%update 4/7/01 \begin{abstract} {\em In this paper, we show the connection between vector clocks used in distributed computing and dimension theory of partially ordered sets. Based on this connection, we provide lower bounds on the number of coordinates for timestamping events in a distributed computation for capturing the happened-before relation. To this end, we introduce the notion of a string realizer and the string dimension of a poset. For distributed computing and other applications, the concept of string realizer is more natural than the chain realizer used in the classical dimension theory. We establish the relationship between the string dimension and the chain dimension of a poset. Using this relationship and Dilworth's theorem for the chain dimension of finite distributive lattices, we obtain the desired lower bound. The concept of strings also has applications in efficient encoding of partial orders because it requires fewer bits to encode a string realizer than a chain realizer. } \end{abstract}