#Number TR-PDS-1998-003 #Title On the Resilience of Multicasting Strategies in a Failure-Propagating Environment #Author Meng-Jang Lin, Aleta Ricciardi and Keith Marzullo (UCSD) #Abstract We define an infective system as one in which processes may corrupt one another, without bound, through shared state. In message passing systems, infection may occur when an infected process sends an infective message. Since infection spreads by communication, we expect that when algorithms differ in the pattern of communication, the rate at which infection spreads will also differ. We examine this through simulation and further examine the effects of varying the parameters of an infective system. #Bib @techreport{TR9803 author = {M-J. Lin and A. Ricciardi and K. Marzullo}, title = {{On the Resilience of Multicasting Strategies in a Failure-Propagating Environment}}, institution = {UT Austin}, number = {PDS-1998-003}, year = {1998} }