import java.util.Timer;
public class StableSpanNonroot extends Process {
    int parent = -1;
    int dist = 0;
    int newDist = 0;//distance after recalculation
    Timer t = new Timer();
    int numReports;
    public StableSpanNonroot(Linker initComm) {
        t.schedule(new RestartTask(this), 1000, 1000);
    public synchronized void recalculate(){
        newDist = N;//init newDist to max possible
        sendToNeighbors("Q.dist",0);//query neighbors for their dist
        numReports = comm.neighbors.size();
        while (numReports > 0) myWait(); //wait for all responses
        dist = newDist;
    public synchronized void handleMsg(Message m, int source, String tag) {
        if (tag.equals("Q.dist")) {
                sendMsg(source, "A.dist", dist); //reply with my dist
        } else if (tag.equals("A.dist")) {
            int hisDist = m.getMessageInt();
            if ((hisDist>=0) && (newDist > hisDist)) {
               newDist = hisDist+1;
               parent = source;
        } else if (tag.equals("restart")) {