#Number TR-PDS-1995-013 #Title Sharing state information for fast recovery in a $k$ faulty system #Author J. Roger Mitchell #Abstract There have largely been two approaches to recovery in a distributed system following a failure: checkpointing to stable storage and replication of processes. Both allow a process to fail and recover assuming stable storage or a replicate is not adversely affected during the failure. In the approach presented here, we use checkpointing at another process which does not require either replicates or stable storage. This provides the benefits of lower communication overhead as compared to replicates and faster recovery as compared to stable storage. #Bib @InProceedings{, author = "J. Roger Mitchell", title = "Sharing state information for fast recovery in a $k$ faulty system", booktitle = "the publication name", address = "location of publication", month = "", note = 1995, note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1995-013" }