probability of
		 convergence, the number of machines on the network must
		 be known a priori to all machines. We present
		 fast-leader, a deterministic distributed algorithm for
		 RDP which overcomes these limitations while matching
		 name-dropper's time and communication costs.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:38148; oai:CiteSeerPSU:291592;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:32756; oai:CiteSeerPSU:53634},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Electrical and Computer Engineering;
		 The University of Texas at Austin); Adnan Aziz
		 (Electrical and Computer Engineering; The University of
		 Texas at Austin);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:584636},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/584636.html;

  TITLE = {Algorithmic Combinatorics Based on Slicing Posets},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2003-01-06},
  BOOKTITLE = {{FST} {TCS} 2002: Foundations of Software Technology
		 and Theoretical Computer Science, 22nd Conference
		 Kanpur, India, December 12-14, 2002, Proceedings},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {2002},
  VOLUME = {2556},
  EDITOR = {Manindra Agrawal and Anil Seth},
  ISBN = {3-540-00225-1},
  PAGES = {169--181},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  URL = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2556/25560169.htm}

  TITLE = {Detecting Temporal Logic Predicates on the
		 Happened-Before Model},
  AUTHOR = {Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  YEAR = {2002},
  BIBDATE = {2002-10-25},
  ISBN = {0-7695-1573-8},
  URL = {http://computer.org/proceedings/ipdps/1573/symposium/15730076abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Timestamping Messages in Synchronous Computations},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Chakarat Skawratananond},
  YEAR = {2002},
  BIBDATE = {2002-07-31},
  PAGES = {552},
  URL = {http://computer.org/proceedings/icdcs/1585/15850552abs.htm}

  TITLE = {A Quorum-based Distributed Channel Allocation
		 Algorithm for Mobile Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Chakarat Skawratananond and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = MAR # {~03},
  ABSTRACT = {Since radio spectrum is a scarce resource, efficient
		 allocation of frequency channels is critical for the
		 performance of mobile systems. The update approach is a
		 way to allocate radio channels among cells in
		 distributed fashion. In update-based algorithms, each
		 cell maintains its local knowledge about channels
		 available for its use by exchanging messages among
		 cells in its interference neighborhood. The existing
		 update algorithms suffer from high message complexity
		 or high storage overhead. In this paper, we present a
		 distributed update-based algorithm that imposes lower
		 message complexity, while requiring smaller storage
		 overhead than existing algorithms.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:95107; oai:CiteSeerPSU:316503;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:346830; oai:CiteSeerPSU:430892;
  ANNOTE = {Chakarat Skawratananond (Parallel and Distributed
		 Systems Laboratory; Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed
		 Systems Laboratory; Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:560106},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/560106.html;

  TITLE = {Vijay. {K}. Garg Craig. Chase {J}. Roger Mitchell
		 Richard Kilgore},
  AUTHOR = {J. Roger and Mitchell Richard Kilgore and Vijay K.
		 Garg and Craig Chase and J. Roger Mitchell and Richard
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JAN # {~23},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses efficient detection of global
		 predicates in a distributed program. Previous work in
		 efficient detection of global predicates was restricted
		 to predicates that could be specified as a boolean
		 formula of local predicates. Many properties in
		 distributed systems, however, use the state of
		 channels. In this paper, we introduce the concept of a
		 channel predicate and provide an efficient algorithm to
		 detect any boolean formula of local and channel
  ANNOTE = {Mitchell Richard Kilgore (TEXAS); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712); Richard Kilgore (Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering Department; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:626204},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/626204.html;

  TITLE = {Vijay {K}. Garg, {J}. Roger Mitchell},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and J. Roger Mitchell},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JAN # {~23},
  ABSTRACT = {Failure detection is one of the most fundamental
		 modules of any fault-tolerant distributed system. The
		 failure detectors discussed in the literature so far
		 are either impossible to implement in an asynchronous
		 system, or their exact guarantees have not been
		 discussed. We introduce a failure detector called
		 infinitely often accurate failure detector which can be
		 implemented in an asynchronous system. We provide one
		 such implementation and show its application to the
		 fault-tolerant server maintenance problem. We also show
		 that some natural timeout based failure detectors
		 implemented on Unix are not sufficient to guarantee
		 infinitely often accuracy.},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory; Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 TX 78712); J. Roger Mitchell (Parallel and Distributed
		 Systems Laboratory; Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:563967},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/563967.html;

  TITLE = {Optimistic Distributed Simulation Based on Transitive
  AUTHOR = {Om P. Damani and Yi-min Wang and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JAN # {~24},
  ABSTRACT = {In traditional optimistic distributed simulation
		 protocols, a logical process(LP) receiving a straggler
		 rolls back and sends out anti-messages. Receiver of an
		 anti-message may also roll back and send out more
		 anti-messages. So a single straggler may result in a
		 large number of anti-messages and multiple rollbacks of
		 some LPs. In our protocol, an LP receiving a straggler
		 broadcasts its rollback. On receiving this
		 announcement, other LPs may roll back but they do not
		 announce their rollbacks. So each LP rolls back at most
		 once in response to each straggler. Antimessages are
		 not used. This eliminates the need for output queues
		 and results in simple memory management. It also
		 eliminates the problem of cascading rollbacks and
		 echoing, and results in faster simulation. All this is
		 achieved by a scheme for maintaining transitive
		 dependency information. The cost incurred includes the
		 tagging of each message with extra dependency
		 information and the increased processing time upon
		 receiving a message. We also present the similarities
		 between the two areas of distributed simulation and
		 distributed recovery. We show how the solutions for one
		 area can be applied to the other area.},
  ANNOTE = {Om P. Damani (Dept . of Computer Sci . ATT
		 Labs-Research Dept . of Elect . Comp . Eng; Uni . of
		 Texas at Austin Murray Hill , NJ Uni . of Texas at
		 Austin); Yi-min Wang (Dept . of Computer Sci . ATT
		 Labs-Research Dept . of Elect . Comp . Eng; Uni . of
		 Texas at Austin Murray Hill , NJ Uni . of Texas at
		 Austin); Vijay K. Garg (Dept . of Computer Sci . ATT
		 Labs-Research Dept . of Elect . Comp . Eng; Uni . of
		 Texas at Austin Murray Hill , NJ Uni . of Texas at
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:560978},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/560978.html;

  TITLE = {Causality for Time:},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Alexander I. Tomlinson},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JAN # {~24},
  ABSTRACT = {We illustrate a technique for proving properties of
		 distributed programs. Our technique avoids the notion
		 of global time or global state. Furthermore, it does
		 not require any use of temporal logic. All properties
		 are proven using induction on the happenedbefore
		 relation and its complement. We illustrate our
		 technique by providing a formal proof of Lamport's
		 algorithm for mutual exclusion.},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
		 78712-1084); Alexander I. Tomlinson (Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering,; University of
		 Texas; Austin , TX 78712-1084);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:567267},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/567267.html;

  TITLE = {Using the Causal Domain to Specify and Verify},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Alexander I. Tomlinson},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JUN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {A system for specification and proof of distributed
		 programs is presented. The method is based directly on
		 the partial order of local states (poset) and avoids
		 the notions of time and simultaneity. Programs are
		 specified by documenting the relationship between local
		 states which are adjacent to each other in the poset.
		 Program properties are defined by stating properties of
		 the poset. Many program properties can be expressed
		 succinctly and elegantly using this method because
		 poset properties inherently account for varying
		 processor execution speeds. The system utilizes a proof
		 technique which uses induction on the complement of the
		 causally precedes relation and is shown to be useful in
		 proving poset properties. We demonstrate the system on
		 three example algorithms: vector clocks, mutual
		 exclusion, and direct dependency clocks.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:564740; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:147576; oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory; Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin
		 , TX 78712); Alexander I. Tomlinson (Parallel and
		 Distributed Systems Laboratory; Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering; The University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:570305},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/570305.html;

  TITLE = {Expressing and Detecting General Control Flow},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K Garg and Eddy Fromentin and Alex Tomlinson and
		 Michel Raynal},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JUN # {~20},
  ABSTRACT = {Properties of distributed computations can be either
		 on their global states or on their control flows. This
		 paper addresses control flow properties. It first
		 presents a simple yet powerful logic for expressing
		 general properties on control flows, seen as sequences
		 of local states. Among other properties, we can express
		 invariance, sequential properties (to satisfy such a
		 property a control flow must match a pattern described
		 as a word on some alphabet) and non-sequential
		 properties (these properties are on several control
		 flows at the same time).},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395; oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:316657; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K Garg (Dept . of ECE IRISA; University of Texas
		 at Austin Campus de Beaulieu; Austin , TX 35042 RENNES
		 cedex -- FRANCE); Eddy Fromentin (Dept . of ECE IRISA;
		 University of Texas at Austin Campus de Beaulieu;
		 Austin , TX 35042 RENNES cedex -- FRANCE); Alex
		 Tomlinson (Dept . of ECE IRISA; University of Texas at
		 Austin Campus de Beaulieu; Austin , TX 35042 RENNES
		 cedex -- FRANCE); Michel Raynal (Dept . of ECE IRISA;
		 University of Texas at Austin Campus de Beaulieu;
		 Austin , TX 35042 RENNES cedex -- FRANCE);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:570319},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/570319.html;

  TITLE = {Detection of Global Predicates: Techniques and},
  AUTHOR = {Craig M. Chase and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JUN # {~20},
  ABSTRACT = {We show that the problem of predicate detection in
		 distributed systems is NP-complete. In the past,
		 efficient algorithms have been developed for special
		 classes of predicates such as stable predicates,
		 observer-independent predicates, and conjunctive
		 predicates. We introduce a class of predicates,
		 semi-linear predicates, which properly contains all of
		 the above classes.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:6613; oai:CiteSeerPSU:125627;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395; oai:CiteSeerPSU:570176;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867; oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:436542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:1861;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563;
  ANNOTE = {Craig M. Chase (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory); Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed
		 Systems Laboratory);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:572182},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/572182.html;

  TITLE = {Detecting Conjunctions of Global Predicates},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and J. Roger Mitchell},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = JUN # {~20},
  ABSTRACT = {We present an efficient algorithm to detect if the
		 conjunction of two nonlocal predicates is possibly true
		 in a distributed computation. For offline detection of
		 such global predicates, our algorithm is significantly
		 more efficient than the previous algorithms by Cooper
		 and Marzullo, and by Stoller and Schneider.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:146479; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 TX 78712); J. Roger Mitchell (Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering Department; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:567662},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/567662.html;

  TITLE = {Timestamping Messages in Synchronous Computations},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2002},
  MONTH = FEB # {~11},
  ABSTRACT = {computations is a fundamental problem with
		 applications in distributed monitoring systems and
		 faulttolerance. Fidge and Mattern's vector clocks
		 capture the order relationship with vectors of size N
		 in a system with N processes. Since many distributed
		 applications use synchronous messages, it is natural to
		 ask if the overhead can be reduced for these
		 applications. In this paper, we present a new method of
		 timestamping messages and events in synchronous
		 computations that capture the order relationship with
		 vectors of size less than or equal to the size of the
		 vertex cover of the communication topology of the
		 system. Our method is fundamentally different from that
		 of Fidge and Mattern's technique. The timestamps in our
		 method do not use one component per process but still
		 guarantee that the order relationship is captured
		 accurately. Our algorithm is online and only requires
		 piggybacking of timestamps on program messages. It is
		 applicable to all programs that either use programming
		 languages which use synchronous communication such as
		 CSP, or use synchronous remote procedure calls.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:9605; oai:CiteSeerPSU:1538;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:444044; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:573685},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:575511},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/575511.html;

  TITLE = {On Slicing a Distributed Computation},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Neeraj Mittal},
  YEAR = {2001},
  BIBDATE = {2003-03-26},
  PAGES = {322--329},
  URL = {http://www.computer.org/proceedings/icdcs/1077/10770322abs.htm}

  TITLE = {String realizers of posets with applications to
		 distributed computing},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Chakarat Skawratananond},
  YEAR = {2001},
  BIBDATE = {2002-12-04},
  PAGES = {72--80},
  URL = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/383962.383988}

  TITLE = {On Detecting Global Predicates in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2001},
  BIBDATE = {2002-08-29},
  PAGES = {3--10},
  URL = {http://www.computer.org/proceedings/icdcs/1077/10770003abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Computation Slicing: Techniques and Theory},
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  BOOKTITLE = {Distributed Computing, 15th International Conference,
		 {DISC} 2001, Lisbon, Portugal, October 3-5, 2001,
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {2001},
  VOLUME = {2180},
  EDITOR = {Jennifer L. Welch},
  ISBN = {3-540-42605-1},
  PAGES = {78--92},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  URL = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2180/21800078.htm}

  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Debugging Distributed Programs Using Controlled
  PAGES = {239--248},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th Annual {ACM} Symposium on
		 Principles of Distributed Computing ({PODC}-00)},
  MONTH = JUL # { ~16--19},
  PUBLISHER = {ACM Press},
  YEAR = {2000}

  TITLE = {A Max-Plus Algebra of Signals for the Supervisory},
  AUTHOR = {Guillaume Brat and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2000},
  MONTH = MAY # {~05},
  ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we define a max-plus algebra of signals
		 for the evaluation of timing behavior of discrete event
		 systems modeled by timed event graphs. We restrict
		 ourselves to infinite, periodic sequences for which we
		 can compute finite representations called signals. This
		 framework allows us to implement a max-plus algebra for
		 computing supremal controllers for real-time, discrete
		 event systems.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:13348},
  ANNOTE = {Guillaume Brat (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin
		 , TX 78712 , USA); Vijay K. Garg (Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering; The University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712 , USA);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:649589},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/649589.html;

  TITLE = {A (max,+) Algebra For Non-Stationary Periodic Timed
		 Discrete Event Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Guillaume P. Brat and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {2000},
  MONTH = MAY # {~05},
  ABSTRACT = {We define and implement a (max,+) algebra of signals
		 for the timing analysis of discrete event systems
		 expressed as timed event graphs. A system is defined by
		 the infinite, periodic time sequences of its events.
		 Each sequence has a finite representations called a
		 signal. The resulting tool can also compute supremal
		 controllers for timed discrete event systems.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:13348},
  ANNOTE = {Guillaume P. Brat (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering , The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,
		 The University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:635505},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/635505.html;

  TITLE = {Software Fault Tolerance of Concurrent Programs Using
		 Controlled Re-execution},
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2003-06-05},
  BOOKTITLE = {Distributed Computing, 13th International Symposium,
		 Bratislava, Slavak Republic, September 27-29, 1999,
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {1999},
  VOLUME = {1693},
  EDITOR = {Prasad Jayanti},
  ISBN = {3-540-66531-5},
  PAGES = {210--224},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  URL = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/1693/16930210.htm}

  TITLE = {Optimistic Recovery in Multi-threaded Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Om P. Damani and Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1999},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems},
  PAGES = {234--243},
  URL = {http://computer.org/proceedings/srds/0290/02900234abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Normality: {A} Consistency Condition for Concurrent
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Michel Raynal},
  JOURNAL = {Parallel Processing Letters},
  YEAR = {1999},
  NUMBER = {1},
  VOLUME = {9},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {123--134}

  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Modeling and Control of Logical Discrete Event
  PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  ADDRESS = {Norwell, MA, USA},
  YEAR = {1999}

  TITLE = {An Algebra for Probabilistic Processes},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1999},
  MONTH = FEB # {~12},
  ABSTRACT = {We define probabilistic languages and probabilistic
		 automata over a finite set of events. We also define
		 operators under which the set of probabilistic
		 languages(p-languages) is closed, thus forming an
		 algebra of p-languages. We show that this set is a
		 complete partial order and our operators are continuous
		 in it. Hence, recursive equations may be defined in
		 this algebra using fixpoints of continuous functions.
		 Thus, p-languages form a suitable theoretical
		 foundation for specifying and analyzing probabilistic
		 systems. The model can easily be extended for
		 performance analysis by associating timing information
		 with each event. We define many performance indices for
		 systems expressed using this model and derive
		 techniques to compute them. 1 Introduction The theory
		 for supervisory control of discrete event dynamical
		 systems has been an active area of research since its
		 initiation by Ramadge and Wonham [21, 22, 20]. Most
		 research in this area has used theory of deterministic
		 formal languag...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:94231; oai:CiteSeerPSU:46168;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:572604; oai:CiteSeerPSU:107182},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:250491},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/250491.html;

  TITLE = {Modeling Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Using
		 Probabilistic Languages},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Ratnesh Kumar and Steven I. Marcus},
  YEAR = {1999},
  MONTH = FEB # {~12},
  ABSTRACT = {The formalism of probabilistic languages has been
		 introduced for modeling the qualitative behavior of
		 stochastic discrete event systems. A probabilistic
		 language is a unit interval valued map over the set of
		 traces of the system satisfying certain consistency
		 constraints. Regular language operators such as choice,
		 concatenation, and Kleene-closure have been defined in
		 the setting of probabilistic languages to allow
		 modeling of complex systems in terms of simpler ones.
		 The set of probabilistic languages is closed under such
		 operators thus forming an algebra. It also is a
		 complete partial order under a natural ordering in
		 which the operators are continuous. Hence recursive
		 equations can be solved in this algebra. This is
		 alternatively derived by using contraction mapping
		 theorem on the set of probabilistic languages which is
		 shown to be a complete metric space. The notion of
		 regularity, i.e., finiteness of automata representation
		 of probabilistic languages has been defined and shown
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712-1084); Ratnesh Kumar (Department of
		 Electrical Engineering; University of Kentucky;
		 Lexington , KY 40506-0046); Steven I. Marcus
		 (Department of Electrical Engineering and; Institute
		 for Systems Research; University of Maryland at College
		 Park; College Park , MD 20742);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:254652},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/254652.html;

  TITLE = {Yi-Min Wang Om {P}. Damani Vijay {K}. Garg},
  AUTHOR = {Yi-min Wang and Om P. Damani and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1999},
  MONTH = OCT # {~14},
  ABSTRACT = {Fault-tolerance techniques based on checkpointing and
		 message logging have been increasingly used in
		 real-world applications to reduce service downtime.
		 Most industrial applications have chosen pessimistic
		 logging because it allows fast and localized recovery.
		 The price that they must pay, however, is the higher
		 failure-free overhead. In this paper, we introduce the
		 concept of K-optimistic logging where K is the degree
		 of optimism that can be used to fine-tune the tradeoff
		 between failure-free overhead and recovery efficiency.
		 Traditional pessimistic logging and optimistic logging
		 then become the two extremes in the entire spectrum
		 spanned by K-optimistic logging. Our approach is to
		 prove that only dependencies on those states that may
		 be lost upon a failure need to be tracked on-line, and
		 so transitive dependency tracking can be performed with
		 a variable-size vector. The size of the vector
		 piggybacked on a message then indicates the number of
		 processes whose failures may revoke the me...},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:430426},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/430426.html;

  TITLE = {Computation of State Avoidance Control for Infinite
		 State Systems in Assignment Program Framework - The
		 Expanded Version},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1999},
  MONTH = DEC # {~03},
  ABSTRACT = {In this paper we study supervisory control of discrete
		 event systems using state variables for representation
		 and specification. The motivation is two fold: firstly,
		 a state variable representation allows a concise
		 characterization of systems with infinitely many
		 states, and secondly, state variable specification
		 allows characterization of qualitative properties of
		 general nondeterministic systems. An assignment program
		 consisting of state variables and a finite set of
		 conditional assignment statements is used for
		 representing a discrete event system, and a set of
		 forbidden states is used for representing a control
		 specification. Although the state avoidance control of
		 infinite state systems has been studied in literature,
		 there is little work on computation of supervisors for
		 general infinite state systems (except for certain
		 classes of Petri nets). This is not unexpected since as
		 we show, the control synthesis problem is undecidable
		 in general. The contribution of this paper is to s...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:51811; oai:CiteSeerPSU:282018;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:269737; oai:CiteSeerPSU:289347;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:273949; oai:CiteSeerPSU:106220;
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Department of Electrical Engineering;
		 University of Kentucky; Lexington , KY 40506-0046);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:269182},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/269182.html;

  TITLE = {Corrections to {}

  TITLE = {Computation of State Avoidance Control for Infinite
		 State Systems in Assignment Program Framework},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1999},
  MONTH = DEC # {~03},
  ABSTRACT = {In this paper we study supervisory control of discrete
		 event systems using state variables for representation
		 and specification. The motivation is two fold: firstly,
		 a state variable representation allows a concise
		 characterization of systems with infinitely many
		 states, and secondly, state variable specification
		 allows characterization of qualitative properties of
		 general nondeterministic systems. An assignment program
		 consisting of state variables and a finite set of
		 conditional assignment statements is used for
		 representing a discrete event system, and a set of
		 forbidden states is used for representing a control
		 specification. Although the state avoidance control of
		 infinite state systems has been studied in literature,
		 there is little work on computation of supervisors for
		 general infinite state systems (except for certain
		 classes of Petri nets). The contribution of this paper
		 is to show that the supervisory control problem in such
		 settings reduces to that of solving arith...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:51811; oai:CiteSeerPSU:282018;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:269737; oai:CiteSeerPSU:273949;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:106220; oai:CiteSeerPSU:47855},
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Department of Electrical Engineering;
		 University of Kentucky; Lexington , KY 40506-0046);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:268362},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/268362.html;

  AUTHOR = {J. R. Mitchell and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {A Non-Blocking Recovery Algorithm for Causal Message
  PAGES = {3--9},
  BOOKTITLE = {Seventeenth {IEEE} Symposium on Reliable Distributed
		 Systems ({SRDS} '98)},
  ISBN = {0-8186-9218-9},
  ADDRESS = {Washington - Brussels - Tokyo},
  YEAR = {1998}

  AUTHOR = {O. P. Damani and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Fault-Tolerant Distributed Simulation},
  PAGES = {38--45},
  ISBN = {0-8186-8457-7},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Parallel and
		 Distributed Simulation ({PADS}-98)},
  MONTH = MAY # {~26--29},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos},
  YEAR = {1998}

  TITLE = {Analyzing Non-Deterministic Real-Time Systems with
		 (max, +) Algebra},
  AUTHOR = {Guillaume P. Brat and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  BIBDATE = {2003-09-15},
  BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  PAGES = {210--219},
  URL = {http://dlib.computer.org/conferen/rtss/9212/pdf/92120210.pdf}

  TITLE = {Predicate Control for Active Debugging of Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  BIBDATE = {2003-07-29},
  PAGES = {763--769},
  URL = {http://csdl.computer.org/dl/proceedings/ipps/1998/8403/00/84030763.pdf}

  TITLE = {Implementable Failure Detectors in Asynchronous
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and J. Roger Mitchell},
  BIBDATE = {2002-06-17},
  BOOKTITLE = {Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical
		 Computer Science, 18th Conference, Chennai, India,
		 December 17-19, 1998, Proceedings},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {1998},
  VOLUME = {1530},
  EDITOR = {Vikraman Arvind and R. Ramanujam},
  ISBN = {3-540-65384-8},
  PAGES = {158--169},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}

  TITLE = {Addressing False Causality while Detecting Predicates
		 in Distributed Programs},
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {94--101},
  URL = {http://dlib.computer.org/conferen/icdcs/8292/pdf/82920094.pdf}

  TITLE = {Consistency Conditions for Multi-Object Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {582--599},
  URL = {http://dlib.computer.org/conferen/icdcs/8292/pdf/82920582.pdf}

  TITLE = {Distributed Predicate Detection in a Faulty
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and J. Roger Mitchell},
  YEAR = {1998},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {416--423},
  URL = {http://dlib.computer.org/conferen/icdcs/8292/pdf/82920416.pdf}

  TITLE = {Detection of Global Predicates: Techniques and Their
  AUTHOR = {Craig M. Chase and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Distributed Computing},
  YEAR = {1998},
  NUMBER = {4},
  VOLUME = {11},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {191--201},
  URL = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00446/bibs/8011004/80110191.htm}

  TITLE = {Control of Event Separation Times in Discrete Event
  AUTHOR = {Darren D. Cofer and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {The class of timed discrete event systems which can be
		 modelled by automata known as timed event graphs are
		 structurally related to finite state machines.
		 Consequently, supervisory control problems for these
		 timed DES can be addressed using methods similar to
		 those developed for their untimed counterparts. When
		 the desired behavior takes the form of minimum
		 separation times between events, it also can be
		 expressed as a timed event graph. Supervised behavior
		 is then defined by the synchronous operation of the
		 plant and specification automata. Controllability and
		 the existence of optimal behaviors can be evaluated in
		 this framework. 1. Introduction Discrete event systems
		 (DES) which are subject to synchronization constraints
		 in time can be modelled by automata known as timed
		 event graphs [2]. A timed event graph (TEG) is a Petri
		 net in which a delay or processing time is associated
		 with each place and such that forks and joins occur
		 only at its transitions. Each transition in the graph
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:74476; oai:CiteSeerPSU:13348},
  ANNOTE = {Darren D. Cofer (Honeywell Technology Center; 3660
		 Techology Dr.; Minneapolis , MN 55418); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Dept . of Elec . and Comp . Engineering; University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712-1084);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:97383},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/97383.html;

  TITLE = {A Lightweight Algorithm for Causal Message Ordering in
		 Mobile Computing Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Chakarat Skawratananond and Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K.
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = JAN # {~24},
  ABSTRACT = {Causally ordered message delivery is a required
		 property for several distributed applications
		 particularly those that involve human interactions
		 (such as teleconferencing and collaborative work). In
		 this paper, we present an efficient protocol for causal
		 ordering in mobile computing systems. This protocol
		 requires minimal resources on mobile hosts and wireless
		 links. The proposed protocol is scalable and can easily
		 handle dynamic change in the number of participating
		 mobile hosts in the system. Our protocol, when compared
		 to previous proposals, offers a low unnecessary delay,
		 low message overhead and optimized handoff cost. 1
		 Introduction The emergence of mobile computing devices,
		 such as notebook computers and personal digital
		 assistants with communication capabilities, has had a
		 significant impact on distributed computing. These
		 devices provide users the freedom to move anywhere
		 under the service area while retaining network
		 connection. However, mobile computing devices have
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:133158; oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:371107; oai:CiteSeerPSU:63501;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:307654; oai:CiteSeerPSU:304613;
  ANNOTE = {Chakarat Skawratananond (Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering Dept . *Computer Science Dept.; The
		 University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas
		 at Austin; Austin , TX 78712 Austin , TX 78712); Neeraj
		 Mittal (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept .
		 *Computer Science Dept.; The University of Texas at
		 Austin The University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
		 78712 Austin , TX 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering Dept . *Computer Science Dept.;
		 The University of Texas at Austin The University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712 Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:392766},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/392766.html;

  TITLE = {Parallel Distributed Systems group},
  AUTHOR = {Neeraj Mittal and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = JAN # {~24},
  ABSTRACT = {The traditional Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) model
		 provides atomicity at levels of read and write on
		 single objects. Therefore, multi-object operations such
		 as double compare and swap, and atomic m-register
		 assignment cannot be efficiently expressed in this
		 model. We extend the traditional DSM model to allow
		 operations to span multiple objects. We show that
		 memory consistency conditions such as sequential
		 consistency and linearizability can be extended to this
		 general model. We also provide algorithms to implement
		 these consistency conditions in a distributed system. 1
		 Introduction Applications such as distributed file
		 systems, transaction systems and cache coherence for
		 multiprocessors require concurrent accesses to shared
		 data. The underlying system must provide certain
		 guarantees about the values returned by data accesses,
		 possibly to distinct copies of a single logical data
		 object. A consistency condition specifies what
		 guarantees are provided by the system. The consistency
  ANNOTE = {Neeraj Mittal (Department of Electrical Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical
		 Computer Engineering; University of Texas at Austin;
		 Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:400437},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/400437.html;

  TITLE = {Debugging in a Distributed World: Observation and
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = JUN # {~15},
  ABSTRACT = {Debugging distributed programs is considerably more
		 difficult than debugging sequential programs. We
		 address issues in debugging distributed programs and
		 provide a general framework for observing and
		 controlling a distributed computation and its
		 applications to distributed debugging. Observing
		 distributed computations involves solving the predicate
		 detection problem. We present the main ideas involved
		 in developing efficient algorithms for predicate
		 detection. Controlling distributed computations
		 involves solving the predicate control problem.
		 Predicate control may be used to restrict the behavior
		 of the distributed program to suspicious executions. We
		 also present an example of how predicate detection and
		 predicate control can be used in practice to facilitate
		 distributed debugging.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:570176; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:86181; oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:562879; oai:CiteSeerPSU:216474;
  ANNOTE = {Ashis Tarafdar (Department of Computer Sciences; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712-1188 ,
		 USA); Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , TX 78712-1084 , USA);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:573151},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/573151.html;

  TITLE = {Happened Before is the Wrong Model for Potential
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = JUN # {~15},
  ABSTRACT = {The happened before model has been widely used to
		 model distributed computations. In particular, it has
		 been used to model the logical time and the potential
		 causality aspects of a distributed computation. Though
		 it is a good model for logical time, we argue that it
		 is not a good model for potential causality. We
		 introduce a better model for potential causality that
		 extends happened before to allow independent local
		 events to be partially ordered. This potential
		 causality model has marked advantages over the happened
		 before model in applications areas such as debugging
		 and recovery. 1},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:53797; oai:CiteSeerPSU:553969;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:5609; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:260722;
  ANNOTE = {Ashis Tarafdar (Dept . of Computer Sciences Dept . of
		 Electrical and Computer Engg.; University of Texas at
		 Austin University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712
		 Austin , TX 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Dept . of Computer
		 Sciences Dept . of Electrical and Computer Engg.;
		 University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , TX 78712 Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:448421},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/448421.html;

  TITLE = {Control Of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems:
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = FEB # {~12},
  ABSTRACT = {In earlier papers [3, 2, 1] we introduced the
		 formalism of probabilistic languages for modeling the
		 stochastic qualitative behavior of discrete event
		 systems (DESs). In this paper we present a framework
		 for their supervisory control, where control is
		 exercised by dynamically disabling certain controllable
		 events. The control objective is to design a supervisor
		 such that the controlled system never executes any
		 illegal traces (their occurrence probability is zero),
		 and legal traces occur with minimum prespecified
		 occurrence probabilities. We provide a condition for
		 the existence of a supervisor. We also present an
		 algorithm to test this existence condition when the
		 probabilistic languages are regular (so that they admit
		 probabilistic automata representation with finitely
		 many states). 1 Introduction The non-stochastic
		 behavior of a discrete event system can be viewed as a
		 binary valued map over the set of all possible
		 sequences of events, called traces. (A trace is mapped
		 to one if an...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:146338},
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Dept . of Elec . Eng . , Univ . of
		 Kentucky , and Applied Research Lab . , Penn . State
		 Univ.; Dept . of ECE , Univ . of Texas; Austin , TX);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Dept . of Elec . Eng . , Univ . of
		 Kentucky , and Applied Research Lab . , Penn . State
		 Univ.; Dept . of ECE , Univ . of Texas; Austin , TX);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:249871},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/249871.html;

  TITLE = {Control of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems:
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1998},
  MONTH = FEB # {~12},
  ABSTRACT = {In our earlier papers [7, 6, 5] we introduced the
		 formalism of probabilistic languages for modeling the
		 stochastic qualitative behavior of discrete event
		 systems (DESs). We presented a framework for their
		 supervisory control in [11], where control is exercised
		 by dynamically disabling certain controllable events
		 thereby nulling the occurrence probabilities of
		 disabled events, and increasing the occurrence
		 probabilities of enabled events proportionately. The
		 control objective is to design a supervisor such that
		 the controlled system never executes any illegal traces
		 (their occurrence probability is zero), and legal
		 traces occur with minimum prespecified occurrence
		 probabilities. In other words, the probabilistic
		 language of the controlled system lies within a
		 prespecified range, where the upper bound is a

  AUTHOR = {Hannu Ahonen and Paulo A. {de Souza Jr.} and
		 Vijayendra Kumar Garg},
  TITLE = {A genetic algorithm for fitting Lorentzian line shapes
		 in Mossbauer spectra},
  JOURNAL = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
  YEAR = {1997},
  VOLUME = {124},
  PAGES = {633--638},
  MONTH = {5 } # MAY,
  EMAIL = {souza@iacgu7.chemie.uni-mainz.de},
  KEYWORDS = {genetic algorithms},
  ISSN = {0168583X},
  ABSTRACT = {A genetic algorithm was implemented for finding an
		 approximative solution to the problem of fitting a
		 combination of Lorentzian lines to a measured Mossbauer
		 spectrum. This iterative algorithm exploits the idea of
		 letting several solutions (individuals) compete with
		 each other for the opportunity of being selected to
		 create new solutions (reproduction). Each solution was
		 represend as a string of binary digits (chromossome).
		 In addition, the bits in the new solutions may be
		 switched randomly from zero to one or conversely
		 (mutation). The input of the program that implements
		 the genetic algorithm consists of the measured
		 spectrum, the maximum velocity, the peak positions and
		 the expected number of Lorentzian lines in the
		 spectrum. Each line is represented with the help of
		 three variables, which correspond to its intensity,
		 full line width at hald maxima and peak position. An
		 additional parameter was associated to the background
		 level in the spectrum. A chi-2 test was used for
		 determining the quality of each parameter combination
		 (fitness). The results obtained seem to be very
		 promising and encourage to further development of the
		 algorithm and its implementation.}

  TITLE = {Monitoring Functions on Global States of Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  PAGES = {173--189},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
  YEAR = {1997},
  MONTH = {15~} # MAR,
  VOLUME = {41},
  NUMBER = {2},
  REFERENCES = {\cite{TCS::Bouge1987} \cite{ACMTCS::ChandyL1985}

  TITLE = {Efficient Detection of Channel Predicates in
		 Distributed Systems},
  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and C. M. Chase and Richard Kilgore and J.
		 Roger Mitchell},
  PAGES = {134--147},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
  YEAR = {1997},
  MONTH = {15~} # SEP,
  VOLUME = {45},
  NUMBER = {2},
  REFERENCES = {\cite{ACMTCS::ChandyL1985} \cite{IPL::dijkstraS1980}
		 \cite{CACM::Fujimoto1990} \cite{CACM::Lamport1978}

  TITLE = {Using the Causal Domain to Specify and verify
		 Distributed Programs},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Alexander I. Tomlinson},
  JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
  PAGES = {667--686},
  YEAR = {1997},
  VOLUME = {34},
  NUMBER = {9}

  AUTHOR = {O. Damani and Y.-M. Wang and V. K Garg},
  TITLE = {Optimistic Distributed Simulation Based on Transitive
		 Dependency Tracking},
  PAGES = {90--97},
  ISBN = {0-8186-7964-6},
  BOOKTITLE = {11th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation
  MONTH = JUN # {~10--13},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  YEAR = {1997}

  TITLE = {Characterization of Message Ordering Specifications
		 and Protocols},
  AUTHOR = {Venkatesh V. Murty and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1997},
  BIBDATE = {2006-03-09},
  PAGES = {0}

  TITLE = {Optimistic agreement in distributed systems},
  AUTHOR = {J. Roger Mitchell and Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2004-04-20},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on
		 Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and
		 Applications, {PDPTA} 1997, June 30 - July 3, 1997, Las
		 Vegas, Nevada, {USA}},
  YEAR = {1997},
  EDITOR = {Hamid R. Arabnia},
  ISBN = {0-9648666-8-4},
  PAGES = {885--889}

  TITLE = {Observation and Control for Debugging Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1997},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {1--12},
  URL = {http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1997/009/01/}

  TITLE = {Probabilistic Language Formalism for Stochastic
		 Discrete Event Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Ratnesh Kumar and Steven I. Marcus},
  YEAR = {1997},
  MONTH = DEC # {~03},
  ABSTRACT = {The formalism of probabilistic languages has been
		 introduced for modeling the qualitative behavior of
		 stochastic discrete event systems. A probabilistic
		 language is a unit interval valued map over the set of
		 traces of the system satisfying certain consistency
		 constraints. Regular language operators such as choice,
		 concatenation, and Kleene-closure have been defined in
		 the setting of probabilistic languages to allow
		 modeling of complex systems in terms of simpler ones.
		 The set of probabilistic languages is closed under such
		 operators thus forming an algebra. It also is a
		 complete partial order under a natural ordering in
		 which the operators are continuous. Hence recursive
		 equations can be solved in this algebra. This is
		 alternatively derived by using contraction mapping
		 theorem on the set of probabilistic languages which is
		 shown to be a complete metric space. The notion of
		 regularity, i.e., finiteness of automata representation
		 of probabilistic languages has been defined and shown
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712-1084); Ratnesh Kumar (Department of
		 Electrical Engineering; University of Kentucky;
		 Lexington , KY 40506-0046); Steven I. Marcus
		 (Department of Electrical Engineering and; Institute
		 for Systems Research; University of Maryland at College
		 Park; College Park , MD 20742);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:268041},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/268041.html;

  TITLE = {Distributed Recovery with},
  AUTHOR = {Yi-min Wang and Om P. Damani and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1997},
  MONTH = SEP # {~05},
  ABSTRACT = {Fault-tolerance techniques based on checkpointing and
		 message logging have been increasingly used in
		 real-world applications to reduce service downtime.
		 Most industrial applications have chosen pessimistic
		 logging because it allows fast and localized recovery.
		 The price that they must pay, however, is the higher
		 failure-free overhead. In this paper, we introduce the
		 concept of K-optimistic logging where K is the degree
		 of optimism that can be used to fine-tune the tradeoff
		 between failure-free overhead and recovery efficiency.
		 Traditional pessimistic logging and optimistic logging
		 then become the two extremes in the entire spectrum
		 spanned by K-optimistic logging. Our approach is to
		 prove that only dependencies on those states that may
		 be lost upon a failure need to be tracked on-line, and
		 so transitive dependency tracking can be performed with
		 a variable-size vector. The size of the vector
		 piggybacked on a message then indicates the number of
		 processes whose failures may revoke the me...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:9605; oai:CiteSeerPSU:553969;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:44544; oai:CiteSeerPSU:49117;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:118830; oai:CiteSeerPSU:1861;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:499740; oai:CiteSeerPSU:25883},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:49329},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/49329.html;

  TITLE = {A Quorum-based Distributed Channel Allocation
		 Algorithm for Mobile Computing Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Chakarat Skawratananond and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1997},
  MONTH = MAY # {~02},
  ABSTRACT = {Since radio spectrum is a scarce resource, efficient
		 allocation of frequency channels is critical for the
		 performance of mobile computing systems. The update
		 approach is a way to allocate radio channels among
		 cells in distributed fashion. In update-based
		 algorithms, each cell maintains its local knowledge
		 about channels available for its use by exchanging
		 messages among cells in its interference neighborhood.
		 An advantage of the update approach is its low channel
		 acquisition delay, which is defined as the time between
		 the send event of channel requests and the moment that
		 a channel is successfully acquired. However, the
		 existing update algorithms suffer from high message
		 complexity or high storage overhead. In this paper, we
		 present a distributed update-based algorithm that
		 imposes lower message complexity, while requiring
		 smaller storage overhead than existing algorithms.
		 Keywords Distributed channel allocation, mobile
		 computing, distributed network algorithm. 1
		 Introduction The radi...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:95107; oai:CiteSeerPSU:316503;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:346830; oai:CiteSeerPSU:430892;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:159401; oai:CiteSeerPSU:370176},
  ANNOTE = {Chakarat Skawratananond (Parallel Distributed Systems
		 group; Department of Electrical Computer Engineering;
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Parallel Distributed Systems group;
		 Department of Electrical Computer Engineering;
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:118660},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/118660.html;

  TITLE = {Predicate Control in Distributed Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Ashis Tarafdar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1997},
  MONTH = FEB # {~17},
  ABSTRACT = {A number of important problems in asynchronous
		 distributed systems can be formulated as special cases
		 of the notion of controlling a distributed system to
		 maintain global properties. We formalize this notion by
		 defining the predicate control problem in terms of
		 boolean global predicates and a model of distributed
		 control. The problem arises in both off-line and
		 on-line scenarios. We prove that general off-line
		 predicate control is NP-Hard. However, we present an
		 efficient solution for the class of disjunctive
		 predicates. We show that on-line predicate control, on
		 the other hand, is impossible to achieve even for
		 disjunctive predicates. However, by placing
		 restrictions on the underlying system, we are able to
		 present an effective on-line control strategy. 1
		 Introduction An intrinsic problem in asynchronous
		 distributed systems is that while no one process can
		 have a global view, we still require the system as a
		 whole to maintain global properties. This conflict has
		 led to the design of...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:553969;
  ANNOTE = {Ashis Tarafdar (Dept . of Computer Sciences Dept . of
		 Computer and Electrical Engineering; University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Dept . of Computer Sciences Dept . of Computer and
		 Electrical Engineering; University of Texas at Austin;
		 Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:208160},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/208160.html;

  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Methods for Observing Global Properties in Distributed
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Concurrency: Parallel Distributed \& Mobile
  VOLUME = {5},
  NUMBER = {4},
  PAGES = {69--77},
  MONTH = OCT # {-} # DEC,
  YEAR = {1997},
  KEYWORDS = {distributed software,}

  AUTHOR = {J. Roger Mitchell and Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Optimistic Agreement in Asynchronous Distributed
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
		 Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'97)},
  ADDRESS = {Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.},
  YEAR = {1997},
  KEYWORDS = {short paper,},
  ABSTRACT = {http://www.cps.udayton.edu/\~{}pan/pdpta.},
  NOTE = {University of Texas, Austin}

  AUTHOR = {O. P. Damani and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {How to Recover Efficiently and Asynchronously when
		 Optimism Fails},
  PAGES = {108--115},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
		 Distributed Computing Systems ({ICDCS} '96)},
  ISBN = {0-8186-7398-2},
  ADDRESS = {Washington - Brussels - Tokyo},
  YEAR = {1996}

  TITLE = {Observation of Global Properties in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1996},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {418--425}

  TITLE = {Detection of Strong Unstable Predicates in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Brian Waldecker},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst},
  YEAR = {1996},
  NUMBER = {12},
  VOLUME = {7},
  BIBDATE = {2003-11-20},
  PAGES = {1323--1333},
  URL = {http://www.computer.org/tpds/td1996/l1323abs.htm}

  AUTHOR = {D. D. Cofer and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {On controlling timed discrete event systems},
  JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  VOLUME = {1066},
  PAGES = {340--??},
  YEAR = {1996},
  ISSN = {0302-9743},
  BIBDATE = {Wed Aug 14 09:38:08 MDT 1996},
  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = {Nelson H. F. Beebe, University of Utah, Department
		 of Mathematics, 110 LCB, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake
		 City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1
		 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|,
		 \path|beebe@acm.org|, \path|beebe@computer.org|
		 (Internet), URL:

  TITLE = {How to Recover Efficiently and Asynchronously when
		 Optimism Fails},
  AUTHOR = {Om P. Damani and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JAN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {We propose a new algorithm for recovering
		 asynchronously from failures in a distributed
		 computation. Our algorithm is based on two novel
		 concepts - a fault-tolerant vector clock to maintain
		 causality information in spite of failures, and a
		 history mechanism to detect orphan states and obsolete
		 messages. These two mechanisms together with
		 checkpointing and messagelogging are used to restore
		 the system to a consistent state after a failure of one
		 or more processes. Our algorithm is completely
		 asynchronous. It handles multiple failures and network
		 partitioning, does not assume any message ordering,
		 causes the minimum amount of rollback and restores the
		 maximum recoverable state with low overhead. Earlier
		 optimistic protocols lack one or more of the above
		 properties. 1 Introduction For fault-resilience, a
		 process periodically records its state on a stable
		 storage [15]. This action is called checkpointing and
		 the recorded state is called a checkpoint. The
		 checkpoint is used to restore a pr...},
  ANNOTE = {Om P. Damani (Dept . of Computer Sciences; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Dept . of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; University of Texas at Austin;
		 Austin , TX , 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:217976},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/217976.html;

  TITLE = {An Efficient Algorithm for Multi-Process Shared
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JAN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {Many problems in distributed computing systems require
		 execution of events shared by multiple processes. In
		 this paper, a fair and efficient algorithm for
		 multiprocess shared events is presented. We also
		 present its application to distributed implementation
		 of generalized CSP alternative command. We show that
		 our algorithm is simpler and has lower message and time
		 complexity than proposed implementations for
		 generalized CSP alternative command, and distributed
		 algorithms for N-party interactions. 1. Introduction
		 Wide availability of computer networks, and low cost of
		 hardware has made it desirable to use distributed
		 systems. Distributed systems, however, are difficult to
		 design and often need tricky synchronization between
		 multiple processes. The synchronization is required to
		 coordinate multiple processes for events, which must be
		 executed either by all, or none of them. Some examples
		 of such shared events are distributed transactions in
		 databases that require commit by either all o...},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:214141},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/214141.html;

  TITLE = {Distributed Algorithms for Detecting Conjunctive
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Craig M. Chase},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JAN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses efficient distributed detection
		 of global conjunctive predicates in a distributed
		 program. Previous work in detection of such predicates
		 is based on a checker process. The checker process
		 requires O(n 2 m) time and space where m is the number
		 of messages sent or received by any process and n is
		 the number of processes over which the predicate is
		 defined. In this paper, we introduce token-based
		 algorithms which distribute the computation and space
		 requirements of the detection procedure. The
		 distributed algorithm has O(n 2 m) time, space and
		 message complexity, distributed such that each process
		 performs O(nm) work. We describe another distributed
		 algorithm with O(Nm) total work, where N is the total
		 number of processes in the system. The relative values
		 of n and N determine which algorithm is more efficient
		 for a specific application. 1 Introduction Detection of
		 a global predicate is a fundamental problem in
		 distributed computing. This problem arises in many
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:94029},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/94029.html;

  TITLE = {Detection of Strong Unstable Predicates in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Brian Waldecker},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JAN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses detection of global predicates in
		 a distributed program. A run of a distributed program
		 results in a set of sequential traces, one for each
		 process. These traces may be combined to form many
		 global sequences consistent with the single run of the
		 program. A strong global predicate is true in a run if
		 it is true for all global sequences consistent with the
		 run. We present algorithms which detect if the given
		 strong global predicate became true in a run of a
		 distributed program. 1 Introduction Detection of global
		 predicates is a fundamental problem in distributed
		 computing. It arises in the designing, debugging and
		 testing of distributed programs. Global predicates can
		 be classified into two types - stable and unstable. A
		 stable predicate is one which never turns false once it
		 becomes true. An unstable predicate is one without such
		 a property. Its value may alternate between true and
		 false. Detection of stable predicates has been
		 addressed in the literature by means ...},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Dept Austin Systems Center; University of Texas at
		 Austin Schlumberger Well Services; Austin , TX
		 78712-1084 P.O. Box 200015); Brian Waldecker
		 (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept Austin
		 Systems Center; University of Texas at Austin
		 Schlumberger Well Services; Austin , TX 78712-1084 P.O.
		 Box 200015);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:211665},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/211665.html;

  TITLE = {Exploiting Symmetry for Analysis of Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JAN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {Distributed systems are difficult to design and the
		 simplest of them can have subtle errors. Conventional
		 automatic analysis techniques to catch these errors may
		 be infeasible because the system may have a large, or
		 even an unknown, number of processes. These techniques,
		 which are based on state space exploration, run into
		 the state explosion problem. Since most distributed
		 systems have one or more sets of identical processes,
		 we exploit the symmetry to reduce the state space for
		 automatic analysis techniques. We describe a model
		 called Decomposed Petri Net that facilitates such
		 analysis. We present symbolic and induction techniques
		 to analyze concurrent systems described using
		 Decomposed Petri Net. We illustrate our techniques by
		 analyzing several examples: 2-out-of-3 problem, dining
		 philosophers problem and mutual exclusion problem.
		 These techniques are applicable to systems that are
		 configured either in a star topology or a ring
		 topology. We also show how to extend these techniques
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:88007; oai:CiteSeerPSU:549299},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:142670},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/142670.html;

  TITLE = {Observation of Global Properties in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JUN # {~20},
  ABSTRACT = {Observation of global properties of a distributed
		 program is required in many applications such as
		 debugging of programs and fault-tolerance in
		 distributed systems. I present a survey of algorithms
		 for observing various classes of global properties.
		 These properties include those possibly true in a
		 computation, definitely true in a computation and those
		 based on the control flow structure of the
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:26745; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867; oai:CiteSeerPSU:147576;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:176756; oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:28082; oai:CiteSeerPSU:167359;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Electrical and Computer Engineering
		 Department; The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:570176},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/570176.html;

  TITLE = {Normality: {A} Consistency Condition for Concurrent
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Michel Raynal and Projet Adp},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JUN # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {: Linearizability is a consistency condition for
		 concurrent objects (objects shared by concurrent
		 processes) that exploits the semantics of abstract data
		 types. It provides the illusion that each operation
		 applied by concurrent processes takes effect
		 instantaneously at some point between the beginning and
		 the end of its execution. When compared with other
		 consistency conditions (such as sequential consistency)
		 Linearizability satisfies the Locality property (i.e, a
		 system is linearizable if each object taken
		 individually is linearizable) and the Non-Blocking
		 property (i.e., termination of an invoked operation
		 does not depend on other pending invocations). Those
		 are noteworthy properties as they allow concurrent
		 systems to be designed and constructed in a modular
		 fashion. This paper introduces a consistency condition
		 called Normality that is less constraining than
		 Linearizability (in the sense it does not refer to a
		 global real-time order) and still satisfies Locality
		 and Non-Blocking....},
		 ET SYST EMES AL EATOIRES; Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042
		 Rennes Cedex -- France); Michel Raynal (INSTITUT DE
		 Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:341010},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/341010.html;

  TITLE = {Parallel Distributed Systems group},
  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and J. Roger Mitchel and Vijay K. Garg and
		 J. Roger Mitchell},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JUL # {~15},
  ABSTRACT = {The ability to detect global predicates is important
		 for distributed fault monitoring systems as well as
		 distributed debugging. In this paper, we present an
		 efficient algorithm to detect if the conjunction of two
		 nonlocal predicates is possibly true in a distributed
		 computation. For such global predicates, our algorithm
		 is significantly more efficient than the previous
		 algorithms by Cooper and Marzullo, and by Stoller and
		 Schneider. 1 Introduction The detection of global
		 conditions is a fundamental problem in an asynchronous
		 distributed system. In such a system a process cannot
		 know the state of other processes at any given time.
		 This creates difficulty in detecting conditions, or
		 predicates, spread across the system. Deadlock and
		 termination are two such global predicates. Detection
		 of these predicates is useful for distributed
		 debugging, monitoring distributed systems for faults,
		 and other areas of distributed computing. There are two
		 interpretations of truthness of a global p...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:28082},
  ANNOTE = {V. K. Garg (Parallel Distributed Systems group;
		 Department of Electrical Computer Engineering;
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);
		 J. Roger Mitchel (Parallel Distributed Systems group;
		 Department of Electrical Computer Engineering;
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:249406},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/249406.html;

  TITLE = {Characterization of Message Ordering Specifications
		 and Protocols},
  AUTHOR = {V. V. Murty and V. K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1996},
  MONTH = JUL # {~15},
  ABSTRACT = {We study the problem of determining which message
		 ordering specifications can be implemented in a
		 distributed system. Further, if a specification can be
		 implemented, we give a technique to determine whether
		 it can be implemented by tagging information with user
		 messages or if it requires control messages. To specify
		 the message ordering, we use a novel method called
		 forbidden predicates. All existing message ordering
		 guarantees such as FIFO, flush channels, causal
		 ordering, and logically synchronous ordering, (as well
		 as many new message orderings) can be concisely
		 specified using forbidden predicates. We then present
		 an algorithm that determines from the forbidden
		 predicate the type of protocol needed to implement that
		 specification. Keywords: Message ordering, forbidden
		 predicate, predicate graph, protocols and
		 specifications. 1 Introduction A distributed
		 computation or a run describes an execution of a
		 distributed program. At an abstract level, a run can be
		 defined as a partiall...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:9605; oai:CiteSeerPSU:171238;
  ANNOTE = {V. V. Murty (Department of Electrical Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712); V. K. Garg (Department of Electrical
		 Computer Engineering; University of Texas at Austin;
		 Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:138175},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/138175.html;

  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Principles of Distributed Systems},
  PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  ADDRESS = {Boston},
  YEAR = {1996},
  KEYWORDS = {book, text, time, mutual exclusion, predicates,},
  NOTE = {UT Austin}

  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Michel Raynal},
  TITLE = {A Consistency Condition for Concurrent Objects},
  NUMBER = {PI-1015},
  ADDRESS = {Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE},
  MONTH = {mai},
  YEAR = {1996},
  KEYWORDS = {Concurrent Objects, Consistency Condition,
		 Linearizability, Locality Property, Non-Blocking
		 Property, Mots cl'es absence de blocage, coh'erence,
		 lin'earisabilit'e, localit'e, objets concurrents},
  ABSTRACT = {Abstract Linearizability is a consistency condition
		 for concurrent objects (objects shared by concurrent
		 processes) that exploits the semantics of abstract data
		 types. It provides the illusion that each operation
		 applied by concurrent processes takes effect
		 instantaneously at some point between the beginning and
		 the end of its execution. When compared with other
		 consistency conditions (such as sequential consistency)
		 Linearizability satisfies the Locality property (i.e, a
		 system is linearizable if each object taken
		 individually is linearizable) and the Non-Blocking
		 property (i.e., termination of an invoked operation
		 does not depend on other pending invocations). Those
		 are noteworthy properties as they allow concurrent
		 systems to be designed and constructed in a modular
		 fashion. This paper introduces a consistency condition
		 called Normality that is less constraining than
		 Linearizability (in the sense it does not refer to a
		 global real-time order) and still satisfies Locality
		 and Non-Blocking. As it does not refer to a global
		 real-time, Normality is well-suited to objects
		 supported by asynchronous distributed systems and can
		 consequently be seen as an adaptation of
		 Linearizability for these systems.\par R'esum'e Cet
		 article pr'esente un crit`ere de coh'erence, appel'e
		 Normalit'e, pour les objets d'efinis `a partir de types
		 abstraits et acc'ed'es par des processus concurrents.
		 La d'efinition est moins contraignante que celle de la
		 lin'earisabilit'e, tout en pr'eservant comme cette
		 derni`ere, les propri'et'es cruciales que sont la
		 localit'e et le non-blocage. La normalit'e est
		 particuli`erement int'eressante car, tout en
		 formalisant la s'emantique intuitive classiquement
		 utilis'ees par les programmeurs, elle ne fait pas
		 r'ef'erence `a un temps physique global et `a ce titre
		 s'adapte naturellement au contexte r'eparti
  NOTE = {ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/techreports/1996/PI-1015.ps.gz}

  AUTHOR = {Jr. P. A. {de Souza} and E. O. T. Salles and V. K.
  TITLE = {Artificial neural network in Mossbauer mineralogy},
  BOOKTITLE = {38th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
  YEAR = {1996},
  VOLUME = {1},
  EDITOR = {L. P. Caloba and P. S. R. Diniz and A. C. M. {de
		 Querioz} and E. H. Watanabe},
  ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
  PAGES = {558--61},
  DBINSDATE = {oldtimer}

  AUTHOR = {D. D. Cofer and V. K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1995},
  TITLE = {On Controlling Timed Discrete Event Systems},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proc. Workshop on Verification and Control of Hybrid
  PAGES = {340--349},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper is a survey of our work on controlling
		 discrete event systems modelled by timed event graphs.
		 Such systems are structurally related to finite state
		 machines in that both can be described by linear
		 equations over an appropriate algebra. Using this
		 structural similarity, we have extended supervisory
		 control techniques developed for untimed DES to the
		 timed case. When behavioral constraints are given as a
		 a range of acceptable schedules, it is possible to
		 compute an extremal controllable subset or superset of
		 the desired behavior. When constraints are expressed in
		 terms of minimum separation times between events, it is
		 possible to determine whether there is a controllable
		 schedule which realizes the desired behavior.}

  TITLE = {Efficient Detection of Restricted Classes of Global
  AUTHOR = {Craig M. Chase and Vijay K. Garg},
  BOOKTITLE = {Distributed Algorithms, 9th International Workshop,
		 {WDAG} '95},
  EDITOR = {Jean-Michel H{\'e}lary and Michel Raynal},
  ADDRESS = {Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France},
  MONTH = {13--15~} # SEP,
  YEAR = {1995},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  VOLUME = {972},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ISBN = {ISBN 3-540-60274-7},
  PAGES = {303--317}

  TITLE = {Extremal solutions of inequations over lattices with
		 applications to supervisory control},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
  PAGES = {67--92},
  MONTH = {21~} # AUG,
  YEAR = {1995},
  VOLUME = {148},
  NUMBER = {1}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and A. Tomlinson and E. Fromentin and M.
  TITLE = {Expressing and Detecting Control Flow Properties of
		 Distributed Computations},
  PAGES = {432--439},
  BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
		 ({SPDP} '95)},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, Ca., USA},
  YEAR = {1995},
  ISBN = {0-8186-7195-5}

  TITLE = {Detecting conjunctive channel predicates in a
		 distributed programming environment},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Craig M. Chase and J. Roger Mitchell
		 and Richard B. Kilgore},
  YEAR = {1995},
  BIBDATE = {2004-05-11},
  PAGES = {232--241},
  URL = {http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/hicss/1995/6935/00/69350232abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Deriving distributed algorithms from a general
		 predicate detector},
  AUTHOR = {J. Roger Mitchell and Vijay K. Garg},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  YEAR = {1995},
  BIBDATE = {2003-02-12},
  PAGES = {268--277},
  URL = {http://computer.org/proceedings/compsac/7119/71190268abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Observation of Software for Distributed Systems with
  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  BIBDATE = {2002-06-17},
  BOOKTITLE = {Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical
		 Computer Science, 15th Conference, Bangalore, India,
		 December 18-20, 1995, Proceedings},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR = {1995},
  VOLUME = {1026},
  EDITOR = {P. S. Thiagarajan},
  ISBN = {3-540-60692-0},
  PAGES = {195--209},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}

  TITLE = {Optimal Supervisory Control of Discrete Event
		 Dynamical Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {We formalize the notion of optimal supervisory control
		 of discrete event dynamical systems (DEDS's) in the
		 framework of Ramadge and Wonham. A DEDS is modeled as a
		 state machine, and is controlled by disabling some of
		 its transitions. We define two types of cost functions:
		 a cost of control function corresponding to disabling
		 transitions in the state machine, and a penalty of
		 control function corresponding to reaching some
		 undesired states, or not reaching some desired states
		 in the controlled system. The control objective is to
		 design an optimal control mechanism, if it exists, so
		 that the net cost is minimized. Since a DEDS is
		 represented as a state machine---a directed
		 graph---network flow techniques are naturally applied
		 for designing optimal supervisors. We also show that
		 our techniques can be used for solving supervisory
		 control problems under complete as well as partial
		 observation. In particular, we obtain, for the first
		 time, techniques for computing the supremal
		 controllable a...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:12283; oai:CiteSeerPSU:107182;
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Department of Electrical Engineering;
		 University of Kentucky; Lexington , KY 40506-0046);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:134185},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/134185.html;

  TITLE = {Finite Buffer Realization of Input-Output Discrete
		 Event Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg and Steven I. Marcus},
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {Many discrete event systems (DESs) such as
		 manufacturing systems, data base management systems,
		 communication networks, traffic systems, etc., can be
		 modeled as input-output discrete event systems (I/O
		 DESs). In this paper we formulate and study the problem
		 of stable realization of such systems in the logical
		 setting. Given an input and an output language
		 describing the sequences of events that occur at the
		 input and the output, respectively, of an I/O DES, we
		 study whether it is possible to realize the system as a
		 unit consisting of a given set of buffers of finite
		 capacity, called a dispatching unit. The notions of
		 stable, conditionally stable, dispatchable and
		 conditionally dispatchable units are introduced as
		 existence of stable (or input-output bounded), and
		 causal (or prefix preserving) input-output maps, and
		 effectively computable necessary and sufficient
		 conditions for testing them are obtained. 1
		 Introduction and Motivation A discrete event system
		 (DES) is one in which the ...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:394586; oai:CiteSeerPSU:542436;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:107182; oai:CiteSeerPSU:193302},
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Department of Electrical Engineering;
		 University of Kentucky; Lexington , KY 40506-0046);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712-1084); Steven I. Marcus (Department of
		 Electrical Engineering and; Institute for Systems
		 Research; University of Maryland; College Park , MD
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:163987},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/163987.html;

  TITLE = {Model Uncertainty in Discrete Event Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Stanley Young and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {Earlier work concerning control of discrete event
		 systems usually assumed that a correct model of the
		 system to be controlled was available. A goal of this
		 wok is to provide an algorithm for determining the
		 correct model from a set of models. The result of the
		 algorithm is a finite language which can be used to
		 test for the correct model or notification that the
		 remaining models cannot be controllably distinguished.
		 We use the finite state machine model with controllable
		 and uncontrollable events presented by Ramadge and
		 Wonham 1 . Keywords: Discrete Event Systems, System
		 Identification AMS(MOS) subject classification: 93A,93B
		 Supported in part by National Science Foundation
		 CCR-911065, and in part by the University Research
		 Institute, University of Texas at Austin. 1 A
		 preliminary version of this paper appeared as [18].
		 Another version will appear in SIAM Journal of Control
		 and Optimization. 1 Introduction A discrete event
		 system (DES) is one which responds to distinct eve...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:107182;
  ANNOTE = {Stanley Young (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX 78712);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:159118},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/159118.html;

  TITLE = {On the Fly Testing of Regular Patterms in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Eddy Fromentin and Michel Raynal and Vijay K Garg},
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = MAR # {~10},
  ANNOTE = {Eddy Fromentin (IRISA Projet ADP , Campus
		 universitaire de Beaulieu , 35042 Rennes Cedex ,
		 France); Michel Raynal (IRISA Projet ADP , Campus
		 universitaire de Beaulieu , 35042 Rennes Cedex ,
		 France); Vijay K Garg (IRISA Projet ADP , Campus
		 universitaire de Beaulieu , 35042 Rennes Cedex ,
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  DESCRIPTION = {This paper will appear in the proceedings of the 23},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:77020},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/77020.html;

  TITLE = {Detecting Conjunctive Channel Predicates in a
		 Distributed Programming Environment},
  AUTHOR = {J. Roger and Mitchell Richard Kilgore and Vijay K.
		 Garg and Craig Chase and J. Roger Mitchell and Richard
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses efficient detection of global
		 predicates in a distributed program. Previous work in
		 efficient detection of global predicates was restricted
		 to predicates that could be specified as a boolean
		 formula of local predicates. Many properties in
		 distributed systems, however, use the state of
		 channels. In this paper, we introduce the concept of a
		 channel predicate and provide an efficient algorithm to
		 detect any boolean formula of local and channel
		 predicates. We define a property called monotonicity
		 for channel predicates. Monotonicity is crucial for
		 efficient detection of global predicates. We show that
		 many problems studied earlier such as detection of
		 termination and computation of global virtual time are
		 special cases of the problem considered in this paper.
		 The message complexity of our algorithm is bounded by
		 the number of messages used by the program. The main
		 application of our results are in debugging and testing
		 of distributed programs. Our algorithms have been ...},
  ANNOTE = {Mitchell Richard Kilgore (UNIVERSITY; TEXAS AUSTIN);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory; Austin , Texas 78712); Richard Kilgore
		 (Electrical and Computer Engineering Department; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:116490},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/116490.html;

  TITLE = {Conjunctive Predicate Detection},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Craig M. Chase and J. Roger Mitchell
		 and Richard Kilgore},
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = SEP # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses efficient detection of global
		 predicates in a distributed program. Previous work in
		 detection of global predicates was restricted to
		 predicates that could be specified as a boolean formula
		 of local predicates. Many properties in distributed
		 systems, however, use the state of channels. In this
		 paper, we introduce the concept of a channel predicate
		 and provide an efficient algorithm to detect any
		 boolean formula of local and channel predicates. We
		 define a property called monotonicity for channel
		 predicates. Monotonicity is crucial for efficient
		 detection of global predicates. We show that many
		 problems studied earlier, such as detection of
		 termination and computation of global virtual time are
		 special cases of the problem considered in this paper.
		 The message complexity of our algorithm is bounded by
		 the number of messages used by the program. The main
		 application of our results are in debugging and testing
		 of distributed programs. Our algorithms have been
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395; oai:CiteSeerPSU:564740;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867; oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory); Richard Kilgore (Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering Department; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:59101},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/59101.html;

  TITLE = {State Avoidance Control for Infinite State Systems
		 using Assignment Program Model},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1995},
  MONTH = MAY # {~28},
  ABSTRACT = {In this paper we study supervisory control of discrete
		 event systems using state variables for representation
		 and specification. The motivation is two fold: firstly,
		 a state variable representation allows a concise
		 characterization of systems with infinitely many
		 states, and secondly, state variable specification
		 allows characterization of qualitative properties of
		 general nondeterministic systems. An assignment program
		 consisting of state variables and a finite set of
		 conditional assignment statements is used for
		 representing a discrete event system, and a set of
		 forbidden states is used for representing a control
		 specification. The control synthesis problem is
		 undecidable in the general setting. However, in the
		 special case when a single uncontrollable event is
		 present, we show that the problem of computing a
		 maximally permissive supervisor reduces to that of
		 solving an arithmetic equation. Also, in another
		 special case when the system can be represented as a
		 vector addition system...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:107182; oai:CiteSeerPSU:51811;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:269737; oai:CiteSeerPSU:273949;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:452558; oai:CiteSeerPSU:273949;
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Department of Electrical Engineering;
		 University of Kentucky; Lexington , KY 40506-0046);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:82167},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/82167.html;

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and A. Tomlinson and E. Fromentin and M.
  JOURNAL = {(Proc. 7th IEEE Symp. on) Parallel and Distributed
  PAGES = {432--439},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA},
  YEAR = {1995},
  KEYWORDS = {parallel programming,}

  AUTHOR = {E. Fromentin and M. Raynal and V. K. Garg and A.
  TITLE = {On the fly testing of regular patterns in distributed
  PAGES = {73--76},
  ISBN = {0-8493-2494-7},
  EDITOR = {K. C. Tai},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
		 Parallel Processing. Volume 2: Software},
  PUBLISHER = {CRC Press},
  ADDRESS = {Boca Raton, FL, USA},
  YEAR = {1994}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and A. I. Tomlinson},
  TITLE = {Using Induction to Prove Properties of Distributed
  PAGES = {478--485},
  BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Systems ({SPDP}
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, Ca., USA},
  YEAR = {1994},
  ISBN = {0-8186-4222-X}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and A. I. Tomlinson},
  TITLE = {Causality versus Thme: How to Specify and Verify
		 Distributed Algorithms},
  PAGES = {249--256},
  ISBN = {0-8186-6427-4},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Parallel and
		 Distributed Processing},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  YEAR = {1994}

  TITLE = {Detection of Weak Unstable Predicates in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Brian Waldecker},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst},
  YEAR = {1994},
  NUMBER = {3},
  VOLUME = {5},
  BIBDATE = {2003-11-20},
  PAGES = {299--307},
  URL = {http://computer.org/tpds/td1994/l0299abs.htm}

  TITLE = {Repeated Computation of Global Functions in a
		 Distributed Environment},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Joydeep Ghosh},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst},
  YEAR = {1994},
  NUMBER = {8},
  VOLUME = {5},
  BIBDATE = {2003-11-20},
  PAGES = {823--834},
  URL = {http://computer.org/tpds/td1994/l0823abs.htm}

  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Alexander I. Tomlinson},
  TITLE = {Causality versus time: How to specify and verify
		 distributed algorithms},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and
		 Distributed Processing, SPDP'94 (Dallas, Texas, October
		 26-29, 1994)},
  PAGES = {249--256},
  YEAR = {1994},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Society},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos-Washington-Brussels-Tokyo},
  CDATE = {1970-01-01},
  MDATE = {2005-08-18}

  TITLE = {Corrections to {}

  TITLE = {Supervisory Control of Real-time Discrete Event
		 Systems using Lattice Theory},
  AUTHOR = {Darren D. Cofer and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {The behavior of timed DES can be described by
		 sequences of event occurrence times. These sequences
		 can be ordered to form a lattice. Since logical
		 (untimed) DES behaviors described by regular languages
		 also form a lattice, questions of controllability for
		 timed DES may be treated in much the same manner as
		 they are for untimed systems. In this paper we
		 establish conditions for the controllability of timed
		 DES performance specification which are expressed as
		 inequations on the lattice. Thses specifications may
		 take the form of sets of acceptable event occurrence
		 times, maximum or minimum occurrence times, or limits
		 on the separation times between events. Optimal
		 behaviors are found as extremal solutions to these
		 inequations using fixed point results for lattices.
		 Keywords: Discrete event systems, supervisory control,
		 maxalgebra, lattices. Supported in part by NSF Grant
		 CCR-9110605, Army Grant N00039-91-C-0082, a TRW faculty
		 assistantship award, General Motors Fellowship, and an
		 IBM g...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:74476; oai:CiteSeerPSU:287011},
  ANNOTE = {Darren D. Cofer (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
		 78712-1084); Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical
		 and Computer Engineering; University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , TX 78712-1084);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:13348},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/13348.html;

  TITLE = {Control of Discrete Event Systems Modeled with
		 Deterministic {B}{\"u}chi Automata},
  AUTHOR = {Stanley Young and Damir Spanjol and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {A discrete event system (DES) is a dynamic system
		 which evolves in response to the occurrence of specific
		 events at discrete points in time. Ramadge and Wonham
		 have established a control theory of DES modeled by
		 state machines which has been expanded by others to
		 include the concepts of observability and stability.
		 Previous work by Ramadge extended the concept of
		 controllable languages to infinite languages and
		 presented conditions for the existence of a supervisor
		 for systems modeled by Buchi automata. The goal of this
		 paper is to derive requirements for the existence of a
		 supervisor under less restrictive conditions on the
		 constraint language for plants which satisfy certain
		 conditions. This supervisor is shown to approach the
		 prescribed closed loop behavior and retain all
		 behaviors within a specified error bound of the desired
		 behavior. Both deterministic and nondeterministic
		 supervisors are considered. The construction for such a
		 supervisor is given along with example...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:12283; oai:CiteSeerPSU:107182;
  ANNOTE = {Stanley Young (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX 78712);
		 Damir Spanjol (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX 78712);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:350746},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/350746.html;

  TITLE = {Optimal Sensor and Actuator Choices for Discrete Event
  AUTHOR = {Stanley D. Young and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = JUL # {~06},
  ABSTRACT = {We present algorithms to optimally choose sensors and
		 actuators to control a given discrete event system so
		 that the closed loop behavior satisfies a specified
		 constraint. The main results of this paper are
		 algorithms which demonstrate: the polynomial solution
		 to the choice of actuators, the polynomial solution to
		 the choice of sensors for certain supervisory control
		 problems, and the solution to the general choice of
		 sensors 1 . Keywords: Discrete Event Systems,
		 Observability, Controllability 1 Introduction This work
		 addresses the question of how to choose sensors and
		 actuators to control a discrete event system to attain
		 a specified behavior. Supervision Supported in part by
		 NSF CCR-911065 and TRW Faculty Assistantship Award. y
		 Supported in part by a DuPont Fellowship. 1 A
		 preliminary version of this paper appeared as [18]. of
		 such systems is achieved by observing events and
		 disabling those which are not desired or lead to
		 undesirable behavior. A supervisor uses sensors ...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:94231; oai:CiteSeerPSU:18059;
  ANNOTE = {Stanley D. Young (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; University of Texas at Austin;
		 Austin , Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg (Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of
		 Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:138566},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/138566.html;

  TITLE = {Expressing and Detecting Control Flow Properties of
		 Distributed Computations},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K Garg and Alex Tomlinson and Eddy Fromentin and
		 Michel Raynal and Projets Adp},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = NOV # {~07},
  ABSTRACT = {: Properties of distributed computations can be either
		 on their global states or on their control flows. This
		 paper addresses control flow properties. It first
		 presents a simple yet powerful logic for expressing
		 general properties on control flows, seen as sequences
		 of local states. Among other properties, we can express
		 invariance, sequential properties (to satisfy such a
		 property a control flow must match a pattern described
		 as a word on some alphabet) and non-sequential
		 properties (these properties are on several control
		 flows at the same time). A decentralized detection
		 algorithm for properties described by this logic is
		 then presented. This algorithm, surprisingly simple
		 despite the power of the logic, observes the underlying
		 distributed computation, does not alter its control
		 flows and uses message tags to carry detection-related
		 information. Key-words: behavioral property,
		 distributed computation, distributed debugging, on the
		 fly detection, control flows. (R'esum'e : tsvp) ...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395; oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:316657; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563;
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:55855},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/55855.html;

  TITLE = {{I} {R} {I} {S} a},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K Garg and Alex Tomlinson and Eddy Fromentin and
		 Michel Raynal and Projets Adp},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = NOV # {~02},
  ABSTRACT = {: Properties of distributed computations can be either
		 on their global states or on their control flows. This
		 paper addresses control flow properties. It first
		 presents a simple yet powerful logic for expressing
		 general properties on control flows, seen as sequences
		 of local states. Among other properties, we can express
		 invariance, sequential properties (to satisfy such a
		 property a control flow must match a pattern described
		 as a word on some alphabet) and non-sequential
		 properties (these properties are on several control
		 flows at the same time). A decentralized detection
		 algorithm for properties described by this logic is
		 then presented. This algorithm, surprisingly simple
		 despite the power of the logic, observes the underlying
		 distributed computation, does not alter its control
		 flows and uses message tags to carry detection-related
		 information. Key-words: behavioral property,
		 distributed computation, distributed debugging, on the
		 fly detection, control flows. (R'esum'e : tsvp) ...},
		 SYSTE MES ALE ATOIRES; Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042
		 Rennes Cedex -- France); Alex Tomlinson (INSTITUT DE
		 Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France);
		 ET SYSTE MES ALE ATOIRES; Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042
		 Rennes Cedex -- France); Michel Raynal (INSTITUT DE
		 Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:340013},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/340013.html;

  TITLE = {{I} {R} {I} {S} a},
  AUTHOR = {Eddy Fromentin and Michel Raynal and Vijay K Garg and
		 Projet Adp},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = APR # {~28},
  ABSTRACT = {: A class of properties of distributed computations is
		 described and an algorithm which detects them is
		 presented. This class of properties called regular
		 patterns allows the user to specify an expected (or
		 unwanted) behavior of a computation as sequences of
		 relevant events (or as sequences of local predicates
		 that must be successively verified). The sequences are
		 defined by a finite state automaton (hence the name
		 regular patterns). A computation verifies the property
		 if and only if one of its causal paths matches a
		 sequence. Key-words: behavioral property, distributed
		 computation, distributed debugging, on the fly
		 detection, regular pattern. (R'esum'e : tsvp) This
		 paper will appear in the proceedings of the 23 th Int.
		 Conf. on Parallel Processing, Pennsylvanie State Univ.,
		 August 1994. IRISA -- Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 RENNES
		 cedex -- FRANCE, e-mail:ffromenti, raynalg@irisa.fr
		 Dept. of ECE -- University of Texas at AUstin, Austin
		 TX, e-mail: fvijay,alextg@pine.ece.utexas.edu ...},
		 Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France); Michel
		 Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France); Vijay K Garg
		 ET SYSTE MES ALE ATOIRES; Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042
		 Rennes Cedex -- France);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:345125},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/345125.html;

  TITLE = {On The Fly Testing Of Regular Patterns In Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Eddy Fromentin and Michel Raynal and Vijay K Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {: A class of properties of distributed computations is
		 described and an algorithm which detects them is
		 presented. This class of properties called regular
		 patterns allows the user to specify an expected (or
		 unwanted) behavior of a computation as sequences of
		 relevant events (or as sequences of local predicates
		 that must be successively verified). The sequences are
		 defined by a finite state automaton (hence the name
		 regular patterns). A computation verifies the property
		 if and only if one of its causal paths matches a
		 sequence. Key-words: behavioral property, distributed
		 computation, distributed debugging, on the fly
		 detection, regular pattern. (R'esum'e : tsvp) This
		 paper will appear in the proceedings of the 23 th Int.
		 Conf. on Parallel Processing, Pennsylvanie State Univ.,
		 August 1994. IRISA -- Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 RENNES
		 cedex -- FRANCE, e-mail:ffromenti, raynalg@irisa.fr
		 Dept. of ECE -- University of Texas at AUstin, Austin
		 TX, e-mail: fvijay,alextg@pine.ece.utexas.edu...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961; oai:CiteSeerPSU:316657;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:158563;
		 Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France); Michel
		 Beaulieu -- 35042 Rennes Cedex -- France); Vijay K Garg
		 ET SYSTE MES ALE ATOIRES; Campus de Beaulieu -- 35042
		 Rennes Cedex -- France);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/36395.html;

  TITLE = {Maintaining Global Assertions on Distributed Systems},
  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper develops a method for maintaining global
		 assertions on a network of distributed processes. The
		 global assertion has the form (X 1 1 X 1 2 Delta Delta
		 Delta X 1 N 1 ) + : : : + (X M 1 X M 2 Delta Delta
		 Delta X M NM ) K, where X j i is a variable which is
		 local to one process in a distributed system and K is a
		 constant. It is assumed that the initial values of all
		 local variables are known and that the global assertion
		 initially holds. This form is more general than the
		 summation form considered in earlier work. This
		 research has applications in distributed software
		 development, and as a general synchronization
		 mechanism. Many classical synchronization problems
		 (mutual exclusion, dining philosophers, readers
		 /writers) can be solved with the results of this work.
		 Research supported in part by NSF Grant CCR 9110605,
		 Navy Grant N00039-88-C-0082, TRW faculty assistantship
		 award, IBM Agreement 153, and a Microelectronics
		 Computer Development Fellowship. 1 Intr...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:71684},
  ANNOTE = {Alexander I. Tomlinson (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:94453},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/94453.html;

  TITLE = {Parallel Distributed Systems group},
  AUTHOR = {J. Roger and Mitchell Richard Kilgore and Vijay K.
		 Garg and Craig Chase and J. Roger Mitchell and Richard
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses efficient detection of global
		 predicates in a distributed program. Previous work in
		 efficient detection of global predicates was restricted
		 to predicates that could be specified as a boolean
		 formula of local predicates. Many properties in
		 distributed systems, however, use the state of
		 channels. In this paper, we introduce the concept of a
		 channel predicate and provide an efficient algorithm to
		 detect any boolean formula of local and channel
		 predicates. We define a property called monotonicity
		 for channel predicates. Monotonicity is crucial for
		 efficient detection of global predicates. We show that
		 many problems studied earlier such as detection of
		 termination and computation of global virtual time are
		 special cases of the problem considered in this paper.
		 The message complexity of our algorithm is bounded by
		 the number of messages used by the program. The main
		 application of our results are in debugging and testing
		 of distributed programs. Our algorithms ...},
  ANNOTE = {Mitchell Richard Kilgore (UNIVERSITY; TEXAS AUSTIN);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory; Austin , Texas 78712); Richard Kilgore
		 (Electrical and Computer Engineering Department; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:252756},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/252756.html;

  TITLE = {Causality for Time: How to Specify and Verify
		 Distributed Algorithms},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Alexander I. Tomlinson},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {We illustrate a technique for proving properties of
		 distributed programs. Our technique avoids the notion
		 of global time or global state. Furthermore, it does
		 not require any use of temporal logic. All properties
		 are proven using induction on the happenedbefore
		 relation and its complement. We illustrate our
		 technique by providing a formal proof of Lamport's
		 algorithm for mutual exclusion. 1 Introduction We
		 define a distributed system as a collection of
		 processors geographically distributed which do not
		 share any memory or clock. Further, it is assumed that
		 different clocks cannot be perfectly synchronized due
		 to uncertainty in communication delays. The importance
		 of distinction between causality and time in such an
		 environment was first emphasized by Leslie Lamport in
		 [9]. It is now well understood that the concept of time
		 can be replaced by that of causality with many
		 advantages. For example, even though it is impossible
		 to detect a global property that became true at some
		 physical t...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542; oai:CiteSeerPSU:171238;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:564740},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; Austin , TX
		 78712-1084); Alexander I. Tomlinson (Department of
		 Electrical and Computer Engineering,; University of
		 Texas; Austin , TX 78712-1084);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:71078},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/71078.html;

  TITLE = {Monitoring Functions on Global States of Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {The domain of a global function is the set of all
		 global states of an execution of a distributed program.
		 We show how to monitor a program in order to determine
		 if there exists a global state in which the sum x 1 +x
		 2 + : : : +xN exceeds some constant K, where x i is
		 defined in process i. We examine the cases where x i is
		 an integer variable and where x i is a boolean
		 variable. For both cases we provide algorithms, prove
		 their correctness and analyze their complexity. 1
		 Introduction As a distributed program executes, each
		 process proceeds through a sequence of local states.
		 The set S of all local states is partially ordered by
		 Lamport's happens before relation[Lam78], denoted by !.
		 A global state is a subset of S in which no two
		 elements are ordered by !. Given a global state c of
		 some execution, it is impossible to determine if c
		 actually occurred in an execution. However, it is known
		 that c is consistent with some global state that did
		 occur in the execution [CL85, Mat89]. In ot...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:150856; oai:CiteSeerPSU:160542;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:36395; oai:CiteSeerPSU:171238;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:18867; oai:CiteSeerPSU:70961;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:316657; oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873;
  ANNOTE = {Alexander I. Tomlinson (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:113196},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/113196.html;

  TITLE = {On The Fly Testing Of Regular Patterns In Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Alex Tomlinson and Eddy Fromentin and Michel Raynal
		 and Vijay K Garg and Projet Adp},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = MAY # {~20},
  ABSTRACT = {: A class of properties of distributed computations is
		 described and an algorithm which detects them is
		 presented. This class of properties called regular
		 patterns allows the user to specify an expected (or
		 unwanted) behavior of a computation as sequences of
		 relevant events (or as sequences of local predicates
		 that must be successively verified). The sequences are
		 defined by a finite state automaton (hence the name
		 regular patterns). A computation verifies the property
		 if and only if one of its causal paths matches a
		 sequence. Key-words: behavioral property, distributed
		 computation, distributed debugging, on the fly
		 detection, regular pattern. (R'esum'e : tsvp) This
		 paper will appear in the proceedings of the 23 th Int.
		 Conf. on Parallel Processing, Pennsylvanie State Univ.,
		 August 1994. IRISA -- Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 RENNES
		 cedex -- FRANCE, e-mail:ffromenti, raynalg@irisa.fr
		 Dept. of ECE -- University of Texas at AUstin, Austin
		 TX, e-mail: fvijay,alextg@pine.ece.utexas.edu ...},
  ANNOTE = {Alex Tomlinson (Avril 1994); Eddy Fromentin (Avril
		 1994); Michel Raynal (Avril 1994); Vijay K Garg (Avril
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:322338},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/322338.html;

  TITLE = {An Algorithm For Minimally Latent Global},
  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = JAN # {~24},
  ABSTRACT = {Global virtual time (GVT) is used in distributed
		 simulations to reclaim memory, commit output, detect
		 termination, and handle errors. It is a global function
		 that is computed many times during the course of a
		 simulation. A small GVT latency (delay between its
		 occurrence and detection) allows for more efficient use
		 of resources. We present an algorithm which minimizes
		 the latency, and we prove its correctness. The
		 algorithm is unique in that a target virtual time (TVT)
		 is predetermined by an initiator who then detects when
		 GVT TVT. This approach eliminates the avalanche effect
		 because the collection phase is spread out over time,
		 and it allows for regular and timely GVT updates.},
  ANNOTE = {Alexander I. Tomlinson (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:568147},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/568147.html;

  TITLE = {International Conference on},
  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1994},
  MONTH = JAN # {~24},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper develops a method for maintaining global
		 assertions on a network of distributed processes. The
		 global assertion has the form (X N 1 ) + : : : + NM )
		 K, where X i is a variable which is local to one
		 process in a distributed system and K is a constant. It
		 is assumed that the initial values of all local
		 variables are known and that the global assertion
		 initially holds. This form is more general than the
		 summation form considered in earlier work.},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:71684},
  ANNOTE = {Alexander I. Tomlinson (Department of Electrical and
		 Computer Engineering; The University of Texas at
		 Austin; Austin , Texas 78712); Vijay K. Garg
		 (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; The
		 University of Texas at Austin; Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:572015},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/572015.html;

  AUTHOR = {A. I. Tomilinson and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Maintaining Global Assertions on Distributed Systems},
  EDITOR = {N. Balakrishnan},
  BOOKTITLE = {Computer systems and education: International
		 conference --- June 1994, Bangalore, India},
  PUBLISHER = {Tata McGraw-Hill},
  ISBN = {0-07-462044-4},
  PAGES = {257--272},
  YEAR = {1994},
  BIBDATE = {Mon Aug 26 10:38:41 MDT 1996},
  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = {Nelson H. F. Beebe, University of Utah, Department
		 of Mathematics, 110 LCB, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake
		 City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1
		 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|,
		 \path|beebe@acm.org|, \path|beebe@computer.org|
		 (Internet), URL:

  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Detecting Relational Global Predicates in Distributed
  EDITOR = {B. P. Miller and C. McDowell},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{ONR} Workshop on Parallel
		 and Distributed Debugging},
  YEAR = {1993},
  PAGES = {21--31},
  URL = {http://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/onr/174266/p21-tomlinson/p21-tomlinson.pdf},
		 Programming, Distributed programming. D.2.5 Software,
		 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Testing and Debugging, Debugging
  ANNOTE = {incomplete}

  AUTHOR = {Alexander I. Tomlinson and Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {An Algorithm for Minimally Latent Global Virtual
  PAGES = {35--42},
  ISBN = {1-56555-055-2},
  EDITOR = {Rajive Bagrodia and David Jefferson},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Parallel and
		 Distributed Simulation},
  ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA},
  YEAR = {1993},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 32nd {IEEE} Conf.\ Decision and Control},
  ADDRESS = {San Antonio, TX, USA},
  YEAR = {1993},
  AUTHOR = {S. D. Young and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {On Self-Stabilizing Systems: An Approach to the
		 Specification and Design of Fault Tolerant Systems},
  PAGES = {1200--1205}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 32nd {IEEE} Conf.\ Decision and Control},
  ADDRESS = {San Antonio, TX, USA},
  YEAR = {1993},
  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for Supervisory
		 Control of Discrete Event Systems},
  PAGES = {2236--2241}

  TITLE = {Synchronous Message Passing},
  AUTHOR = {V. V. Murty and V. K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1993},
  MONTH = DEC # {~19},
  ABSTRACT = {This paper studies the characteristics of synchronous
		 ordering of messages. Synchronous ordering of messages
		 defines synchronous communication based on the
		 causality relation rather than time. We present the
		 necessary characteristics of any algorithm providing
		 deadlock-free synchronous ordering of the messages. We
		 also present the sufficient conditions, based on the
		 causality relations, for any algorithm to provide
		 synchronous ordering. The paper proposes an algorithm
		 using acknowledgment messages to implement the
		 sufficient conditions. The acknowledgment messages are
		 used to satisfy the causality relation between the
		 events. The algorithm is deadlock-free, and provides a
		 higher degree of concurrency then the algorithms which
		 define synchronous communication based on time. 1
		 Introduction Distributed programs are difficult to
		 design and test due to their non-deterministic nature.
		 That is, a distributed program may exhibit multiple
		 behaviors on the same external input. This
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:145873; oai:CiteSeerPSU:63501},
  ANNOTE = {V. V. Murty (Department of Electrical Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin ,
		 Texas 78712); V. K. Garg (Department of Electrical
		 Computer Engineering; University of Texas at Austin;
		 Austin , Texas 78712);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:135443},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/135443.html;

  TITLE = {Some optimal algorithms for decomposed partially
		 ordered sets},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  PAGES = {39--43},
  JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
  YEAR = {1992},
  MONTH = {9~} # NOV,
  VOLUME = {44},
  NUMBER = {1}

  TITLE = {Concurrent regular expressions and their relationships
		 to {Petri} nets},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and M. T. Ragunath},
  PAGES = {285--304},
  JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
  YEAR = {1992},
  MONTH = {13~} # APR,
  VOLUME = {96},
  NUMBER = {2}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and B. Waldecker},
  TITLE = {Detection of Unstable Predicates in Distributed
  PAGES = {253--264},
  ISBN = {3-540-56287-7},
  EDITOR = {Rudrapatna Shyamasundar},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and
		 Theoretical Computer Science},
  VOLUME = {652},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
  YEAR = {1992}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 31st {IEEE} Conf.\ Decision and Control},
  ADDRESS = {Tucson, AZ, USA},
  YEAR = {1992},
  AUTHOR = {D. D. Cofer and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {A Timed Model for the Control of Discrete Event
		 Systems Involving Decisions in the Max/Plus Algebra},
  PAGES = {3363--3368}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 1992 American Control Conf.},
  ADDRESS = {Chicago, IL, USA},
  YEAR = {1992},
  AUTHOR = {A. Tomlinson and G. Hoagland and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Distributed Resource Management Using Active
		 Supervisory Predicate Control}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 1992 American Control Conf.},
  ADDRESS = {Chicago, IL, USA},
  YEAR = {1992},
  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and R. Kumar},
  TITLE = {A State-Variable Approach for Controlling Discrete
		 Event Systems with Infinite States},
  PAGES = {2809--2813}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 26th Conf.\ on Information Sciences and
  ADDRESS = {Princeton, NJ, USA},
  YEAR = {1992},
  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Probabilistic Languages for Modeling of {DEDS}}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and M. T. Raghunath},
  TITLE = {Concurrent Regular Expressions and their Relationship
		 to Petri Net Languages},
  JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
  VOLUME = {96},
  YEAR = {1992},
  PAGES = {285--304}

  TITLE = {On supervisory control of sequential behaviors},
  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
  YEAR = {1992}

  TITLE = {Predicates and predicate transformers for supervisory
		 control of discrete event systems},
  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
  YEAR = {1992},
  NOTE = {to appear}

  TITLE = {Stability and stabilizability of behavior of discrete
		 event systems},
  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization},
  YEAR = {1992},
  NOTE = {to appear}

  AUTHOR = {D. Spanjol and S. Young and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Control of Discrete Event Systems Modeled with
		 Infinite Languages},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of 1992 American Control Conference},
  ADDRESS = {Chicago, IL},
  YEAR = {1992},
  BIB = {G}

  TITLE = {Concurrent Regular Expressions and their Relationship
		 to Petri Nets},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {1992},
  MONTH = JAN # {~21},
  ABSTRACT = {We define algebraic systems called concurrent regular
		 expressions which provide a modular description of
		 languages of Petri nets. Concurrent regular expressions
		 are extension of regular expressions with four
		 operators - interleaving, interleaving closure,
		 synchronous composition and renaming. This alternative
		 characterization of Petri net languages gives us a
		 flexible way of specifying concurrent systems.
		 Concurrent regular expressions are modular and hence
		 easier to use for specification. The proof of
		 equivalence also provides a natural decomposition
		 method for Petri nets. 1 Introduction Formal models
		 proposed for specification and analysis of concurrent
		 systems can be categorized roughly into two groups:
		 algebra based and transition based. The algebra based
		 models specify all possible behaviors of concurrent
		 systems by means of expressions that consist of
		 algebraic operators and primitive behaviors. Examples
		 of such models are path expressions[3], behavior
		 expressions[21] and extend...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:572604;
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (; Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering,; University of Texas; M.T.Raghunath;
		 Computer Science Division,; University of California ,
		 Berkeley; ; Austin , TX 78712-1084; Berkeley , CA
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:88007},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/88007.html;

  TITLE = {Con{C}: {A} Language for Concurrent Programming},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and C. V. Ramamoorthy},
  JOURNAL = {Comput. Lang},
  YEAR = {1991},
  NUMBER = {1},
  VOLUME = {16},
  BIBDATE = {2003-11-27},
  PAGES = {5--18}

  AUTHOR = {Brian Waldecker and Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Detection of strong predicates in distributed
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Symposium on Parallel and
		 Distributed Processing, SPDP'91 (Dallas, Texas,
		 December 2-5, 1991)},
  PAGES = {692--699},
  YEAR = {1991},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Society},
  ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos-Washington-Brussels-Tokyo},
  CDATE = {1970-01-01},
  MDATE = {2005-08-18}

  AUTHOR = {S. Young and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Uncertainty in Discrete Event Systems},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 6th IEEE Int.\ Symp.\ on Intelligent
  YEAR = {1991},
  PAGES = {245--250}

  BOOKTITLE = {Proc.\ of 29th Allerton Conf.\ on Communication,
		 Control and Computing},
  ADDRESS = {Champaign, IL, USA},
  YEAR = {1991},
  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Optimal Control of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems
		 Using Network Flow Techniques}

  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  TITLE = {Stability of Discrete Event System Behavior},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 1991 IFAC Symposium on Distributed
		 Intelligent Systems},
  YEAR = {1991},
  PAGES = {13--18}

  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  TITLE = {On $\omega-$Controllability and $\omega-$Normality of
  BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of 1991 American Control Conference},
  ADDRESS = {Boston, MA},
  YEAR = {1991},
  BIB = {G}

  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  TITLE = {On Using Predicate Transformers for Supervisory
  BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of 31st Conf. Decision and Control},
  ADDRESS = {Brighton, United Kingdom},
  YEAR = {1991}

  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  TITLE = {On Controllability and Normality of Discrete Event
		 Dynamical Systems},
  JOURNAL = {Systems and Control Letters},
  YEAR = {1991},
  VOLUME = {17},
  PAGES = {157--168}

  AUTHOR = {Brian Waldecker and Vijay K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Unstable Predicate Detection in Distributed Program
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACM/ONR Workshop on Parallel and
		 Distributed Debugging},
  PAGES = {276--278},
  ADDRESS = {Santa Cruz, California},
  YEAR = {1991},
  KEYWORDS = {par-debugging bib,},
  ABSTRACT = {Extended abstract.}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and J. Ghosh},
  TITLE = {Symmetry in Spite of Hierarchy},
  PAGES = {4--11},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
		 Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)},
  YEAR = {1990},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  ADDRESS = {Washington, DC},
  ISBN = {0-8186-2048-X}

  AUTHOR = {R. D. Brandt and V. K. Garg and R. Kumar and F. Lin
		 and S. I. Marcus and W. M. Wonham},
  TITLE = {Formulas for Calculating Supremal and Normal
  JOURNAL = {Systems and Control Letters},
  PAGES = {111--117},
  YEAR = {1990},
  VOLUME = {15},
  NUMBER = {8}

  TITLE = {Language stability of {DEDS}},
  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 1990 International Conference on
		 Mathematical Theory of Control},
  ADDRESS = {Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India},
  YEAR = {1990},

  TITLE = {Modeling of Distributed Systems by Concurrent Regular
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg},
  PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
  YEAR = {1989},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  EDITOR = {Son T. Vuong},
  ISBN = {0-444-88544-7},
  PAGES = {313--327}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {{P}etri Nets and Concurrent Regular Expressions},
  INSTITUTION = {Univ.\ of Texas at Austin, USA},
  NOTE = {Preprint},
  YEAR = {1989},

  TITLE = {Supervisory control of discrete event systems:
		 supremal controllable and observable languages},
  AUTHOR = {R. Kumar and V. K. Garg and S. I. Marcus},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 1989 Allerton Conference},
  YEAR = {1989},
  PAGES = {501--510},
  ADDRESS = {Allerton, IL}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg},
  TITLE = {Analysis of Distributed Systems with Many Identical
  PAGES = {358--365},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
		 Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)},
  YEAR = {1988},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  ADDRESS = {Washington, DC},
  ISBN = {0-8186-0865-X}

  TITLE = {Specification and analysis of distributed systems with
		 a large number of processes},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay Kumar Garg},
  YEAR = {1988},
  ANNOTE = {University of California; Berkeley.--Dept. of
		 Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at alcme.oclc.org},
  DESCRIPTION = {Thesis (Ph. D. in Computer Science)--University of
		 California, Berkeley, Nov. 1988.; Bibliography: leaves
  OAI = {oai:xtcat.oclc.org:OCLCNo/ocm21854261},
  SCHOOL = {University of California, Berkeley, Nov.}

  TITLE = {Support for Reusability in Genesis},
  AUTHOR = {C. V. Ramamoorthy and Vijay K. Garg and Atul Prakash},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
  PAGES = {1145--1154},
  YEAR = {1988},
  VOLUME = {14},
  NUMBER = {8}

  AUTHOR = {V. K. Garg and C. V. Ramamoorthy},
  TITLE = {Effect of Locality in Large Networks},
  PAGES = {544--551},
  BOOKTITLE = {7th International Conference on Distributed Computing
		 Systems ({ICDCS} '87)},
  ISBN = {0-8186-0801-3},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  ADDRESS = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  YEAR = {1987}

  TITLE = {Software Development Support for {AI} Programs},
  AUTHOR = {C. V. Ramamoorthy and Shashi Shekhar and Vijay K.
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Computer},
  YEAR = {1987},
  NUMBER = {1},
  VOLUME = {20},
  BIBDATE = {2002-06-07},
  PAGES = {30--40}

  TITLE = {Issues in the Development of Large, Distributed, and
		 Reliable Software},
  AUTHOR = {C. V. Ramamoorthy and Atul Prakash and Vijay K. Garg
		 and Tsuneo Yamaura and Anupam Bhide},
  JOURNAL = {Advances in Computers},
  YEAR = {1987},
  VOLUME = {26},
  BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
  PAGES = {393--443}

  TITLE = {Programming in the Large},
  AUTHOR = {C. V. Ramamoorthy and Vijay K. Garg and Atul Prakash},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
  PAGES = {769--783},
  YEAR = {1986},
  VOLUME = {12},
  NUMBER = {7}

  KEY = {Agrawl \& Garg},
  AUTHOR = {Mukul Babu Agrawal and Vijay Kumar Garg},
  TITLE = {Dimensional Analysis in Pascal},
  YEAR = {1984},
  VOLUME = {19},
  NUMBER = {3},
  PAGES = {7--11},
  ANNOTE = {Claims dimensional analysis needs extensions to type
		 structure and makes a proposal for extensions to
		 Pascal. 3 references.}

  AUTHOR = {Vijay Kumar Garg},
  TITLE = {Screen-oriented highlevel debugger {(SHD)} for
  JOURNAL = {ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices},
  VOLUME = {19},
  NUMBER = {3},
  PAGES = {39--41},
  YEAR = {1984},
  ISSN = {0362-1340},
  BIBDATE = {Sun Dec 14 09:14:42 MST 2003},
  BIBSOURCE = {http://portal.acm.org/},
  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = {Nelson H. F. Beebe, Center for Scientific
		 Computing, University of Utah, Department of
		 Mathematics, 110 LCB, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake
		 City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1
		 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|,
		 \path|beebe@acm.org|, \path|beebe@computer.org|
		 (Internet), URL:
  CLASSIFICATION = {C6150G (Diagnostic, testing, debugging and
		 evaluating systems)},
  CORPSOURCE = {IIT, Kanpur, India},
  KEYWORDS = {debugger; high level; interactive programming; Pascal;
		 program debugging; screen oriented},
  TREATMENT = {P Practical}

  TITLE = {Control of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Modeled
		 by Probabilistic Languages},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  ABSTRACT = {In earlier papers [7, 6, 5] we introduced the
		 formalism of probabilistic languages for modeling the
		 stochastic qualitative behavior of discrete event
		 systems (DESs). In this paper we study their
		 supervisory control where the control is exercised by
		 dynamically disabling certain controllable events
		 thereby nulling the occurrence probabilities of
		 disabled events, and increasing the occurrence
		 probabilities of enabled events proportionately. This
		 is a special case of probabilistic supervision{}

  TITLE = {On the Fly Testing of Regular Patterms in Distributed
  AUTHOR = {Eddy Fromentin and Michel Raynal and Vijay K Garg},
  ANNOTE = {Eddy Fromentin (IRISA Projet ADP , Campus
		 universitaire de Beaulieu , 35042 Rennes Cedex ,
		 France); Michel Raynal (IRISA Projet ADP , Campus
		 universitaire de Beaulieu , 35042 Rennes Cedex ,
		 France); Vijay K Garg (IRISA Projet ADP , Campus
		 universitaire de Beaulieu , 35042 Rennes Cedex ,
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  DESCRIPTION = {This paper will appear in the proceedings of the 23},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:323292},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/323292.html;

  PAGES = {13 p.},
  TYPE = {Technical Report},
  NUMBER = {RR-2252},
  INSTITUTION = {Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique
		 et en Automatique},
  TITLE = {On the fly testing of regular patterns in distributed
  BIBDATE = {April 1, 1994},
  AUTHOR = {Eddy Fromentin and Michel Raynal and Vijay K. Garg and
		 Alex Tomlinson},

  PAGES = {19 p.},
  TYPE = {Technical Report},
  NUMBER = {RR-2384},
  INSTITUTION = {Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique
		 et en Automatique},
  TITLE = {Expressing and Detecting Control Flow Properties of
		 Distributed Computations},
  BIBDATE = {October 1, 1994},
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and Alex Tomlinson and Eddy Fromentin
		 and Michel Raynal},
  ABSTRACT = {Les propri{\'e}t{\'e}s d{'}une ex{\'e}cution
		 r{\'e}partie peuvent \être exprim{\'e}es sur ses
		 {\'e}tats globaux ou bien sur ses flots de
		 contr\ôle. Nous nous int{\'e}ressons dans ce
		 rapport aux propri{\'e}t{\'e}s sur les flots de
		 contr\ôle. Dans un premier temps, est
		 pr{\'e}sent{\'e}e une logique simple (quoique
		 puissante) permettant d{'}exprimer des
		 propri{\'e}t{\'e}s sur les flots de contr\ôle vus
		 comme des s{\'e}quences d{'}{\'e}tats locaux. Au moyen
		 de cette logique, nous pouvons notamment exprimer des
		 propri{\'e}t{\'e}s telles l{'}invariance, les
		 propri{\'e}t{\'e}s s{\'e}quentielles (un flot de
		 contr\ôle satisfait une propri{\'e}t{\'e}
		 s{\'e}quentielle si et seulement si il peut \être
		 mis en correspondance avec un motif d{\'e}crit comme un
		 mot sur un alphabet) et les propri{\'e}t{\'e}s non
		 s{\'e}quentielles (ces propri{\'e}t{\'e}s ne
		 consid{\`e}rent pas qu{'}un seul flot de
		 contr\ôle au m\ême instant). Nous
		 pr{\'e}sentons ensuite un algorithme
		 d{\'e}centralis{\'e} permettant la d{\'e}tection de
		 toute propri{\'e}t{\'e} d{\'e}crite au moyen de cette
		 logique. Cet algorithme, bien que simple en d{\'e}pit
		 de sa puissance d{'}expression, observe
		 l{'}ex{\'e}cution r{\'e}partie sous-jacente en en
		 pr{\'e}servant les flots de contr\ôle (les
		 informations n{\'e}cessaire {\`a} la d{\'e}tection sont
		 transmises dans les messages de l{'}application).
		 Properties of distributed computations can be either on
		 their global states or on their control flows. This
		 paper addresses control flow properties. It first
		 presents a simple yet powerful logic for expressing
		 general properties on control flows, seen as sequences
		 of local states. Among other properties, we can express
		 invariance, sequential properties (to satisfy such a
		 property a control flow must match a pattern described
		 as a word on some alphabet) and non-sequential
		 properties (these properties are on several control
		 flows at the same time). A decentralized detection
		 algorithm for properties described by this logic is
		 then presented. This algorithm, surprisingly simple
		 despite the power of the logic, observes the underlying
		 distributed computation, does not alter its control
		 flows and uses message tags to carry detection-related

  TITLE = {Extremal Solutions of Inequations over Lattices with
		 Applications to Supervisory Control},
  AUTHOR = {Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg},
  YEAR = {0},
  MONTH = DEC # {~03},
  ABSTRACT = {We study the existence and computation of extremal
		 solutions of a system of inequations defined over
		 lattices. Using the Knaster-Tarski fixed point theorem,
		 we obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of
		 supremal as well as infimal solution of a given system
		 of inequations. Iterative techniques are presented for
		 the computation of the extremal solutions whenever they
		 exist, and conditions under which the termination
		 occurs in a single iteration are provided. These
		 results are then applied for obtaining extremal
		 solutions of various inequations that arise in
		 computation of maximally permissive supervisors in
		 control of logical discrete event systems (DESs) first
		 studied by Ramadge and Wonham. Thus our work presents a
		 unifying approach for computation of supervisors in a
		 variety of situations. Keywords: Fixed points,
		 lattices, inequations, discrete event systems,
		 supervisory control, language theory. 1 Introduction
		 Given a set X and a function f : X ! X, x 2 X is called
		 a fixed p...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:94231; oai:CiteSeerPSU:12283;
  ANNOTE = {Ratnesh Kumar (Department of Electrical Engineering;
		 University of Kentucky; Lexington , KY 40506-0046);
		 Vijay K. Garg (Department of Electrical and Computer
		 Engineering; University of Texas at Austin; Austin , TX
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:287011},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/287011.html;

  TITLE = {Implementable Failure Detectors in Asynchronous
  AUTHOR = {Vijay K. Garg and J. Roger Mitchell},
  YEAR = {0},
  MONTH = APR # {~09},
  ABSTRACT = {The failure detectors discussed in the literature so
		 far are impossible to implement in an asynchronous
		 system. We introduce a failure detector called
		 infinitely often accurate failure detector which can be
		 implemented in an asynchronous system. We provide one
		 such implementation and show its application to
		 fault-tolerant server maintenance problem. 1
		 Introduction We introduce a failure detector which is
		 implementable in asynchronous systems. The previous
		 work [CT96] has only considered those failure detectors
		 which solve the consensus problem in asynchronous
		 systems. It follows from [FLP85] that these failure
		 detectors are not implementable in asynchronous
		 systems. The failure detector introduced in this paper,
		 called Infinitely Often Accurate detector (IO detector
		 for short), can be implemented efficiently in
		 asynchronous systems. An IO detector requires the
		 detector to satisfy even weaker accuracy then
		 eventually weak accuracy proposed by Chandra and Toueg
		 [CT96]. Intuitively,...},
  CITESEER-REFERENCES = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:416345; oai:CiteSeerPSU:534597;
		 oai:CiteSeerPSU:570744; oai:CiteSeerPSU:394466},
  ANNOTE = {Vijay K. Garg (Parallel and Distributed Systems
		 Laboratory); J. Roger Mitchell (Parallel and
		 Distributed Systems Laboratory);},
  BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at cs1.ist.psu.edu},
  LANGUAGE = {en},
  OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:245745},
  RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
  URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/245745.html;

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