#Number TR-PDS-1995-015 #Title Reaching Agreement Optimistically in a Faulty Asynchronous System #Author J. Roger Mitchell and Vijay K. Garg #Abstract Agreement among processes in a faulty distributed system is useful for the solution to leader election, atomic broadcast, and commit protocols, among others. We present a method for solving consensus using optimism. Our approach is optimistic in that processes do not wait on other processes. Instead they assume all proposals have been received and continue execution. Only if this assumption is later proved wrong, are actions based on these tentative decisions required to roll back. With this approach, all processes can decide the same value in a completely asynchronous distributed system that has process, message, or channel failures, and thus can become partitioned. Since no protocol can commit in a distributed system with these characteristics (by the impossibility result), we discuss methods for using optimistic agreement with other commitment algorithms. When employed this way, the approach provides benefits of continued execution in a partition, optimistic execution during commit, and a loose failure model for the asynchronous agreement group. #Bib @TechReport{SC95, author = "J. Roger Mitchell and Vijay K. Garg" title = "Reaching Agreement Optimistically in a Faulty Asynchronous System", institution = "Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, ECE Dept. University of Texas at Austin", year = "1995", number = "TR-PDS-1995-015", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1995-015", }