Global predicate detection is a fundamental problem in distributed computing in the areas of distributed debugging and software fault-tolerance. It requires searching the global state lattice of a computation to determine if any consistent global state (CGS) satisfies the given predicate. Alagar and Venkatesan's algorithm performs the depth-first-search (DFS) traversal of the lattice and requires $O(nM)$ time and $O(nE)$ space where where $n$ is the number of processes, $M$ is the number of consistent global states and $E$ is the number of events in the computation. In many distributed computing applications, the breadth-first-search (BFS) traversal and the {\em lexical} traversal of the lattice are more useful. We propose a new algorithm that performs the {\em lexical} traversal of the lattice with $O(nE)$ space and $O(n^2M)$ time complexity. Cooper and Marzullo's algorithm performs a BFS traversal and requires exponential {\em space}. We show that the time complexity of the BFS traversal can be reduced by exploiting the distributive lattice structure of the global state graph. Further, we show that the BFS can be performed in polynomial space by increasing the time complexity. Enumeration of the CGS lattice in the {\em lexical} and the BFS order has applications in combinatorial enumeration besides distributed computing. We show that the algorithms discussed in the paper can be used to efficiently enumerate all subsets of $[n]$ (the set $\{1..n\}$), all subsets of $[n]$ of size $k$, all permutations, all integer partitions less than a given partition, all integer partitions of a given number, all $n$-tuples of a product space, and many other families of combinatorial objects. Finally, we discuss detection of global predicate under {\em definitely} modality. Cooper and Marzullo's algorithm for this problem requires space exponential in size of the computation. We give a simple algorithm that requires only polynomial space.