#Number TR-PDS-1996-008 #Title Armadillo: A High-Performance Processor Simulator #Author Brian C. Grayson Craig M. Chase #Abstract Armadillo is a high-performance, execution-driven, non-native multiprocessor simulator. Each node of the simulated architecture is highly configurable, including the configuration of the superscalar, PowerPC-based CPU and many aspects of the memory hierarchy (cache, busses, memory, and the network interface). This paper discusses the design and implementation of the simulator, and also presents some single-node simulation performance results. #Bib @TechReport{, author = "Brian C. Grayson and Craig M. Chase", title = "Armadillo: A High-Performance Processor Simulator", institution = "Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, ECE Dept. University of Texas at Austin", year = "1996", number = "ECE-PDS-1996-008", note = "An earlier version of this work appeared as Brian Grayson's Master of Science Thesis", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report ECE-PDS-1996-008", }