#Number TR-PDS-2001-003 #Title Detecting Temporal Logic Predicates on the Happened-Before Model #Author Alper Sen, Vijay K. Garg #Abstract Detection of a global predicate is a fundamental problem in distributed computing. In this paper we describe new predicate detection algorithms for certain temporal logic predicates. We use a temporal logic, CTL, for specifying properties of a distributed computation and interpret it on a finite lattice of global states. We present solutions to the predicate detection of linear and observer-independent predicates under $\EG$ and $\AG$ operators of CTL. For linear predicates we develop polynomial-time predicate detection algorithms which exploit the structure of finite distributive lattices. For observer-independent predicates we prove that predicate detection is NP-complete under $\EG$ operator and co-NP-complete under $\AG$ operator. We also present polynomial-time algorithms for a CTL operator called \until, for which such algorithms did not exist. Finally, our work unifies many earlier results in predicate detection in a single framework. #Bib @techreport{TR-PDS-2001-003, author = "Alper Sen and Vijay K. Garg", title = "Detecting Temporal Logic Predicates on the Happened-Before Model", instituition = "The University of Texas at Austin", year = "2001", number = "TR-PDS-2001-003", note = "available via ftp or WWW at maple.ece.utexas.edu as technical report TR-PDS-2001-003" }