L: a lattice Q(L) = quotient set of the lattice = {b/a | a in J(L) and b in M(L) and a <= b} Proposition 1 If S is a suballtice L of finite length then S = L - cup_A [a,b] for some A \subseteq Q(L). Proof: to show that for all x in L-S, there is some b/a in Q(L) such that x \in [a,b] and [a,b] \subseteq L-S. If not, exists x on L-S: no such b/a exists. (*) Let A = {a in J(L) | a <= x} Let B = {b in M(L) | x <= b} A is non-empty. B is no-empty From (*), for all [a,b] such that a in A and b in B, they have non-empty intersection with S Let yba be in S \cap [a,b] Let z = join_a meet_b yba \in S because S is a complete sub-lattice, z \in S. We will also show that z is in L-S a contradiction. x = { definition of A } join_{a in A} (a) = {idempotency of meets} join_{a in A} meet_{b in B} (a) <= { a <= yba } join_{a in A} meet_{b in B} (yba) <= { yba <= b } join_{a in A} meet_{b in B} (b) = meet_{b in B} b = x This implies all must be equal. Therefore, z=x which is in L-S. end of proof. More direct proof is as follows.