#Number TR-PDS-1995-005 #Title A Parallel Algorithm for Optimal Margin Classifiers #Author Ross Baldick and Craig M. Chase #Abstract In a recent paper, Boser et al. describe an algorithm based on quadratic programming for training a classifier that maximizes the classification margin between dichotomous classes of patterns. Boser et al.'s algorithm can treat classification problems having parameter spaces of very high dimension because it solves the problem in the dual space. If the margin in the original problem is positive, that is, if there exists a hyperplane separating the two classes, then the dual problem is a convex quadratic program. The dual problem has dimension equal to the number of patterns. Unfortunately, the number of patterns, while finite, is also very large. Consequently, Boser et al.'s algorithm requires considerable computational effort to execute. In this paper we propose a parallel implementation of Boser et al.'s algorithm. We demonstrate the implementation on an example database and analyze its performance. We also indicate extensions to other problems of similar structure. #Bib @TechReport{BC95, author = "Ross Baldick and Craig. M. Chase", title = "A Parallel Algorithm for Optimal Margin Classifiers", institution = "Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, ECE Dept., University of Texas at Austin", year = "1995", number = "TR-PDS-1995-005", note = "submitted to Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1995-005" }