#Number TR-PDS-1995-004 #Title On Techniques and their Limitations for the Global Predicate Detection Problem in Distributed Systems #Author Craig M. Chase and Vijay K. Garg #Abstract We show that the problem of predicate detection in distributed systems is NP-complete. We introduce a class of predicates, linear predicates, such that for any linear predicate B there exists an efficient detection of the least cut satisfying B. We show that the least cut may not even exist if the predicate is not linear. The dual of linearity is post-linearity. These properties generalize several known properties of distributed systems, such as the set of consistent cuts forms a lattice, and the WCP and GCP predicate dectection results given in earlier work. We define a more general class of predicates, semi-linear predicates, for which efficient algorithms are known to detect whether a predicate has occurred during an execution of a distributed program. However, these methods may not identify the least such cut. Any stable predicate is an example of a semi-linear predicate. In addition, we show that certain unstable predicates can also be semi-linear, such as mutual exclusion violation. Finally, we show application of max-flow to the predicate detection problem. We give a simple transformation of the traditional poset representation of a distributed execution into a flow graph. We show that computing the max-flow of this graph is equivalent to identifying a consistent cut which minimizes the sum of a set of distributed variables. This result solves a previously open problem in predicate detection, establishing the existance of an efficient algorithm to detect predicates of the form x1 + x2 ... + xN < C where the xi are variables on different processes, C is some constant, and N is larger than 2. #Bib @TechReport{CG95, author = "Craig M. Chase and Vijay K. Garg", title = "On Techniques and their Limitations for the Global Predicate Detection Problem in Distributed Systems", institution = "Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, ECE Dept. University of Texas at Austin", year = "1995", number = "TR-PDS-1995-004", note = "submitted to the 1995 conference on Principles of Distributed Computing", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1995-004", }