#Number TR-PDS-1998-010 #Title Distributed Recovery with $K$-Optimistic Logging #Author Om P. Damani Yi-Min Wang Vijay K. Garg #Abstract Fault-tolerance techniques based on checkpointing and message logging have been increasingly used in real-world applications to reduce service down-time. Most industrial applications have chosen pessimistic logging because it allows fast and localized recovery. The price that they must pay, however, is the high failure-free overhead. In this paper, we introduce the concept of $K$-optimistic logging where $K$ is the degree of optimism that can be used to fine-tune the trade-off between failure-free overhead and recovery efficiency. Traditional pessimistic logging and optimistic logging then become the two extremes in the entire spectrum spanned by $K$-optimistic logging. Our results generalize several previously known protocols. Our approach is to prove that only dependencies on those states that may be lost upon a failure need to be tracked on-line, and so transitive dependency tracking can be performed with a variable-size vector. The size of the vector piggy-backed on a message then indicates the number of processes whose failures may revoke the message, and $K$ corresponds to the upper bound on the vector size. Furthermore, the parameter $K$ is dynamically tunable in response to changing system characteristics. #Bib @InProceedings{, author = "", title = "", booktitle = "the publication name", address = "location of publication", month = "", note = 1998, note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-1998-010" }