#Number TR-PDS-1997-009 #Title The Challenges of Low-Overhead Message-Passing Communication Using Commodity Superscalar Processors #Author Brian Grayson Craig Chase #Abstract Commodity microprocessors are generally used as the compute base for high performance parallel machines, including networks of workstations (NOWs) and parallel computers. In spite of recent advances, communication between processors remains relatively expensive. We present a message passing model and network interface design that reduces communication overhead nearly to the absolute limit. Unlike previous work, we assume a highly-parallel superscalar processing node with a weakly-consistent memory system. We show how traditional techniques (e.g. polling for message arrival) are poorly suited for superscalar processors, and introduce new synchronization methods that allow computation to proceed in a purely dataflow fashion, without modifications to the processor architecture. Messages are sent as soon as their data has been written, computation commences as soon as incoming data arrives, and local computation can be arbitrarily intermixed with communication subject only to the true data dependences that exist in the program. #Bib @TechReport{, author = "Brian Grayson and Craig Chase", title = "The Challenges of Low-Overhead Message-Passing Communication Using Commodity Superscalar Processors", institution = " Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, ECE Dept. University of Texas at Austin", month = "July", note = 1997, note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1997-009" }