#Number TR-PDS-1997-004 #Title Testing Distributed Programs with Re-execution #Author Richard Kilgore Dr. Craig M. Chase #Abstract Finding errors in non-deterministic programs is complicated by the fact that a software defect-induced anomaly may occur during one program execution, and not the next. Our objective is to provide a practical yet powerful testing environment for distributed systems. By re-executing the program under strictly different message orderings, we can observe different potential behaviors of the distributed program. Contributions of this paper include our funnel and wave theory, and two re-execution algorithms: one that performs an optimal single test run, and another that creates an optimally small test suite of re-executions when the goal is complete coverage. #Bib @InProceedings{, author = "Richard Kilgore and Craig M. Chase", title = "Testing Distributed Programs with Re-execution", institution = "Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, ECE Dept. University of Texas at Austin", booktitle = "the publication name", address = "location of publication", month = aug, note = 1997, note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1997-004" }